
Runtime: 9 min.
Status: Released
Certification: NR

Una simple y ambiciosa historia desde el interior de una ventana (2020)

A journey to the past inspired by nostalgia, the basis of happiness. A simple and ambitious story from the inside of a window establishes the delicate boundaries between the past, the present and the future. Produced during 2020's confinement due to Covid-19.

Una simple y ambiciosa historia desde el interior de una ventana (2020)

A journey to the past inspired by nostalgia, the basis of happiness. A simple and ambitious story from the inside of a window establishes the delicate boundaries between the past, the present and the future. Produced during 2020's confinement due to Covid-19.

Runtime: 9 min.
Released: April 12, 2020
Digital Release: April 12, 2020
Status: Released
Certification: NR / 3+

Updated: 2 weeks ago
Next update: 4 weeks from now