Love and Crime (1969)
A series of short stories about bizarre crimes committed by females in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa Eras. Discover 4 famous Japanese murderers: Takahashi Oden, the last woman beheaded in Japan, Sada Abe, a crazy lover, Kunihiko Kodaira, a rapist-killer and finally, the Toyokaku case, a woman who did everything to own a hotel.
Genres: Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Keywords: mdblist.belongs-to-collection, imdb.murder, imdb.joys-of-torture-series, imdb.year-1969, imdb.year-1936, imdb.true-crime, imdb.taisho-era + 16 more, imdb.showa-era, imdb.severed-penis, imdb.real-crime, imdb.penis-obsession, imdb.penis-amputation, imdb.penis, imdb.murderess, imdb.japanese-woman, imdb.meiji-period, imdb.based-on-true-story, mdblist.collection-follow-up, tmdb.anthology, tmdb.softcore, imdb.woman, imdb.rape, mdblist.ext.2k-blu-ray
Production companies: Toei Company