Baby Blues (2013)
Natalia is a 17-year-old mom living with her mother and son, Antos. She wanted to have a baby because it was a “cool” thing to do, and because she feels she has someone to love; someone who can love her in return. Everything changes when Natalia’s mother decides to move out, giving Natalia a chance to lead a “normal life.”
Keywords: tmdb.parent-child-relationship, tmdb.pregnancy, tmdb.birth, tmdb.woman-director, tmdb.pregnant-teen, tmdb.immaturity, tmdb.maternity + 14 more, imdb.female-rear-nudity, imdb.female-nudity, imdb.female-full-frontal-nudity, imdb.title-directed-by-female, imdb.f-rated, imdb.girl-wearing-underwear-and-socks,, imdb.girl-with-socks-on, imdb.female-feet-in-socks,, imdb.ankle-socks, imdb.socks, soundmix.dolby-digital, aspectratio.1-85-1
Production companies: Zentropa International Poland, Telekomunikacja Polska, Mental Disorder 4