Sept. 21, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E1 - Episode 1
There is only a fortnight before the Lunar New Year, Kong's wife prepares a feast to entertain the workers in her handbag factory.
While they are all excited to wait for their boss Cheung Tai Kong to distribute their bonus and double-pay, Tai Kong uses pretext to postpone payment. They are all disappointed.
In fact, the domestic factory run by Tai Kong is facing with the problem of high wages. It directly increases - the ‧cost of production. Moreover, the method of management is so outdated that Kong has to close the factory.
When the workers learn that, they are shocked and they do not know how to react. They try to negotiate with Tai Kong. Tai Kong cannot stand the pressure. His heart disease recurs and he faints. Yiu Jo is obliged to pacify the workers.
Wing Cheong feels empathy with the workers and with the instigation of his girl friend Ah Ling, he- acts as the representative of the workers and goes to negotiate with Kong and Jo……
Sept. 22, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E2 - Episode 2
Wing Cheong becomes the leader of the workers and they hold a demonstration in front of the Governor's House. They fight against the employer who has cheated the labor. Tai Kong thinks that Wing Cheong shows no gratitude towards him. Chi Wai works as a middle-man to mediate between them but his attempt is futile. Tai Kong decides to terminate the master and apprentice relationship with Wing Cheong and he drives him out from Cheung’s family.
As Wing Cheong has become homeless, Chi Wai arranges him to live in a motel, Moreover, he tries his best to remove the misunderstanding between Tai Kong and Wing Cheong. However, his attempt is in vain.
Wing Cheong is unemployed. Since he is in a plight, Ah Ling looks down upon him. So, he becomes very self-abased.
Chi Wai finds a job as a lorry driver who has to travel between China and Hong Kong. All his friends feel relieved but they worry about the complicated environment……
Sept. 23, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E3 - Episode 3
Wing Cheong knows that Tai Kong will move all the machines to China so that he can pay the indemnity to his former employees after he has earned enough money. So, he does not want to press him any more. However, the workers misjudge that he is doing a favour to Tai Kong. They force him to abdicate his right as the workers‧ representative.
Wing Cheong and Ah Ling start a quarrel in the street due to the afore-mentioned cause. At that time, they meet Mei Wah who further worsens the situation. Finally, they are separated.
Mei Wah makes a new boy friend who is obedient to her. She enjoys her love relation with this boy.
Yiu Jo makes every efforts to help Tai Kong to set up the factory. At the beginning, Jo and Kong find it difficult to adapt to the way of living in China and they cause a lot of jokes. Later on, they can adapt to it gradually.
While Yiu Jo is founding the factory, he meets a girl worker Lee Tung……
Sept. 24, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E4 - Episode 4
Old Chow sends a television to Cadre Tsui Yat Tung in order to bribe him to improve the quality of workers. Yat Tung is reluctant to accept the bribe, however, his daughter Tsui Lo does not allow him to move the television as she is born with vanity. Yat Tung has no alternative but to accept the television set.
Tsui Lo has a boy friend Kong Kwan Loy and their love relation is harmonious as it started when they were children. Tsui Lo is an active girl, so she always plays tricks on Kwan Loy because he is conservative.
Old Chow has a lot of orders. With the approval of the Council of Foreign Trade, he forces the workers to work over time. Lee Tung is instructed to notify the workers, however, she is criticized by Secretary Wong as she is 'helping the capitalist to abuse the workers. As a result of this charge, she has to write a letter of repentance. However. she is reluctant to do so, Thus, she is transferred to work as a janitor……
Sept. 25, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E5 - Episode 5
Mei Wah is madly in love with Yat On, therefore, she always takes the initiative to develop their relation. However, it makes Yat On a bit afraid of her. Later on, Wing Cheong wants to take revenge on Mei Wah for she has dealt a blow to his love relationship with Ah Ling. He makes a plot to separate them. Mei Wah becomes a love-lorn girl again.
Mei -Wah is-heart-broken. She finds that Wing Cheong-can easily be manipulated. Thus, she tries her best to flatter him because she wants him to be her lover so that she can have a sense of security. Jo and Kong find that Old Chow is making a plot to cheat them. Thus, the business of their factory suffers a great loss. Kong has no alternative but returns to Hong Kong to take a rest.
Yiu Jo looks after the factory in China. Unexpectedly, some vagabonds go to steal-the parts of the machines after mid-night. Moreover, they beat Yiu Jo severely……
Sept. 28, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E6 - Episode 6
After all the sufferings and hardship, Yiu Jo and Tai Kong return to Hong Kong finally. However, they are afraid that they cannot pacify their creditors. So, they hide themselves and ask Kong's wife to deal with the creditors.
Tai Kong does--not want to lead a life in fear, therefore, he - takes the initiative to explain the whole matter to his creditors. However, the creditors do not forgive him. The dispute should be solved by jurisdiction. Either Tai Kong or Yiu Jo should be sent to jail. Finally, Yiu Jo is convinced by Tai Kong that Tai Kong has to face the punishment. Yiu Jo is very upset.
For the sake of his family, Yiu Jo works in a factory. He is abused by his boss so that he is unhappy.
Mei Wah tries her best to please Wing Cheong but she finds that he is not a romantic lover. She is rather disappointed. However, when she knows that he has been separated from Ah Ling, she wants to seek the chance. Thus, she suits his taste……
Sept. 29, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E7 - Episode 7
Once Mei Wah has found her lover by lies, she pretends to be pregnant to force Wing Cheong to marry her. Wing Cheong feels that he is indebted to her, therefore, he has no alternative but to promise her marriage proposal.
Tai Kong is released from prison. When he knows that Mei Wah will marry Wing Cheong, he is very angry and he tries his best to oppose it. However, his objection is too late as Mei Wah is pregnant. Thus, he has to agree though he still has strong prejudice against Wing Cheong.
After the marriage, Mei Wah uses all her methods to manipulate Wing Cheong. Wing Cheong is afraid of her, therefore, he has to follow her.
The police in China has arrested Old Chow. They return part of the goods of Tai Kong so that he needs not to face a total loss.
Yiu Jo misses Lee Tung so much so that he goes to China in order to know her whereabouts……
Sept. 30, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E8 - Episode 8
Yiu Jo still has confidence in investment. As there is an opportunity to set a factory in Shenzhen, he discusses it with Tai Kong. Tai Kong is finally convinced to give support.
After a series of hard work, Yiu Jo is able to set a factory in Shenzhen to show his caliber .He decides to develp it into a well-established handbag factory.
Yiu Jo goes all the way to recruit his workers. He asks Lee Tung to work as the supervisor to teach the woman workers. Lee Tung is pleased to accept the appointment.
Tsui Lo always dreams of the prosperous living style in Shenzhen. She urges Lee Tung to bring her to earn living in Shenzhen. Kwan Loy misses Tsui-Lo and he wants to marry her at once. Tsui Lo rejects him and she claims that she will go back to lead a stable life with him after she has saved enough money.
Lo s father does not trust in "One Country, Two Systems" policy. He believes that the special economic zone will become a failure at last……
Oct. 1, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E9 - Episode 9
While Tsui Lo is window-shopping with Jo and Tung in a busy street, she is separated from them. She is scare and she is nearly knocked down by Chi Wai’s truck. Later on, Chi Wai uses some money to bribe her not to report the accident.
The first lot of goods is finished on time, Yiu Jo calls Chi Wai, Tung and Lo to have celebration. When Tsui Lo sees Chi Wai, she is embarrassed but she tries to take it easy.
Chi Wai is attracted by Tsui La's beautiful appearance. He knows that she comes from a family of senior cadre so that she is rather arrogant and snobbish. He thinks that it is a challenge for him and he decides to make her his girl friend.
A worker takes the public property without notice and she is caught by Yiu Jo. He wants to fire her. Lee Tung asks Yiu Jo to pardon her so that the worker can make a new start. However, the worker misjudges that Lee Tung is the one who reports the case and pretends to be a helper……
Oct. 2, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E10 - Episode 10
Tsui Lo dresses herself up so as to return home in glory. However, her father thinks that she is influenced by the erosive philosophy of capitalism and there is no hope for recovery. They have conflicts.
Mei Wah tries every methods to control Wing Cheong in order to manipulate him.. Besides, she encourages him to take evening courses to improve himself. For the sake of their baby, he f o follows all her orderas he does not want to act against her.
Wing Cheong realizes that Mei Wah is not pregnant by chance. He is very angry and they nearly divorce. At that moment, Mei Wah is really pregnant and their relationship is improved.
Wing Cheong‧s working performance is so remarkable that his supervisor appreciates him and offers the post of production manager in Shenzhen branch to him. Mei Wah fears that he will lead a licentious life and she wants to oppose it……
Oct. 5, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E11 - Episode 11
Lee Tung comes from a poor family and she fears that her parents will not let her marry a Hong Kong citizen. She is in distress.
Yiu Jo decides to pay a visit to Tung's parents to talk about their marriage. Tung's parents find that Yiu Jo is not flamboyant and he is reliable. Thus, they agree to let Lee Tung marry him.
Yiu Jo tells his parents about the marriage. Tai Kong does not like Lee Tung for she is not a woman of fashion and she is not an ideal partner for Yiu Jo in social functions. He opposes the marriage but Yiu Jo holds his own viewpoint firmly.
Tai Kong voluntarily arranges meetings for .Yiu Jo to choose hi s wife. Yiu Jo recognizes his plot and he deteriorates it. As a result, Yiu Jo becomes more active in preparing his marriage with Lee Tung. Tai Kong is upset.
Tsui Lo witnesses that the love between Tung and Jo is stable and ready for marriage. However, Chi Wai's attitude to her is still unpredictable……
Oct. 6, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E12 - Episode 12
Lee Tung misjudges that Yiu Jo is not a faithful lover for he has met some other girls in Hong Kong. She feels very uneasy and suggests to postpone the marriage.
Yiu Jo understands Lee Tung's state of mind and. he does not want to force her to marry him. He asks her to observe his behavior to prove his words. Finally, Lee Tung is moved by his sincerity and sets a date of marriage.
Tai Kong is convinced by his wife and he promises to sign the "Letter of Agreement". However, he claims that he will not attend the wedding ceremony.
When Tsui Lo returns home, her father finds that her dress is rather seductive and he has a strong feeling of hatred. He does not allow her to sleep at‧‧ home. Lee Tung sympathizes Tsui Lo and lets-her live in her home tentatively .-
As Lee tung has found an ideal husband, Tsui Lo views it with envious eyes and appreciation……
Oct. 7, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E13 - Episode 13
With the recommendation of his supervisor, Wing Cheong takes a study trip abroad. Mei Wah suspects that he has a mistress and it brings out lots of funs.
For the sake of their child, Mei Wah urges Wing Cheong to buy a new flat. Moreover, she tightens the budget for his pocket? money so that he cannot lead a wild life.
Once Wing Cheong is free from Mei Wah's supervision, he can lead a wild life. However, he has kept her warning in mind and dares not to do anything wrong.
Wing Cheong makes up his mind to. improve the management of his factory. Among all the female workers, he chooses Ah Fun to work as his secretary. When Mei Wah knows that, she becomes more suspicious. She asks Wing Cheong about it and it makes Wing Cheong very uneasy.
Once Tsui Lo has cleared all her disputes with Kwan Loy, the burden in her mind is removed. She loves Chi Wai and she wants to marry him……
Oct. 8, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E14 - Episode 14
Chi Wai starts to keep away from Tsui Lo, however, she still follows him. Moreover, she flees to Hong Kong as an illegal immigrant to visit him. Chi Wai is troubled.
As a new comer to Hong Kong, Tsui Lo wants to go sight-seeing everywhere. However, Chi Wai fears that her identity as an illegal immigrant will be revealed and it will bring trouble to him. Thus, he is panic-stricken.
In the newspaper, Tsui Lo sees an advertisement that hires '"Tourist Guide”. She thinks that her interest can be merged in this job and she goes to have an interview secretly. Later on, she is cheated that she can have an identity card. So, she signs an-I.O.U. -amounted to $30,000 with the triad.
It is not until her first assignment that Tsui Lo realizes her duty is to make love with her clients. She is scare and escapes with fear. The gangsters follow her to Wai's home……
Oct. 9, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E15 - Episode 15
Tsui Lo is imprisoned for half a year after she has been sent back to China. With the help of Lee Tung, she is managed to be free again. Tsui Lo knows that Chi Wai shows no concern to her while she is in the prison and she is disappointed and heart?broken.
On behalf of Tsui Lo, Lee Tung asks Yiu Jo to arrange a job for her in his factory. However, Yiu Jo turns down her request because of Tsui Lo's bad attitude to work.
Tsui Lo envies the intimate relation between Tung and Jo. She wants to seduce Jo in order to break the couple. However, Yiu Jo resists her temptation and drives her out. Tsui Lo shows her remorse to Lee Tung and she confesses that she has long been a jealous admirer of Lee Tung‧s fortune. Then, she leaves with shame.
Tai Kong knows that Lee Tung is pregnant and he is delighted. He goes to China to look after her. She is moved.
Tsui Lo is still in love with Chi Wai. She keeps on searching him……
Oct. 12, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E16 - Episode 16
Tsui Lo goes back to her village to ask Kwan Loy for accommodation. Kwan Loy still loves Tsui Lo deeply and he stands all the jeers of the others. He wants to take care of Tsui Lo.
Lo's father learns the indecent behaviour of his daughter and he knows that she lives in Loy's home. Thus, he misjudges that Loy is the one who abuses Lo and he vents his anger on him. Later on, Tsui Lo is brave enough to admit all her wrong doing. Lo's father is in grief andthe relationship between them is worsened. Lo’s father is ashamed of his daughter as all his comrades tease him. His illness is recurred as a result of this blow.
Yiu Jo's business is booming and he has to go abroad to negotiate with his clients. He makes friends with a woman called Yiu Chiu Yin incidentally. He is attracted by her special quality and they develop a sense of love.
Under the pressure of the others, Lo’s father sends her to a detention camp of hard labour……
Oct. 13, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E17 - Episode 17
Tsui Lo bears all the humiliations to give birth to her son. She immediately takes the child to visit Chi Wai as she hopes that they can have family reunion. However, she can hardly find him and it makes her very upset. When Lee Tung knows that, she also feels the pain.
Lee Tung helps Tsui Lo to find Chi Wai, however, he is so cruel that he does not consider the child as his son. Moreover, he makes a false accusation against Tsui Lo and claims that she is trying to blackmail him in order to expel him. Tsui Lo is extremely sad.
Lee lung recognizes the subtle relation between Yiu Jo and Chiu Yin by chance. At that time, she is going to give birth to her child. She does not want to quarrel with Jo. Thus, she has to kee her mouth shut.‧
Wing Cheong fears that Oi Wah will reveal his affair, therefore, he tries his best to keep the secret. It brings out lots of funs. However, Wing Cheong has given some hints at it. Mei Wah becomes suspicious……
Oct. 14, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E18 - Episode 18
Yiu Jo feels that he cannot control his love to Chiu Yin and he is in a plight of self-contradiction. He wants to confess his lo-e to her. However, Chiu Yin does not‧ want to break his harmonious family. So, she makes clear that she will terminate their subtle relation. Yiu Jo is very upset.
Yiu Jo is frustrated and he looks depressed. Tai Kong knows that it is caused by Chiu Yin. Thus, he is very angry and he scolds Yiu Jo in order to point out his--wrong doing. Finally, Yiu Jo has decided to keep _away:. from Chiu .Yin and goes back to Lee Tung. Lee Tung forgives his misbehavior and cooperates with him to establish a harmonious family.
Mei Wah witnesses the affair of Wing Cheong and Ah Fun and she is in a fit of anger. Moreover, she is humiliated by Ah Fun. Though she is heart-broken, she still tries to maintain the relationship with wing Cheong. However, Wing Cheong's attitude is proud and arrogant. It makes Mei Wah really upset.
Oct. 15, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E19 - Episode 19
Mei Wah is in a fit of anger. She makes a plot in a moment of weakness and depression. She adds poison to the food and tries to kill herself together with Wing Cheong and their son. Fortunately, she is finally awakened that the tragedy is avoided.
Wing Cheong starts a - quarrel with Mei Wah because of this incident. Their relationship is ruined and they are on the verge of divorce.
Yiu Jo persuades Wing Cheong to ask Mei Wah to come back but Wing Cheong is reluctant to do that. Moreover, he reveals the restriction imposed on him by Mei Wah. All family members feel empathy with Wing Cheong and they turn to sympathize him. Mei Wah is so angry that she leaves her son at home and runs away.
After the blows, Tsui Lo can hardly make a new start. As she is angry and ashamed, she gives her son to Kwan Loy as she starts a life as a wanderer.
Kwan Loy recognizes that Tsui Lo suffers from mental illness and becomes a prostitute……
Oct. 16, 1992, midnight 0.0
S1E20 - Episode 20
Mei Wah is in a fit of anger. She makes a plot in a moment of weakness and depression. She adds poison to the food and tries to kill herself together with Wing Cheong and their son. Fortunately, she is finally awakened that the tragedy is avoided.
Wing Cheong starts a - quarrel with Mei Wah because of this incident. Their relationship is ruined and they are on the verge of divorce.
Yiu Jo persuades Wing Cheong to ask Mei Wah to come back but Wing Cheong is reluctant to do that. Moreover, he reveals the restriction imposed on him by Mei Wah. All family members feel empathy with Wing Cheong and they turn to sympathize him. Mei Wah is so angry that she leaves her son at home and runs away.
After the blows, Tsui Lo can hardly make a new start. As she is angry and ashamed, she gives her son to Kwan Loy as she starts a life as a wanderer.
Kwan Loy recognizes that Tsui Lo suffers from mental illness and becomes a prostitute……