Oct. 19, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E1 - Episode 1
During the reign of Ching Emperor Yung Ching; a high-ranking official
Chan Sai Kwun celebrates the birth of his younger son Ka-lok.. As the
feast is over, the whole family is sent with a bottle .of poisoned
`wine from the Emperor. Yu Man Ting comes in time to rescue Chan's
wife Tsui Chiu-san and their baby. He promises to bring up baby Ka-
lok to avenge for his father.
Yu arranges Ka-lok to learn martial arts from Yuen Shi Siu, while
he establishes the Red Flower Clan for reviving, Han people's rule.
The empress learns that Chiu-san is still alive and orders to have
her killed. Yu comes in time to save her.
Emperor Yung Ching is succeeded by Kin Lung. To conquer the minority
races along the border, Kin Lung orders Siu Wai to negotiate terms
for them to surrender their sovereignty to Ching. The Hui race refuses
strictly. To force them to agree, Siu Wai steals their holy book,
Oct. 20, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E2 - Episode 2
Yu and Man sneak into the Palace with a secret for the Emperor Kin
Lung. Yu tells him that he is actually the son of Chan Sai Kwun,
a high-ranking official: After his birth, he is sneaked into the
palace to be given to the heirless emperor. Yu persuades Kin Lung
to turn against the Ching's oppressive rule and revive Han's rule.
The two escape, leaving Kin Lung in great doubts about his own
Kin Lung seeks the truth from his wet nurse. On learning what Yu
has said is true, Kin Lung has her killed. At the same time, he
orders Yu and Man to be arrested:
Ching-tung and Ah-yi follow ka-lok, waiting for chances to retrieve
the holy book. Sam-hin plays tricks on the two, which deepens
their misunderstanding. Chan finally succeeds in convincing them
that he is not involved in the robbery. He further promises them
that he would help them retrieve the holy` book.
Yu is fatally wounded by the Ching soldiers……
Oct. 21, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E3 - Episode 3
The fourth leader Man Tai-loi is under fierce pursuits by the Ching
soldiers. Lok Ping, his wife as well as a chief figure in the Clan,
is upset that Tai-loi would not tell her the reason behind the pursuit.
Ching general Lee Ho-San has a daughter called Yuen-Chi. She is
righteous, lively and enjoys impersonating herself as ,a man. She is
too happy when a martial art master Fai Ching finally agrees to let .
her be his disciple.
Ching-tong learns that the Koran is grabbed by the Ching Imperial
Court. She is determined more than ever to get it back. Ka-lok
accompanies her all the way. ,
Oct. 22, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E4 - Episode 4
Ka-lok learns with grief, of his master; Man-tung's death. Lee Ho-san
is promoted. His whole family moves to Hanchow to take up his new
appointment. Yuen-chi plays around, accompanied by her master Fai-
Tai-loi couple is attacked by Ching's agents. The Clan's fourteenth
leader Yu Yu-tung comes to their rescue. Yu-tung is secretly in love
with Lok-ping. He painfully restrains himself from letting them learn
of his real feelings.
The Empress Dowager notices the Emperor has assigned to Cheung Chiu-
chung, the Empirical court's agent and military commander, an important
task. She tries in vain to obtain the what about from Cheung.
Oct. 23, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E5 - Episode 5
Members of the Clan mourn over the death of their leader. Ka-lok
succeeds him to become their chief.
Ching-tung's plan to retrieve the Koran is disrupted by the rash and
playful Yuen-chi, impersonated as a man. The two has a duel, in which
Yuen-chi acts like a rogue. Thinking herself insulted, Ching-tung
seeks death to assert her Chastity.. Master Fai-ching comes in time to
explain everything. The two reconcile and become, good friends.
Man's couple is injured under the fierce pursuit of Cheung Chiu-chung.
Fai-ching suggests they seeks refuge from. master Chou Ching-yung reputed
for his righteousness and fearlessness.
Oct. 26, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E6 - Episode 6
Chow is out when Man's couple and Yu arrives at his house. His disciple
treats them with great hospitality.
Cheung learns that Man is hiding there and makes his trip of arrest.
On learning Cheung's arrival, the three are hidden in a secret Chamber.
Cheung provokes Chow's little son into revealing the hiding place. Man
is thus arrested.
Upon his return, Chou learns of the incident. In reprimanding his son; .
he accidentally causes his death. In deep agony, the mother leaves the
Oct. 27, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E7 - Episode 7
Look-ping and Yu7tung hide themselves in cave to evade arrest. Over-
-whelmed by his passion; Yu-tung takes advantage of the sleeping Lok-
ping. Pierced by anger, Lok-ping leaves the cave. She faints on the
way and is rescued by Chow's daughter Yee back to their house.
In Chow's castle, Lok-ping notices the frequent contacts between Chow
and two Ching officials and comes to believe that he betrays the Red
Flower Clan. Only when the Chief and other members arrive did Chow
reveals the reason of his: dealing with the Ching officials,: he pays
them. blackmail money for covering up Lok-pings stay.
The two Ching officials set fire to the castle. Fortunately, everyone.
escapes in time. But he castle is burnt down. .
Oct. 28, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E8 - Episode 8
Ching-tung is in danger as she makes another effort to retrieve the Koran. Ka-lok happens:to sneak into the military quarters for news about
Man's imprisonment. He bravely combats the military commander Cheung
and rescues Ching-tung. However, he is poisoned.
Ching-tung sucks out the poisoned blood for him and nurses him carefully.
.Ka-lok is greatly touched.
Ka-lok joins with other clan leaders to discuss rescue plans of Man. .
Lok-ping has grown so anxious about Man's safety that she sets off to
the military quarters alone. Yu-tung learns it in time to stop her.
Oct. 29, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E9 - Episode 9
Ka-lok leads a raid successfully. against the Ching's parade with the
help of Muk Cheuk Lun and his` people. However, Man is not inside the.
prison cart; it's all Cheung's set up:
Chow. Yee is on her way to meet her father. Her enmity with TSUI TIN
. WAN, leader of the Red Flower Clan, gradually dissolves. By chance,
.they learn where the Koran is. , They grab it and return it to Muk Cheuk
Ka-lok is heartbroken when .. he sees Ching-tung treating the man-disguised
Yuen-chi in an intimate manner. He refuses to let Ching-tung stay by
his side, but accept a short knife as a gift from her.
Oct. 30, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E10 - Episode 10
Yu-tung aches to see Lok-pings distress about Man's situation. He
sneaks into the Military Headquarters to see Man. He begs to stay in
prison for Man, but is. refused.
The Empress Dowager becomes more suspicious of Emperor Kin Lung seeing
him promote Han people to senior ranks. To avoid greater suspicion, Kin
Lung orders Man to be tried in Hanchow instead of in the palace.
The Red Flower Clan makes another effort to rob the prison cart. They
fail again as Cheng holds. Man hostage and escapes:
Ka-lok learns the secret about Ching's imminent attack against the Hui
race. He has the Clan's twelfth leader Shek deliver the news quickly
to Ho Muk Cheuk Lun.
Nov. 2, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E11 - Episode 11
Chou Yee takes great care of Tin-wan; who is injured in the previous
attempt to rescue Man. Chow meets Yuen-chi and Yu-Lung, and help them
in their troubles.
As Tin-wan gradually. recovers, he develops deep affection for Chow.
Chow's mother comes to the inn too: Three of them join hands and kill
Tung Siu-wo, a Ching official involved in burning the Chow's castle.
Chow's mother is disturbed about the reputation of her daughter staying
alone with a man all this time. Tin-wan overhears the conversation and
decides to depart with them.
Nov. 3, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E12 - Episode 12
To show his gratitude, Tin-wan contrives a plan and successfully help
the Chow couple to make up their quarrel. On the other hand, Chow
requests Ka-lok to be the matchmaker of his daughter and Tin-wan.
Marriage is to take place after the rescue of Man.
Yu-tung departs with Yuen-chi so as not to endanger her position. On
his way to Hanchow, he sees her tortured by the Ching officials: He
is seriously injured in the attempt to save her:
Muk Cheuk-lun receives the news about the Ching's imminent attack.
Wasting no time, he gets his army prepared for the war. Unexpectedly,
the Chings stop the attack because the food for the Ching army is
robbed by the Red Flower Clan.
. Kin-lung makes a trip to Hanchow under the excuse of surveying natural
.disasters along Huang
Nov. 4, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E13 - Episode 13
Yuen-chi nurses Yu-tung and have him promise to stay in her house.
Kin-lung arrives at Hanchow. He visits the late officer Chan and is
served by his mother without realizing it:
In West Lake; Kin-lung meets Ka=lok. Both are ignorant of their real
identities, but already find the other exceptional. They are surprised
though that Ka-lok looks so much like Kin-lung's son..:
When Ka-lok finds out that Kin-lung is the Emperor, he contrives to
. have famous prostitute hooks him and forces him into releasing Man.
The plan works smoothly until Clan member Sum Hin is injured by a poisoned
Nov. 5, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E14 - Episode 14
Kin-lung meets Ka-lok in the Tomb Garden of officer Chan and realizes
they are brothers. Failing to persuade him to contribute to the Ching
government, kle gives a. precious jade and promises never to harm him.
Yu-tung masks himself and leads the Red Flower Clan to the General's
quarters where Man is imprisoned. Cheung has ambushed the place waiting
to make a big catch. Ka-lok has no choice but to order a retreat.
Cheung begins to be suspicious of news leaked out by General Lee's
people. Yuen-chi tries to cover up for Yu-tung.
Nov. 6, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E15 - Episode 15
Leader of Hui race Muk sends a pair of Jade vases to Kin-lung as a gift
for requesting peace. Kin-lung is amazed to see such a beauty portrayed
on the vase. .He finds out it is a portrait of Muk's second daughter
Princess Fragrance.
Man is visited by Kin-lung about evidences of his birth: Man threatens
that the evidences will be made known once he is killed.
Ka-lok sneaks into the General's Quarters but fails to get Man out. He
is shocked to learn of his blood relation with the Emperor: Man also
tells him that the evidences are with Ka-lok's master in the Northern
Nov. 9, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E16 - Episode 16
Meung invites Ka-lok for a duel. Tsui arranges the other Clan leaders
to challenge Cheung, so as to exhaust him. Cheung is finally defeated
and is taken away by his master who promises to keep an eye on him.
the Clan makes a night visit to the General quarters to rescue Man.
They are treated with explosives prepared by General Lee. At the
xitical moment, a masked man stops the explosion by using his own body
=o cover the trigger. Man is saved and everyone escapes.
veryone is shocked to know that the masked man is Yu-tung; who is now
seriously burnt. Lok-ping feels great respect for he does.
Nov. 10, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E17 - Episode 17
The Clan abducts Kin-lung with the help of a famous prostitute. They
imprison him inside the famous Lok Wo Tower: ,The Ching army; led by
General Lee, ambush the tower.. Forced by circumstances, the shrewd Kin-
lung vows to join hands with the Red Flower Clan in overthrowing the
Ching's rule. They go through a blood oath, and Ka-lok has to produce
evidence of Kin-lung's birth.
`Yu-tung gradually recovers from his wounds. He is depressed and feels
inferior about his looks.
Nov. 11, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E18 - Episode 18
As Man is back safely, Tin-wan begins to make wedding preparations with
Chow Yee.
Yuen-chi is shocked to find out that Yu-tung's look is ruined. Yu-tung
leaves the Clan quietly, after the wedding feast.
On his way, he gets involved with some combats which ends in his arrest
by the Ching officers. Yuen-chi learns of his imprisonment and risks
her life to help him escape. She begs to stay by his side, but is
re fused:
Nov. 12, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E19 - Episode 19
Yu-tung suffers great emotional stresses and finally resolves to become
a monk. Man discovers this and makes a special trip to the monota}y.
They have a long talk, but Man fails to talk him, out of it..
At the same time, Yuen-chi has tried several ways but could not make
him change his mind.
Yu-tung is in grievous rage when he discovers that Cheung has poisoned
his master in order to get rid.of his vigilance. Yu-lung swears to
revenge for his master.
Nov. 13, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E20 - Episode 20
Kin-lung reorders the conquest of Hui race, specifically capturing
Princess Fragrance.
Ka-lok is on his way to the border to collect evidences of Kin-lung's
birth when he meets Princess Fragrance. He at once falls for her
beauty. Princess Fragrance returns his affection equally. Ching-tung.
witnesses their intimacy with bitterness
Ching General Siu Wai delivers a letter demanding the Hui race to be
subordinated to Ching. Chieftan Muk strongly objects. Ka-lok and
the princess sets off as ambassadors to meet Siu Wai with a letter from
Muk. On their way home, they are joined by other Clan leaders. Soon,
they find themselves ambushed by Ching officials. Sum-hing volunteers
to ride back to Muk for help.
Nov. 16, 1987, midnight 0.0
Nov. 17, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E22 - Episode 22
Yu-tung is enlightened to the Ching oppression and decides to contribute
to the efforts of overthrowing the Ching's rule.. He is touched by Yuen-
chi's devotion and `vows to stay with her.
At this point, Ka-lok realizes that he has misunderstood Ching-tung for
thinking that she loves Yuen-chi who is actually a woman. Knowing that Ching-
tung is pursued in the desert by her enemies, he decides to search for
Ka,lok sets off with Princess Fragrance. On their way, they meet Cheung,
who has lost his way in the desert and is dying for water. The kind-
hearted Princess offers. him water and saves his life.
Then, a sand storm brings Ka-lok and Princess Fragrance to a lost city.
There, they meet Ching-tung; who is attacked by three enemies. Ka-lok
talks them out of fighting but try to find, the way out.
Ka-lok discovers that inside the short knife given by Ching-tung is a
map of the lost city……
Nov. 18, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E23 - Episode 23
Ka-lok tries to make up with Ching-tung but is refused. Ching-tung
decides to withdraw and bids Ka-lok to take care of Princes Fragrance.
Yuen-chi is in distress learning that she has caused the break-up of Ka-
lok and Ching-tung. She joins the Clan to search for them in the desert.
Following the map's instructions, Ka-lok is able to find the way out.
They meet the Clan who have just arrived.
Yu-tung leads the Clan to hunt for Cheung who has entered, the lost city.
They intend to arrest him alive. But an earthquake causes Cheung to be
left in the city. All the others escape.
Yu-tung and Yuen-chi gets married.
Nov. 19, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E24 - Episode 24
Ka-lok has to set off to visit his masters for collecting evidences of
Kin-lung's birth. He gives a jade. to Princess Fragrance at his departure.
From his master, Ka-lok learns that his mother Chiu-san is still alive.
He reunites with her and discovers more about the history of his family
and Yu Man-ting, the late Clan leader.
From the diaries of Yu, Ka-lok learns that he and his mother were lovers. .
Later on, the King orders to kill the Chan family in order to conceal
the real identity of Kin-lung. Yu comes in time just to save Chiu-san.
Nov. 20, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E25 - Episode 25
The Hui race is attacked by the Ching army. Muk and his son die in the
battle field. Ching-tung is injured and is rescued by her master.
Ka-lok is furious learning of the attack. Kin-lung explains that it is
the decision of the Empress Dowager and that he has no say in the matter.
Princess Fragrance is captured. when Kin-lung sees her, he is spellbound
by her beauty. He wants to make her his wife, but is vehemently turned
down. She threatens suicide if Kin-lung dares to touch her.
The Empress Dowager is getting more suspicious of Kin-lung, as more and
more leaders of the Red Flower Clan arrive at the Forbidden City:
Nov. 23, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E26 - Episode 26
To please Princess Fragrance, Kin-lung builds a Hui village inside the
Palace. The Princess remains indifferent. .
The Empress Dowager learns of Kin-lung's infatuation towards the Princess
and orders to have her killed. Kin-lung comes in time to stop the execution
and angrily takes her away:
From the jade that the Princess is carrying, Kin-lung learns with indignation
of her devotion to Ka-lok. He talks Ka-lok into giving up the Princess,
in an exchange of his imminent action of a coup de'tat.
Ka-lok begs to see the Princess for the last time. He takes her for a
tour round Peking and tells her honestly of the situation. The Princess
is bitter, but is willing to do what Ka-lok says.
Nov. 24, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E27 - Episode 27
Struggle of power between Kin-lung and the Empress Dowager becomes more
conspicuous. The Empress arrests Chiu-san and has her executed. She
then orders her dead body to be exposed at the front door of the Palace,
in order to arouse the anger and distrust of the Clan towards Kin-lung.
On: the other hand, Kin-lung secretly orders Cheung, who escapes from
the lost city to assassinate the Empress Dowager. Cheung fails. In
great anger, the Empress Dowager orders Kin-lung to give up his military.
power, and at the same time, to eradicate the Red Flower Clan.
Nov. 25, 1987, midnight 0.0
S1E28 - Episode 28
Kin-lung secures the support of the seniors in the palace and gets back
all the military power. In the meantime, he conceives a plan to
eradicate the Red Flower Clan.
Princess Fragrance learns of Kin-lung's dirty trick. She kills herself
in a mosque to pass on her warning to Ka-lok.
Ka-lok arrives at the mosque to mourn her and discovers a line carved
out of the floor asking him not to trust the Emperor.
Ka-lok leads the Clan to raid the Palace. Ka-lok nearly kills Kin-lung
when Cheung, holding the child prince hostage, threatens to kill him.
Ka-lok has no choice but to let goof Kin-lung. The Clan's dream of
revolution shatters.
May 2, 1988, midnight 0.0
May 9, 1988, midnight 0.0