Oct. 1, 2011, midnight 0.0
S7E1 - Stomp
Two cops (Hader and Samberg) bored at work find music in everyday life (parody of Stomp).
Oct. 8, 2011, midnight 0.0
S7E2 - V-Necks
At a clothing store, a man (Samberg) is unconvinced that the V-neck shirt he is trying on is for him, despite his girlfriend's (Pedrad) assurances.
Oct. 15, 2011, midnight 0.0
S7E3 - Drake Interview
Andy conducts several short and increasingly bizarre interviews with actor-singer Drake.
Nov. 12, 2011, midnight 0.0
S7E4 - Wish It Would Rain
A depressed singer (Samberg) sings about how his girlfriend left him for another man (Armisen).
Nov. 19, 2011, midnight 0.0
S7E5 - Seducing Women Through Chess
In an early '80s-style instructional video, a nerdy man dressed like Carl Sagan (Samberg) shows viewers how to seduce women by playing chess, but the first two women (played by Nasim Pedrad and Abby Elliott) beat him.
Dec. 3, 2011, midnight 0.0
S7E6 - Batman
Commissioner Gordon (Steve Buscemi) keeps getting stalked by Batman (Samberg). Paul Brittain and Kristen Wiig appears as Aquaman and the Riddler respectively.
Dec. 10, 2011, midnight 0.0
S7E7 - Best Friends
Katy Perry and Samberg become best friends, then meet up with a "handsome drug addict" (Matt Damon) and "brilliant lunatic" (Val Kilmer) who want to be best friends too.
Jan. 7, 2012, midnight 0.0
S7E8 - Convoluted Jerry
A fake commercial for a CD collection featuring Convoluted Jerry (Andy Samberg), a singer whose lyrics are wordy and confusing, with songs including "Quit not Being My Lover," "Backwards Day" and "Jerry Explains the Movie Inception".
March 3, 2012, midnight 0.0
S7E9 - Afros
A man (Samberg) and woman (Wiig) dressed in '70s-style clothing declare their love for each other in song. As the camera pulls back we can see that they are connected by their shared enormous afro.
March 10, 2012, midnight 0.0
S7E10 - Tennis Balls
To test the effects of stress on the human heart, a man (Jonah Hill) is hit repeatedly in the testicles by tennis balls fired from a tennis ball machine.
April 14, 2012, midnight 0.0
S7E11 - Laser Cats 7
Despite Lorne Michaels' objections, Hader and Samberg show him the latest Laser Cats short – this time directed by Steven Spielberg (appearing as both himself and a "Hitchcockian" cameo in the short), which contains many references to his films, including E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Host Josh Brolin appears as a "Space Nazi."
April 14, 2012, midnight 0.0
S7E12 - Gotye Backstage
Samberg and Taran Killam visit Gotye in his dressing room, then stalk him by appearing in nothing but body paint and black wigs (as seen in the "Somebody That I Used To Know" music video).
May 12, 2012, midnight 0.0
S7E13 - 100th Short
The Lonely Island celebrate their 100th Digital Short by revisiting many digital short favorite characters, clips from previous Digital Shorts, and fresh footage from numerous celebrities.
May 19, 2012, midnight 0.0
S7E14 - Lazy Sunday 2
Samberg and Parnell do another "Lazy Sunday" rap for Sister Act: The Musical.