June 15, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E1 - The Lost Notes
The Music Tree notes for Tiny Clanger's marvellous new melody are blown away by a big wind.
June 16, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E2 - The Little Thing
A Sky Moo gives Small Clanger a strangely shaped little thing that it has found in space.
June 17, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E3 - In The Soup
Major Clanger decides that Soup Dragon must be fed-up with dishing up soup.
June 18, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E4 - The Knitting Machine
Major Clanger invents a knitting machine to save Granny ever having to knit again.
June 19, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E5 - The Flying Froglets
It is Granny's birthday and all the Clangers are planning their presents for her
June 22, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E6 - I Am the Eggbot
A strange little egg-shaped creature lands on the planet and gets stuck in a cave.
June 23, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E7 - The Giant Plant
The planet is overrun with vegetation when Tiny and Small sing a growing song to a plant.
June 24, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E8 - Tiny's Lullaby
Tiny's radio hat develops a fault, so she can't hear the Iron Chicken's lullaby.
June 25, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E9 - The Crystal Trees
Crystal-shaped seeds that sparkle and glow land on the Clangers' planet.
June 26, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E10 - The Curious Tunnel
Tiny and Small discover a strange tunnel that appears to suck things upwards...
June 29, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E11 - Space Tangle
Small has invited the Iron Chicken to a picnic. But the Iron Chicken is late.
June 30, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E12 - Lonely As A Cloud
Tiny, Small, the Froglets and Baby Dragon are having fun playing games with the Cloud.
July 1, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E13 - In A Spin
While playing a game Tiny and Small accidentally knock over a tankard.
July 2, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E14 - Tiny's Orchestra
Tiny is stuck for ideas for a new tune to make up.
July 3, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E15 - The Metal Bug
Small Clanger finds a strange ball while out fishing in space.
July 6, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E16 - Mother's Melody
Tiny Clanger suggests that Mother Clanger composes a tune.
July 7, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E17 - Crash Bang Chicken
A Skymoo accidentally knocks the Iron Chicken out of her nest.
July 8, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E18 - Major's Meteor
Small misses seeing two meteors streaking across the sky.
July 9, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E19 - The Singing Asteroid
Tiny and her flower friends hear a strange voice joining in with their music.
July 10, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E20 - Small's New Star
The Iron Chicken tidies her nest and dumps a huge bundle of unwanted junk metal on to the Clangers' planet.
July 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E21 - Baby Soup Clanger
Baby Soup Dragon decides he wants to be a Clanger.
July 14, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E22 - Holes
Tiny and Small find two circles of cloth that are actually holes, one leading to another.
July 15, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E23 - Bubble Trouble
Small and Tiny can't resist trying out Major Clanger's cleaning machine.
July 16, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E24 - Dragon Day
Small decides that there should be a Dragon Day to thank the Soup Dragon for her soup.
July 17, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E25 - Home Sweet Hoot
A little Hoot lands on the Clanger's planet and causes mayhem with his incessant mischievous hooting.
July 20, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E26 - Find the Eclipse
The Clangers gather to watch a solar eclipse but Iron Chicken's nest blocks the view.
Dec. 7, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E27 - The Little Chill
There are problems for a Sky Moo when the weather turns cold, but the Clangers try to help.
Dec. 14, 2015, midnight 0.0
S3E28 - The Brilliant Surprise
The Iron Chicken says something is coming. Everyone seems to know what it is except Tiny Clanger.
May 23, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E29 - The Ball
Tiny and Small find a strange silver ball. When it bounces it glows and rings.
May 24, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E30 - Planty
The Clangers help Granny make her knitting space more special.
May 25, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E31 - The Game
A meteor shower of gemstones falls on the planet.
May 26, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E32 - Granny and Small
Small is bored. Mother suggests he asks Granny to play with him.
May 29, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E33 - Tiny's Good Idea
Mother's flowers are wilting. Tiny comes up with a brilliant idea to help her water them.
May 30, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E34 - Star Roses
A special star passes over the planet and as it does, the star roses bloom.
May 31, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E35 - Chairs
Granny's comfy puffball chair gets punctured by a knitting needle.
June 1, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E36 - Sweet Music
A radio falls out of the sky, and Tiny, Small, and Baby Soup Dragon are fascinated by it.
June 2, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E37 - The Box
Small finds some 'space treasure' but doesn't know what it is for.
June 5, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E38 - Snapper
A robot lands on the planet, and the Clangers are scared of it.
June 6, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E39 - The Chicken Waltz
Tiny and Small come up with a tune for the Iron Chicken to dance to.
June 7, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E40 - The Puzzle
Major, Mother, Tiny, and Small become lost while exploring a new planet.
June 8, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E41 - The Little Bag
Small gives Tiny a lovely sparkly bag that he caught while fishing in space.
June 9, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E42 - Hide-and-Seek
Baby Soup Dragon cheats in a race around the planet, but a Froglet spots him.
June 12, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E43 - Rainbow Star
Small catches seven coloured stones floating in space.
June 13, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E44 - Busy Buzzers
Small and Major Clanger discover a bowl of glow honey in a crater.
June 14, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E45 - Calm in the Caves
Tiny and Small discover the froglets sitting abnormally silent and calm in their cave.
June 15, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E46 - The Golden Planet
Major invents a new two-seater rocket for special trips.
June 16, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E47 - All Change Day
Major Clanger is making too much noise, so Mother suggests they swap jobs.
June 19, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E48 - The Wols
The Iron Chicken looks after three little Wols who turn out to be quite a handful.
June 20, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E49 - The Discovery
Major Clanger discovers some wonderful wall pictures in an underground cave.
June 21, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E50 - Blob
The Froglets produce a noisy, bouncy, purple blob from the Top Hat.
June 22, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E51 - Building Bridges
The new table Major has made collapses, spilling soup everywhere.
June 23, 2016, midnight 0.0
S3E52 - Things
Three pale things drift towards the planet seeking music, heat and light to revive them.