Jan. 3, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E1 - Episode 1
Jonah's left, but his obnoxious cousin is at Grange Hill in his place. Zammo's going out with a Brookdale girl, and it's Miss Gordon's first day.
Jan. 6, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E2 - Episode 2
It is only the first week of term but already Grange Hill is a hotbed of intrigue and crazes.
Jan. 10, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E3 - Episode 3
Jeremy causes Jackie to fall out with Zammo, Annette wears sunglasses to cover her eye makeup and Jeremy pushes his luck with his fake ticket.
Jan. 13, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E4 - Episode 4
Zammo's conflict with Brookdale's Gluxo intensifies, and Annette plans to enter a glamour competition.
Jan. 17, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E5 - Episode 5
Pogo's chain letter scam comes to its inevitable end, and there's an outbreak of head lice at the school.
Jan. 20, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E6 - Episode 6
A swimming class ends in tragedy.
Jan. 24, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E7 - Episode 7
Grange Hill tries to come to terms with Jeremy's death.
Jan. 27, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E8 - Episode 8
Grange Hill represents Tanzania at the UN association's conference, but Glenroy's diplomatic skills are lacking finesse.
Jan. 31, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E9 - Episode 9
At the UN Conference, Glenroy's rant ruins the school's participation; Claire and Stewpot are both stood up; and public school bigot John Eastlake gets his just desserts.
Feb. 3, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E10 - Episode 10
While doing a practice run for the forthcoming school walk Zammo and Kevin find a newsagent's board that announces a school merger.
Feb. 7, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E11 - Episode 11
It is the Saturday of the sponsored walk and Roland is sweating a lot on the outcome.
Feb. 10, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E12 - Episode 12
Zammo finally delivers Gluxo Remington 's challenge to Jimmy McClaren - it's to be a fight at the warehouse. Janet discovers the truth about Roland's parents.
Feb. 14, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E13 - Episode 13
Annette's got a new Polaroid camera from her mum, but why are there bruises on her arm?
Feb. 17, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E14 - Episode 14
Does Diane Cooney's boyfriend Mark really exist? Julie Marchant doesn't think so.
Feb. 21, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E15 - Episode 15
Roland steals Annette's bike to sell for Jimmy McClaren, and Miss Gordon goes to see Annette's mother.
Feb. 24, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E16 - Episode 16
On an orienteering course, Mandy and Sarah move a control marker for a laugh, and Mr Baxter and Roland get hopelessly lost.
Feb. 28, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E17 - Episode 17
Stewpot freaks out during his O level exam. Meanwhile Pogo can hardly restrain himself at the prospect of the nude model at the art club.
March 2, 1984, midnight 0.0
S7E18 - Episode 18
The end of term disco is an opportunity to reunite Claire and Stewpot, also Zammo and Jackie, providing Gluxo Remington doesn't ruin everything!