Nov. 1, 1980, midnight 0.0
S3E1 - Moving On
The Braithwaites and the Peters have been on holiday in Tenerife and return home to a very unpleasant and unwelcome surprise. While they’ve been away Worzel and Aunt Sally have moved into their farmhouse, eaten all their food and completely wrecked the place! Mr Braithwaite finds what he believes to be just his old scarecrow and an old doll, Aunt Sally, and so puts the damage down to vandals. As they clear up the mess a newcomer, Mrs Cousins, comes along and takes away Aunt Sally for her daughter, Emma, and of course Worzel follows. When the coast is clear Worzel drags Aunt Sally away but their reunion is short-lived. The fair is passing through the village and Aunt Sally jumps on their wagon and joins them. Worzel, not to be beaten, grabs the Crowman’s trike and follows her as the disapproving Crowman follows on foot.
Nov. 8, 1980, midnight 0.0
S3E2 - Dolly Clothes-Peg
Worzel and Aunt Sally are both employed at the fair but Worzel, as usual, has a problem. She is walking out with ‘The Great Orlando’, the strongman. After being let down by her yet again he goes for a walk and meets up with ‘Dolly Clothes - Peg’, an ex shop window dummy who is currently employed as a makeshift scarecrow. She explains to him how the Crowman had brought her to life and they both decide to go for a cup of tea and a slice of cake at the local tea room. Unfortunately, Aunt Sally is already there and, to make matters worse, so is ‘The Great Orlando’.
Nov. 15, 1980, midnight 0.0
S3E3 - A Fair Old Pullover
Worzel is skulking around the farmyard with a purpose in mind. Firstly he steals Mr. Braithwaite’s flat cap, then Mrs Braithwaite’s scarf and finally Harry’s welding goggles. It turns out that he’s putting together a driving outfit, but this drive is no ordinary drive. Worzel has decided that he’s going with the Braithwaites on their weekly shopping trip to Little Minster, but he isn’t travelling with them in the car - he’s travelling ON the car! Along the way he causes havoc, people fall into ditches or off their bicycles, but it’s in Little Minster itself that he draws the most attention. Luckily however the Crowman is there to get him out of trouble.
Nov. 22, 1980, midnight 0.0
S3E4 - Worzel the Brave
Mrs Bloomsbury - Barton has sold her hall to a Colonel Bloodstock who is bringing all his belongings into the village via rail. On the same journey is Aunt Sally as a package for Mr. Shepherd. Unfortunately, she gets taken up to the hall with the Colonel’s furniture, and when she arrives manages to convince him that she is a maid that comes along with the hall. She does not, however, reach there unobserved. From a field Worzel sees everything and decides to visit her. When he arrives he gets a less than warm reception - in fact he is thrown by her and finally seen off the premises courtesy of Colonel Bloodstock and his shotgun! Worzel realizes the only way he can rescue Aunt Sally is to go and see the Crowman and ask him for a ‘brave head’.
Nov. 29, 1980, midnight 0.0
S3E5 - Worzel's Wager
29 November 1980
Worzel has a dead cert racing tip courtesy of his Robin, is desperate for five pounds and decides to place a bet. Unfortunately though, before he has a chance he’s thrown out of the betting shop when it emerges he has no money. Meanwhile, the rest of the village is gearing up for the annual dog race. Worzel is still no nearer to figuring out a way to make his five pounds so he decides to take a nap in a field, and as if things weren’t bad enough he gets caught up in a combined harvester. As usual though the Crowman is on hand to put him back together. Once repaired he gives Worzel a task - to look after his dog, Ratter, for him whilst he goes to fix another scarecrow, Scratty Swedehead. As soon as the Crowman leaves Worzel has an idea - to enter Ratter in the local dog race.
Dec. 6, 1980, midnight 0.0
S3E6 - The Return of Dafthead
Sue and John go up to Ten - Acre field to give Worzel a present - a bowl of Black Forest Gateaux mix. When they arrive they find a different scarecrow at Worzel’s post, Dafthead. It turns out that he has put a bucket on Worzel’s head, tied him up and then dumped him in his barn. Sue and John free Worzel and the trio head up to Ten - Acre to confront Dafthead. When they arrive he is still eating the cake mix so Worzel tries to outsmart him. Unfortunately, Dafthead is too clever so Worzel decides to go and see the Crowman to see if he has any ideas.
Dec. 13, 1980, midnight 0.0
S3E7 - Captain Worzel
Mr Shepherd is taking Aunt Sally on a canal boat holiday through West Chester in order to see a museum owner, Mr. Pursglove, who he believes wishes to purchase her. However, before he can leave, Worzel spies her in the back of the car and decides to jump in and stow away with them. At the boatyard he gets out of the car to explore and ends up seeing a face he recognizes - Saucy Nancy. He climbs aboard her boat, but unfortunately it’s the same boat Mr Shepherd has hired, and when Aunt Sally gets aboard... of course, a fight ensues!
Dec. 20, 1980, midnight 0.0
S3E8 - Choir Practice
It’s harvest festival time and Worzel is on loan to the vicar in order to keep the starlings out of the Church rafters. He isn’t the only newcomer at the church - the vicar also has an orphan called Samantha staying with him. Worzel is posted in the graveyard, but as night falls he becomes scared of the ghosts. Meanwhile, the Church choir are practicing for the harvest festival service but as the orphan Samantha draws attention to herself in a pure white smock, John and Sue realize who she really is - Aunt Sally! Once the choir is in full swing she slips away in order to get back to the vicarage first so that she can eat all the supper that Mrs Braithwaite has prepared. She must first however cross the graveyard, and as soon as Worzel catches sight of her in white he is off, heading for the vicarage. He gets there first and when Aunt Sally comes along he realizes there was no ghost, but if you’re in the choir there’s plenty of tea and cake!