Sept. 22, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E1 - Betrayal
Wendy and Cindy go out on a double-date. But Cindy's date, Cort, is more interested in Wendy than the girl on his arm. Cort breaks a date to go to an Oingo Boingo concert with Cindy and takes Wendy instead. Marie realizes what's going on, so she coaxes Cindy into giving Wendy a taste of her own medicine by going out with Wendy's boyfriend, Blitz.
Sept. 29, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E2 - Quarterback Sneak
Synopsis is forthcoming.
Oct. 6, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E3 - Who Cut the Cheese?
When the family is offered free food from the government, Graham doesn't want to accept charity. So unbeknownst to everyone but Connie, Graham takes a job working at Burger Barn – under supervisor Gavin Doosler.
Oct. 13, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E4 - Risky Business
J.R. and Sherrie get in a fight in the closet under the staircase and break all of Elizabeth's china. In order to replace the broken dishes, the pair take to selling candy bars, which they are supposed to be selling for school -- but they up the prices.
Nov. 3, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E5 - A Couple of Swells
Graham and Cindy decide to go on a diet together -- and Elizabeth makes sure they both stick to it.
Oct. 20, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E6 - Simple Gifts
Synopsis is forthcoming.
Nov. 10, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E7 - That Championship Season
Synopsis is forthcoming.
Nov. 17, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E8 - Dangerous Liaison
After a show, a tall-dark-and-handsome stranger buys Wendy a beer and the two go for a joyride. The joy, however, quickly turns to despair when the guy stops at a convenience store -- and robs it. The survaillance tape shows that Wendy didn't have anything to do with the actual robbery, but she doesn't understand why her actions were wrong. So Graham and Elizabeth spend the entire night trying to get through to Wendy that she made bad decisions that had an effect on the outcome of the evening. All the while, Wendy contends that she's innocent.
Nov. 24, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E9 - St. Augie's Blues (1)
Synopsis is forthcoming.
Dec. 1, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E10 - St. Augie's Blues (2)
Synopsis is forthcoming.
Dec. 8, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E11 - Skateboard
Synopsis is forthcoming.
Dec. 15, 1989, midnight 0.0
S3E12 - Highway to Heaven
Marie and Elizabeth travel to a convent for a two-week trial, but on the way Elizabeth begins to suspect Marie's only doing it to please her.
Jan. 5, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E13 - Comedy Tonight
St Auggie's holds a variety show and the Lubbock clan participate. The Lubbock Babes do thier usual performance, JR and Sherrie do a magic show, and Graham does a comedy routine. . .despite his stage fright.
Jan. 12, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E14 - Poetic Justice
Connie gets a crush on her poetry teacher. So she's exstatic when he invites her to a poetry festival -- unbeknownst to her, to babysit.
Jan. 19, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E15 - Perfect Date
Graham sets Wendy up on a date with a scout leader. Wendy retaliates by trying to unleash the animal inside of him.
Feb. 2, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E16 - Snow Job (1)
Gavin Doosler is depressed that he can't go on the annual ski trip -- instead he'll be spending his break at his parents beach house in the Virgin Islands. When the girls get wind of this, of course they want to go to comfort him -- too bad his parents say the three of them ""are too sleazy to hang out with."" But since his parents love Marie, Wendy tells him that Marie has a crush on him. Marie, who was excited about the ski trip, is told that Gavin is dying. So the four girls head off in their winter attire (except Cindy, who foolishly leaves the house in her beach clothes) and they and Gavin are off on a private plane to the beach. Things are going well at first, until the clueless Sister Ethel reveals that the girls never arrived. (Part One of Two)
Feb. 9, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E17 - Snow Job (2)
To recap, the girls snuck off to the beach with Gavin Doosler, instead of partaking in the annual ski trip. Marie was told that Gavin was dying, and Gavin was told that Marie had a crush on him. So when the two realize that neither has the same intentions for their trip, they decide to pay back the three decietful sisters -- they pretend to be in love. Back at home, Graham and Elizabeth freak out after Sister Ethel tells them that the girls never arrived. (Part Two of Two)
Feb. 16, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E18 - False Impressions
Connie ends up wearing a costume to the Medieval Ball that enhances her cleavage. When she gets asked out on a date, she ponders if the guy wants to date her -- or if he only liked her for her padding.
Feb. 23, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E19 - Cindy Breaks a Date
Cindy resists the advances of a guy she's dating -- by breaking his arm.
March 30, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E20 - Heartbreaker
When a patron at Danny's drops dead at Marie's feet during her solo, she blames herself for killing him. It makes matters worse when Marie learns that this man who she never knew left her all his worldly possessions. After being confused about the direction of her life is headed, Marie determines that her purpose in life is ""to please men. . .""
March 16, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E21 - Ratboy Lives
JR, feeling that he's being overshadowed by his sisters, tries to make his mark by spray-painting ""Ratboy Lives"" on the side of the gym.
April 27, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E22 - Smoke 'Em if You Got 'Em
When Graham finds a cigarette in the basement, he drills the kids to find out who it belonged to. He immediately suspects Wendy. . .but he never suspects it could have been Sherrie's. . .
May 4, 1990, midnight 0.0
S3E23 - Slaughter House Ten
Graham and J.R. go to the store for groceries and come back with a cow. When the girls learn that Graham's bought it to slaughter, they resort to drastic measures -- getting the cow pregnant.