S3E1 - My Buddy Buddy
Busy and Amanda arrive at summer camp only to learn that they are in separate cabins. While Amanda tries to figure out how to transfer to Busy's cabin, Busy has a great time with her bunkmates. Amanda is stuck in a cabin with a bunch of girls who've known each other for several years and a small annoying young girl everyone calls Niblet. While Amanda takes a liking to this kid, she also tries to get in good with her bunkmates even stooping so far as to participate in the destruction of Niblet's prized possession: Buddy the dummy. However, Amanda is the only one who confesses the truth to Jessica Niblet which makes her new friends blow her off but Amanda later introduces Jessica to Busy as her friend.
S3E2 - The Last Hurrah
After being frightened at camp, Amanda wets her bed and in order to live down the embarrassment must get in on a trip to the boys camp for revenge and ends up being the strongest girl there.
S3E3 - Tongue Tied
Amanda and Busy spend the weekend at Amanda's father's place, where a French man and his two cute sons are visiting as well.
S3E4 - Under One Roof
All Busy wants to do is play at her band's first big gig, a talent showcase that happens to fall on her Ramone family reunion. But Busy happens to get a nose ring, insult her father's business as well as his Italian family along the way and feels really bad when things are said and done. Of course, things don't go smoothly when the showcase is cancelled and Busy must make up with her father. They do make up and Busy's band even plays at the reunion.
S3E5 - Crossing The Line
Amanda, Busy and her brother Frankie spend the day at Stickleback's Sports Park. Busy's plan is to hang out with the cute guy at the gocart track which she does but unfortunately things get a little too heavy for her and she is forced to push Steve away from her and run from him. Meanwhile Amanda and Frankie spend the day together and start liking each other. When they visit the fortune teller they end up holding hands and sharing their first kiss. Frankie asks Amanda not to say anything to Busy about their day and she agrees. A few days later, Busy confesses to Amanda about her experiences with Steve the gocart guy and Amanda tells her it was not her fault that Steve wouldn't take no for an answer when he tried to kiss her.
S3E6 - Three's A Crowd
Still crushing on Frankie, Amanda attempts to get closer to him. Busy, suspicious of Amanda's interest in Frankie, spies on the two of them sharing their second kiss, and doesn't know how to handle the situation. Much to Amanda's chagrin, she realizes they're not dating when she in turn spies Frankie kissing a girl his own age.
S3E7 - Crater Face
When Amanda's boyfriend, Danny returns from New York, she finds he doesn't look the way she remembered. He's now got a face full of acne which embarrasses her. Danny is hurt when she fails to defend him in front of her classmates, especially when she proclaims he's not her boyfriend. Amanda attempts to make up for her wrong doings by buying him some zit cream which he explains to her won't help. She tells him he's changed and he remarks to her that she's the one who's changed: because she has become so superficial. Later on she realizes Danny is right and attempts to become his friend again before he leaves to go live in New York with his mother permanently.
S3E8 - Thin Ice
Amanda and Busy learn that Kurt Browning is in town to film a commerical and are stoked to learn that they could audition to be in it with him.
S3E9 - Swear To God
Amanda questions her religious beliefs as a Jew and decides to explore her heritage and even with the hatred that comes with it.
S3E10 - Just Friends
Busy has a big crush on her friend Jamie who only has eyes for Amanda. Busy attempts to discourage Jamie from liking Amanda and keep him to herself but her plan backfires. After putting the blunt truth to Jamie, that Amanda likes another guy named Alex, Busy walks home with Jamie. She then kisses him and he gives her the we're just friends statement. A few days later, at school Jamie avoids Busy but then later tries to make amends and Busy informs him that not now but maybe in a few days, they can hang out again.
S3E11 - Sweet Thirteen
It's Amanda's 13th birthday and all Amanda wants to do is complete her list of accomplishments by the time she turns thirteen. These include skipping school with Busy and hanging out with some bad kids. Unfortunaely for Mel, Amanda's mom's boyfriend, Amanda is encouraged by the bad crowd to spray paint graffiti on his car. Amanda,feeling guilty,ends up confessing her crime to Mel.
S3E12 - Sister, Sister
Amanda spends the weekend with her mom, Mel and Mel's 14 year old daughter Leslie, whom she dislikes very much because she believes she's trying to steal her mother, because hers died when she was young. Leslie also doesn't like Amanda much but they eventually come to an understanding in the end even though their feelings haven't changed.
S3E13 - Nothing In Common
After Amanda and Busy get into a fight over Amanda's poetry and her desire to be published by Busy's uncle Pasquale, they stop being friends. They both hang out with their other friends but soon tire of them and miss each other too much. Amanda and Busy ditch their new friends and make up as best friends once again.