Nov. 29, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E86 - Debutante Dud?!; Cars Held Hostage?!
A nonprofit group accuses a photographer of swindling; a truck driver says his ex-girlfriend nabbed two of his vehicles.
Dec. 28, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E94 - Doggie Daycare Disaster!; Mouth of Pain!
A pet-boarding business' former landlord wants reparations for damages; a woman wants payback for funding her brother's dental work.
June 12, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E212 - Section 8 Housing Upset?!; Junkyard or Legit Auto Business?
A landlord says his ex-tenant damaged his rental unit, stole property and forged documents to try to prove otherwise; neighbors are furious about a home surrounded by junky cars, but residents say they are in the business of trading used vehicles.
Sept. 12, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E1 - Death Threat and Racial Profiling?!/Check Bouncy House?
A man says towing company owners made outrageous accusations to police, causing him to be falsely arrested; a good Samaritan says her "friend" scammed her with bad checks.
Sept. 12, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E2 - You Sound Like a Fool!/Gambling Getaway Gone Wrong!
A poodle is accused of biting a stranger; an $800 "loan" for gambling causes a fight between exes.
Sept. 13, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E3 - The Fixer!/Motorcycle Regrets
A father sues when his teen daughter's car title is not handed over to her; a motorcycle is impounded as its new owner is returning it.
Sept. 22, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E18 - Disorderly Cousin Conduct?!/Show Me the Proof!
Unpaid rent and complaints to police follow when cousins move in together; a woman offers photos as evidence her former roommate was a thief.
Sept. 23, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E20 - Mechanic Crosses a Line?!/Unbelievable Car Deal!
A mom and her teen son learn that a mechanic cut corners in fixing up the boy's car; a young woman says she never looked online for her car's value.
Sept. 26, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E21 - Assault of the Landlord?!/Pedestrian Slam in a Parking Lot!
A landlord claims an unwanted house guest broke in after locks were changed; motorist denies hitting a pedestrian.
Dec. 7, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E91 - Social Security Fraud?!/Ex-Lovers Break It Down!
A man sues a former co-worker for failing to build a website for his business; a man sued for unpaid rent, a broken tablet and hotel costs.
May 9, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E181 - Beer Pong Gone Wrong?!/Woman Attacked During Beauty Treatment?!
Underage drinking, party games, and a full-grown pit bull who's not potty-trained come into play when ex-roommates go their separate ways; a hairstylist's client is attacked by a Rhodesian Ridgeback, and the dog's owner blames the client.
Oct. 24, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E41 - Exotic Fish Payback!/Skateboarder Tragedy!
A raiser of exotic fish sues her business partner for travel expenses to a reef-and-reptile convention; a skateboarder collides with a parked car at high speed.
Nov. 21, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E79 - Lame Horse Trespassing?!/I'm Tired of Paying for Weed!
A woman secretly returns a horse she says has chronic arthritis; a marijuana grower says his landlord smoked with him.
Sept. 13, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E4 - Dangerous Drinking!
Exes' arguments lead to tazing, stabbing and jail time.
Sept. 14, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E5 - Bad Babysitter Barter/Matching Tattoo Fail!
A single mother barters baby sitting services with another child's father; ill-fated matching tattoos between ex-lovers.
Sept. 14, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E6 - Be Afraid ... Or Not!/DWI Disability Fail
A young woman says she feared for her safety when her ex destroyed her property; a former military buddy is accused of fraud with a woman's disability checks.
Sept. 15, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E7 - Baby Daddy Bye Bye!/Haircutting Double-Talk?
Unwed parents fight over cheating; a salon owner says he traded haircuts for a custom-built kitchen island.
Sept. 15, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E8 - 21st Birthday Party Down the Toilet!/Volvo Custody Fight
Disgusting bathroom conditions ruin a birthday party; a car buyer sues for repair costs and storage fees.
Sept. 16, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E9 - Eye Witness Wow!/Pack Your Bags ... Guilt Trip!
An estranged wife is accused of smashing a rental car with a brick; a woman says her son returned her vehicle in a state of complete disrepair.
Sept. 16, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E10 - Car in Captivity/Speed Eviction?!
A car's owner says a mechanic held the vehicle hostage for 10 months; a couple say their landlord rented the same apartment twice.
Sept. 19, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E11 - World's Greatest Landlord?!/Online Attorney Fraud?!
A generous landlord bails his new tenant out of jail and buys her a new car; a phony attorney is sued by a very unsatisfied client.
Sept. 19, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E12 - Double Baby Daddy Drama!/Go Bang Your Heads Against a Wall!
A man's two baby-mamas get into a violent confrontation; a pregnant teen fights with her ex over unpaid loans and utilities.
Sept. 20, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E13 - The Ever-Changing Dog-Attack Story/Fumigation Fence War!
A boy is bitten by an unleashed dog; a fence falls on a woman's car.
Sept. 20, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E14 - Rottweiler Puppy Fail/Pro-Bono Publicist Scam?!
A man sells the disobedient pooch he was trying to train to be a service dog; an entertainment manager says her former publicist stole her ideas.
Sept. 21, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E15 - Icy Road Spin Scare!/Dune Buggy Bamboozle
A young couple fight over who will pay for damages when he crashes her car; the new owners of a dune buggy say they did not get the vehicle they ordered.
Sept. 21, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E16 - Parking Insanity Caught on Tape!/Single Mom Mess
A security camera catches a parking-lot fight; criminal charges are filed when roommates cannot agree on rental terms.
Sept. 22, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E17 - Rage Against the Door!/Convicted Felon Wants Guns Back
A man claims his ex tried to break down his door in a fit of rage; a woman says police told her not to return her baby-daddy's BB guns to him.
Sept. 23, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E19 - Cyclist in the Ped Crossing Smash!/Neighbor From Hell?!
An SUV-driver hits a bicyclist in a crosswalk; a single father says a neighbor gave him a car to make his life easier.
Sept. 27, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E22 - Co-Parenting BBQ Snafu!/Prized Tennis Shoes Feud!
A toddler witnesses a violent altercation; a teenager sues her ex-boyfriend for an unpaid loan.
Sept. 28, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E23 - Friendly Loan or Cry for Help?/White Noise Leads to Homelessness?!
A man is accused of sharing a tragic story to get a sizeable loan; tenant claims an illegal eviction left her homeless.
Sept. 29, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E24 - Father Scams Inmate?!/Brother's Gift Backfires?!
After a Mustang purchase, a man gets incarcerated and claims he was scammed; a man sues his sister for unpaid parking tickets.
Sept. 30, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E25 - Teen Lies to Police!/Rodent Disposal Fee Fight!
A teenager claims he took the fall for a friend after a car accident; a woman sues her step-granddaughter for unpaid rent and rodent disposal fees.
Oct. 3, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E26 - Stealing from the Disabled?!/Stalking and Harassment?!
A woman accuses her ex-landlord of stealing rent from her disability account and evicting her; a man says he wants his belongings back from his ex-lover, especially his beloved barbecue.
Oct. 4, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E27 - Ex-Wife Gets the Pit Bull?/Mercedes Custody Battle
A truck driver wants his dog back from his uncaring ex-wife; a woman says a used Mercedes she gave to a friend now sits abandoned and uninsured.
Oct. 5, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E28 - Pot-Bellied Pig Bite!/Two Bedrooms Too Small!
A fight over an alleged pig attack on a Great Dane; a case involves an illegal eviction, alleged threats and an assault when a nurse takes on a new roommate.
Oct. 6, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E29 - Arkansas Handyman Hustle?!/Mobile Homelessness?
Substandard work leads a couple to sue a handyman, who says they still owe him money; a homeless man and his friend argue over stolen tools.
Oct. 7, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E30 - Knife Fight Threat!/Meter Fraud?!
An alleged eye bite leads to a knife fight; a woman says her landlord charges her too much for utilities, while he claims she stole property.
Oct. 10, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E31 - Retirement Payday Fail!/Teen Drives Into Wall!
A man's ex-lover wants repayment of a sizeable loan; a teen is accused of driving his sister's car through a bedroom wall.
Oct. 11, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E32 - Nervy Squatter Lawsuit?!/Well-Behaved Courtroom Dog
Roommates sue each other for unpaid rent, an illegal lockout and harassment; a small dog waits patiently as its owner goes after a woman whose large dog attacked it.
Oct. 12, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E33 - Thanksgiving Day Breakdown!/Sun Roof Strife!
Live-in lovers call it quits, but neither wants to move out; a longtime friendship ends over a damaged sunroof and police activity surrounding a crash.
Oct. 13, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E34 - Tree Huggers vs. Tree Choppers/Mistaken Trailer Identity?!
Neighbors get into a standoff over a fence and the removal of trees; a businessman insists that a third party is illegally using his stolen homemade trailer.
Oct. 14, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E35 - Wedding Carriage Ride Failure?!/Terrible Landlord or Miserable Tenant?!
A magical carriage ride fails to live up to the bride and her mother's expectations; a woman sues her former landlady over a restraining order.
Oct. 17, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E36 - Charity Golf Drama!/Who Let the Cat Out?
A winning golfer at a fundraiser claims he was ripped off; a house cat escapes and ruins a $9,000 flooring job.
Oct. 18, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E37 - Teen's Savings Stolen by Mom?!/Double Surgery Beatdown!
Mom goes on the hot seat when her young adult daughter tries to track down money she earned as a teen; an ex-lover tries to collect rent from a woman in financial straits due to a medical emergency.
Oct. 19, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E38 - Pool Man in Hot Water?!/Upside Down Truck Deal?!
A pool technician is accused of stealing; ex-lovers fight over insurance, payments and repairs on a truck.
Oct. 20, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E39 - The Picasso of Upholstery/Blue Book, Shmoo Book!
A very unsatisfied customer sues an upholsterer over quality of workmanship; a couple say they were scammed into returning a vehicle they were in the process of buying.
Oct. 21, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E40 - Illegal Entry and Photo Shoot?!/Malamute Mayhem!
A tenant is accused of leaving an apartment in shambles; a small dog is attacked by a large one that was let out accidentally.
Oct. 25, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E42 - Young Girls Salon Fail!/2x4 Vandalism Victim?
The owner of a children's salon says he cannot turn a profit; a woman says a former friend assaulted her and vandalized her car.
Oct. 26, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E43 - Crock of Baloney!/Pit Bull Chomps Chihuahua!
A former talent partner refuses to accept that she is technically a squatter; an 8-year-old girl tells how her little dog was attacked by a pit bull.
Oct. 26, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E44 - Hothead Road Rage?!/Joy Ride or Hell Ride?
A man confronts an unassuming driver he deems reckless; a drag race ends in a car's demise.
Oct. 27, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E45 - Squatter Denial?/Good Samaritan Bitten in the Face!
An evicted young couple refuse to move out; a stray poodle is accused of biting a man in the face.
Oct. 27, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E46 - Boxing Coach Space Invader?!
A boxing trainer is accused of inappropriately touching a woman and violating a non-compete agreement.
Oct. 28, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E47 - Single Mom Settlement/Dog Bite, Huge Settlement!
A woman fears she will be reported to local authorities for fraud; a dog's owner sues its victim for kicking his car.
Oct. 28, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E48 - Teen Road Trip Lie!/Botched Bodywork?!
A distraught mother accuses her teen daughter's ex of kidnapping her and wrecking her car; a man says he got the bad end of the deal when he traded his motorcycle and a gun for bodywork on his classic car.
Oct. 31, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E49 - Jealous Baby Mama Cat Fight!/Free Wheeling and Dealing!
A woman says she was attacked by her lover's ex-girlfriend; an engineer claims he never received rims that he paid for.
Oct. 31, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E50 - Road Rage? Never Get Out of Your Car!/Impounded Car Custody Scramble!
Allegations are made about road rage between two motorists; a woman sells her car to a friend, but doesn't possess the title.
Nov. 1, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E51 - God's Gift to Women on the Hot Seat!
A woman battles with her ex and his pregnant fiancee.
Nov. 1, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E52 - Lesbian Mud Slinging!/Deceased Dad's Equipment Recovery
Accusations fly over a burnt couch; a man wants to recover farm equipment that he thinks belongs to his deceased father's estate.
Nov. 2, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E53 - Pomeranians and the Police!/Underage Drinking and Online Bullying?!
A feud between neighbors involves restraining orders, home liens and an alleged dog attack; a woman sues a former friend.
Nov. 2, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E54 - Revealing 911 Call!/Trust Your Instincts!
A man says his cousin and her friends vandalized his car; a man rents to a tenant's granddaughter.
Nov. 3, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E55 - A Roommate's Violent Eviction?!/Out of Work, Pregnant and Swindled?!
A teenager says she was evicted with undue force; a woman says her landlord kept her security deposit.
Nov. 3, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E56 - Ex Brothers-in-Law Repo Feud!/$20,000 Child Support Payback!
A man sues his former brother-in-law; a woman sues her ex-boyfriend for an unpaid loan.
Nov. 4, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E57 - Teen Corrupted by Drug Offers?!/Odometer Scam?
A teenager is accused of corrupting her landlord's daughter with drugs and alcohol; a man says a woman and her daughter lied about a car's mileage.
Nov. 4, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E58 - Bride Bursting at the Seams?!/Uber Driver Collides with Teen Driver?!
A dressmaker is sued for an allegedly ill-fitting dress; a teenager says an Uber driver caused an accident.
Nov. 7, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E59 - Squatter Extortionist!/Entrepreneur on the Hot Seat!
Furious about a rent increase, a woman stops paying; parents purchase a car for their son that has a lien on the title.
Nov. 7, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E60 - Warning: Adorable Puppy in Court!
The ownership of a puppy named Nugget is contested.
Dec. 8, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E92 - German Shepherd Breeding Fail?!/It's Mostly Nonsense!
An allegedly inexperienced breeder gets blamed for a puppy's lost ear; a landlord who gave a departing tenant a list of "wear and tear" damages
Dec. 9, 2016, midnight 0.0
S21E93 - When Ex-Mother-in-Laws Attack!/Love Triangle Disaster!/Metal Pipe Slam?!
A woman's ex-mother-in-law sues her for an unpaid loan; when a woman locks her boyfriend out after learning he was unfaithful, he responds with a lawsuit; a man says his former friend damaged his car with a pipe.
Jan. 2, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E95 - Divorced and Angry!
A man's trip to Florida with his girlfriend results in a restraining order being filed.
Jan. 3, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E96 - Dad Left in the Dark?!/Victim Compensation Funeral?
A father fights to get his children back and is sued for travel expenses; a funeral home sues a grieving mother.
Jan. 4, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E97 - Renter Hell!
A landlord goes after an allegedly delinquent tenant after he is notified about disturbances.
Jan. 5, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E98 - Don't Fence Me In!/Sister, I Don't Believe You!/Mess or No Mess?!
A man goes after his neighbors for alleged damage to his fence; the integrity of two sisters' sworn statements is questioned following an accident; a tenant claims a broken refrigerator caused her to throw out hundreds of dollars worth of food.
Jan. 6, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E99 - Hair Salon Rip-Off!/Cousins Go Dutch on Rent?/Friends' Fallout!
A salon owner claims a stylist left without paying rent; a man accuses his cousin of not paying rent and stealing his clothes; teacher sues her former friend for an unpaid loan to fix up an RV and her friend counter sues for emotional distress.
Jan. 9, 2017, midnight 0.0
S21E100 - The Danger of Dog Parks!/Study Abroad Misfire/Friends Don't Let Friends Borrow Money
Dog owners fight over liability when an unleashed greyhound is injured; a dispute over a leased car; a mother is sued by a former friend for an unpaid loan and lost wages.