Oct. 9, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E1 - Show #39
Secret Slime Action #1- Getting a ""no"" answer
Secret Slime Action #2- Wearing a yellow jumpsuit
Secret #1- Somersaults off father's shoulder on moving horse
Secret #2- Built winning bird scaring mannequin
Oct. 12, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E2 - Show #40
Secret Slime Action #1- Thinking about lunchmeat
Secret Slime Action #2- Sitting very still
Secret #1- Bird coached international whistling champion
Secret #2- Combs giant fluffy bunny fur
Oct. 13, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E3 - Show #41
Secret Slime Action #1- Saying the word ""with""
Secret Slime Action #2- Having a show named after you
Secret #1- Bought and trained hamster race winner
Secret #2- First and last place pedal tractor pullers
Oct. 14, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E4 - Show #42
Secret Slime Action #1- Moving your arms
Secret Slime Action #2- Wearing a wedding cake
Secret #1- Record setting roller coaster riders
Secret #2- Flatten fruits on grandparents' vineyard
Oct. 15, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E5 - Show #43
Secret Slime Action #1- Being the slime king and queen
Secret Slime Action #2- Just keepin' it real
Secret #1- Feather pillow fighting team
Secret #2- Invented newspaper delivery machine for dogs
Oct. 16, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E6 - Show #44
Secret Slime Action #1- Studing the clue
Secret Slime Action #2- Having short hair
Secret #1- Blow on tails of armored animals
Secret #2- Invented peanut butter jar with two lids
Oct. 19, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E7 - Show #45
Secret Slime Action #1- Speaking into the microphone
Secret Slime Action #2- Sticking your finger in your ear
Secret #1- Saddles bird for ostrich jockey
Secret #2- Human pinwheel on monkey bars and spotter
Oct. 20, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E8 - Show #46
Secret Slime Action #1- Touching your hair
Secret Slime Action #2- Being related to the contestant
Secret #1- Flip pancakes fast with frying pan
Secret #2- Lost rusty wheel valve cover race
Oct. 21, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E9 - Show #47
Secret Slime Action #1- Eating marshmallows
Secret Slime Action #2- Digesting food
Secret #1- Carry miniature kangaroos in backpacks
Secret #2- Invented elastic bracelet for heart monitor
Oct. 22, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E10 - Show #48
Secret Slime Action #1- Licking your lips
Secret Slime Action #2- Breathing
Secret #1- Collect large hairy spiders in jars
Secret #2- Builds twist tie airplanes
Oct. 23, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E11 - Show #49
Secret Slime Action #1- Not wearing goggles
Secret Slime Action #2- Touching the clue
Secret #1- Skipped stones on water to win contest
Secret #2- Designed champion miniature sun powered car
Oct. 26, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E12 - Show #50
Secret Slime Action #1- Saying the word ""anything""
Secret Slime Action #2- Wearing dity socks
Secret #1- Cleans up after world's dirtiest kid
Secret #2- Invented crash proof turn signals for skiers
Oct. 27, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E13 - Show #51
Secret Slime Action #1- Saying the word ""you""
Secret Slime Action #2- Hoping for rain
Secret #1- Show dairy goats with large udders
Secret #2- Award winning salt water taffy sculptors
Oct. 28, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E14 - Show #52
Secret Slime Action #1- Not having a question to ask
Secret Slime Action #2- Being related to the host
Secret #1- Play beast of burden basketball
Secret #2- Search for black trumpet mushrooms
Oct. 29, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E15 - Show #53
Secret Slime Action #1- Talking to another panelist
Secret Slime Action #2- Siting in your chair
Secret #1- Race toy cars on slotted track
Secret #2- Helped worm farmer win grant
Nov. 2, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E16 - Show #54
Secret Slime Action #1- Saying ""uhm""
Secret Slime Action #2- Thinking about slime
Secret #1- Play hockey in melted ice
Secret #2- Invented glow in the dark safety marker
Nov. 3, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E17 - Show #55
Secret Slime Action #1- Having the initials ""K.K""
Secret Slime Action #2- Thinking about seaweed
Secret #1- National junior miniature golf champion and caddy
Secret #2- Invented air blowing soup cooling spoon
Nov. 4, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E18 - Show #56
Secret Slime Action #1- Talking to a dad
Secret Slime Action #2- Wanting a puppy
Secret #1- Fly light frame aircraft with no engine
Secret #2- Holds breath to make heart shaped throat
Dec. 5, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E19 - Show #57
Secret Slime Action #1- Saying ""does it have to do with""
Secret Slime Action #2- Playing a detective
Secret #1- Float brother in air for magic act
Secret #2- Carved maze in Wisconsin corn feild
Nov. 6, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E20 - Show #58
Secret Slime Action #1- The head tilt
Secret Slime Action #2- Thinking abot your grandpa
Secret #1- Gave youngest champion first word board game
Secret #2- Hangs mom's earrings on braces
Nov. 10, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E21 - Show #59
Secret Slime Action #1- Touching the panel desk
Secret Slime Action #2- Being Cousin Patty
Secret #1- Pit peaches to make fruit leather
Secret #2- Invented seat belt safety alarm for kids
Nov. 11, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E22 - Show #60
Secret Slime Action #1- Listening to Summer
Secret Slime Action #2- Sitting next to Kevin
Secret #1- Pull flag on rope over line
Secret #2- Invented crumb catcher for car
Nov. 12, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E23 - Show #61
Secret Slime Action #1- Touching your face
Secret Slime Action #2- Sticking out your tongue
Secret #1- Stunt kite flying decorator and champion
Secret #2- Invented retainer holder necklace
Nov. 13, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E24 - Show #62
Secret Slime Action #1- Getting a ""yes"" answer
Secret Slime Action #2- Smiling
Secret #1- Build and ride mechanical bull
Secret #2- Proposed law to control cheating parking meters
Nov. 18, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E25 - Show #63
Secret Slime Action #1- Wearing a red jumpsuit
Secret Slime Action #2- Breathing through your nose
Secret #1- Place large lizards in new homes
Secret #2- Bowls frozen fowl to knock down pins
Nov. 19, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E26 - Show #64
Secret Slime Action #1- Not paying attention
Secret Slime Action #2- Having four cavities
Secret #1- Fifth generation cheese wheel makers
Secret #2- Past and present pinball wizards
Nov. 20, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E27 - Show #65
Secret Slime Action #1- Saying the word ""okay""
Secret Slime Action #2- Wanting a cookie
Secret #1- Trained squirrel to ski behind boat
Secret #2- Pulls belly button out of body
Nov. 23, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E28 - Show #66
Secret Slime Action #1- Saying the word ""is""
Secret Slime Action #2- Wiggling your toes
Secret #1- Imitate chickens in national cluck off
Secret #2- Designed winning card for mom's birthday
Nov. 24, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E29 - Show #67
Secret Slime Action #1- Talking to another panelist
Secret Slime Action #2- Thinking too hard
Secret #1- Bags groceries dad buys in record time
Secret #2- Bends to roller skate under father
Nov. 25, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E30 - Show #68
Secret Slime Action #1- Looking perplexed
Secret Slime Action #2- Talking to the contestants
Secret #1- Hot dog performing champion double dutch team
Secret #2- Dig up and study mammal bones
Nov. 26, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E31 - Show #69
Secret Slime Action #1- Asking a silly question
Secret Slime Action #2- Feeling groovy
Secret #1- Race hot rods on straight track
Secret #2- Cooks favorite sauce of spaghetti eating champion
Nov. 27, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E32 - Show #70
Secret Slime Action #1- Having you first name start with ""D""
Secret Slime Action #2- Blowing your nose
Secret #1- Self taught opera soloist
Secret #2- Hangs six bottles from face
Nov. 30, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E33 - Show #71
Secret Slime Action #1- Touching your jumpsuit
Secret Slime Action #2- Having an older brother in The Backstreet Boys
Secret #1- Champion Latin ballroom dancers and teacher
Secret #2- Invented and built toilet seat lifter upper
Dec. 1, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E34 - Show #72
Secret Slime Action #1- Having the O's in your name
Secret Slime Action #2- Being scared of the clue
Secret #1- Performs Texas skip and ropes at rodeos
Secret #2- Rescued baby bat in family barn
Dec. 2, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E35 - Show #73
Secret Slime Action #1- Being confused by the clue
Secret Slime Action #2- Sitting next to Eleanor
Secret #1- Roll parlor pigeons for distance
Secret #2- Stick lobster eyeballs to tounges
Dec. 3, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E36 - Show #74
Secret Slime Action #1- Being a natural rehead
Secret Slime Action #2- Being named after a vegetable
Secret #1- Invented no slip sleeping wrap
Secret #2- Youngest professional hockey announcer and fan
Dec. 4, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E37 - Show #75
Secret Slime Action #1- Talking out of turn
Secret Slime Action #2- Having a gymnastic move named after you
Secret #1- Hangs daughter from hair with headpiece
Secret #2- Loosens limbs to imitate rag doll
Dec. 7, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E38 - Show #76
Secret Slime Action #1- Touching your head
Secret Slime Action #2- Having a pony tail
Secret #1- Performs a backflip over family on water
Secret #2- Coached champion to spell thirteen letter word
Dec. 8, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E39 - Show #77
Secret Slime Action #1- never having been slimed before
Secret Slime Action #2- Being a member of the Wrigley family
Secret #1- Performs handstand balancing on father's hands
Secret #2- Dressed crab as Egyptian queen for pageant
Dec. 9, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E40 - Show #78
Secret Slime Action #1- Unknown
Secret Slime Action #2- Unknown
Secret #1- Unknown
Secret #2- Unknown
Dec. 10, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E41 - Show #79
Secret Slime Action #1- Unknown
Secret Slime Action #2- Unknown
Secret #1- Unknown
Secret #2- Unknown
Dec. 11, 1998, midnight 0.0
S3E42 - Show #80
Secret Slime Action #1- Unknown
Secret Slime Action #2- Unknown
Secret #1- Unknown
Secret #2- Unknown