Oct. 26, 2001, midnight 0.0
S5E33 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 1
Robots' Stitistics
Chaos 2 From: Ipswich
Seeded #1
Weight: 83 kilos
Weapons: Full Pressure Flipper
Strengths: Unbeaten in Competition
Weaknesses: Limited Co2 Supply
Storm Force Weight: 100 kilos Weapons: Axe or spike and Flipper Strengths: Self-Righting Mechinism Weaknesses: Slow and Sluggish
From: Cyberspace
Weight: 100 kilos
Weapons: Jaws, Fangs and Disc
Strengths: Multiple Weaponry
Weaknesses: Unreliable
Obisidon Weight: 98 kilos Weapons: Axe Strengths: Power of Axe Weaknesses: Thin Armor
Weight: 100 kilos
Weapons: Flipper and Axe
Strengths: Powerful Weapons
Weaknesses: No Self-Righting Mechinism
T-Bone From: Staffordshire Weight: 96 Kilos Weapons: Spinning Disc Strengths: Powerful Weapon Weaknesses: Poor Maneuverability
The Steel Avenger
Weight: 97 kilos
Weapons: Axe and Lifter
Strengths: Powerful Axe
Weaknesses: Accuracy of Weapon
The Tartan Terror Weight: 93 Kilos
Nov. 2, 2001, midnight 0.0
S5E34 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 2
The most destructive robot in the world, Hypno-Disc is back and better than ever! Can they spin to win the competition? We'll find out!
Fight 1: Hypno-Disc (seeded #3) Vs Black Widow Winner: Hypno-Disc vie knockout
Fight 2: Juggernot 2 Vs Bulldog Breed III Winner: Bulldog Breed III vie knockout
Fight 3: Wowot Vs Lambsy Winner: Lambsy vie knockout
Fight 4: Atomic Vs Kan-Opener Winner: Atomic vie knockout
Fight 5: Hypno-Disc Vs Atomic Winner: Hypno-Disc vie MAJOR knockout
Fight 6: Lambsy Vs Bulldog Breed III The dog beat the lamb vie knockout
Final: Hypno-Disc Vs Bulldog Breed III Winner: Hypno-Disc vie knockout
Hypno-Disc is through to the series semi-finals.
Nov. 9, 2001, midnight 0.0
S5E35 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 3
Fight 1: S3 Vs Plunderbird The Plunderbird team said that Plunderbird 5 was the robot that was going to win. At the beginning of the fight, they pushed the hammer-head shark like robot around the arena into the CPZ. However, S3's vertical disc was already causing major damage to Plunderbird. Eventually, Plunderbird stopped moving. S3's disc ripped up Plunderbird's armor and disintegrating it like tin foil. Eventually the wheels fell off. Plunderbird was no more. They were flipped through the air next to the Pit and were out. S3 goes through.
Fight 2: Stinger (Seated 5th) Vs Hippobotomus The Hippobotomus robot was built out of a hippo-shaped sand box. Because of its plastic construction, the only damage they tried to cause to Stinger was to themselves. Stinger pounded Hippobotomus again and again. The Hippo was falling apart. Dead Metal then sliced through the Hippo's cover. The fight went to the judges who decided Stinger to go through. The girl on the Hippobotomus team (She used
Nov. 16, 2001, midnight 0.0
S5E36 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 4
The #7 seeds, Firestorm are back. Can they go all the way?
Firestorm III From: Durham Weight: 100 Kilos Weapons: Front Flipper Strengths: Power of Weapon Weaknesses: Poor Transmitter Reliability
Fight 1: Firestorm (Seeded 7th) Vs Bee-Capitator House Robots: Matilda and Sir Killalot Firestorm showed no mercy. They flipped Bee-Capitator over and over again and eventually into Matilda. However, Bee-Capitator slid off of Firestorm's flipper, causing Matilda's flywheel to smack fight into Firestorm's flipping arm, bending it. Fortunately, Bee-Capitator were stuck upside-down and were counted out. Sir Killalot picked Bee-Capitator up and roasted them onto the flame pit. Bee-Capitator was then pitted. A wounded Firestorm moves on to the next round.
Nov. 23, 2001, midnight 0.0
S5E37 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 5
Thermidor II, the #16 seeds are back and ready for action. Can they win the UK Championship or will Wild Thing, the #9 seeds, now armed with a spinning disc, cut up lobster and throw it onto a dinner plate?
Nov. 30, 2001, midnight 0.0
S5E38 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 6
Tonight, we have two awesome axes: Dominator II, the #11 seeds and X-Terminator 2, the #14 seeds. Which axe will go through? Can newcomers 13 Black spin the Roulette wheel and come out on top?
Dec. 7, 2001, midnight 0.0
S5E39 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 7
Diotoir, Tornado and Spawn of Scutter. 3 names that we are familar with, but now newly improved. Tornado, the #12 seeds' ramming spike is now a 2,000 rpm spinning disc and Spawn of Scutter, the #13 seeds, now have a new robot: Spawn Again. How will they do?
Dec. 14, 2001, midnight 0.0
S5E40 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 8
The hits just keep on comin'! The #15 Seeds, Behemoth is the robot that may have a chance at winning, but the robot everyone's talkin' about is Wheely Big Cheese, the #10 seeds. With the biggest flipper in the business, they're an awesome robot! Can they get a wheely big win?
Fight 1: Wheely Big Cheese (Seated 10) Vs Woverine This was a very quick fight. All Wheely Big Cheese had to do was get under Wolverine and flip them out of the arena. This fight was all over in just 20 seconds! Wheely Big Cheese moves on!
Dec. 21, 2001, midnight 0.0
S5E41 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 9
It's Heat I and thinks are already heating up. The #8 seeds, Steg 2 are back with a brand new robot, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven. Also back in this heat is the #17 seeds, Splinter, the robot who got trashed by Hypno-Disc in the Series Semi-Finals last year. The scoop is gone and is replaced with an axe, but you can't count out Bigger Brother. Ian and Joe Watts are back and this time, Joe has brought his sister, Ellie, along for the ride. Who will come out on top in this heat?
Jan. 4, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E42 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 10
Jan. 11, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E43 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 11
The World Champs and #4 seeds, Razer are back! Can they win the UK Championship...or just break down again?
Jan. 18, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E44 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 12
The #2 seeds, Pussycat are back! Alan and David Gribble made it all the way to the Grand Final of the 4th Wars only to lose to Chaos 2. Can they win again this year?
Pussycat Seated: #2 From: Gloucester Weight: 97 kilos Weapons: Spinning Blade Strengths: Always Lands on its Feet Weaknesses: Exposed Tyres
The Executioner From: Cambridgeshire Weight: 100 kilos Weapons: Hydrolic Cutting Blade Strengths: Powerful Weapon Weaknesses: Driving Ability
Terrorhurtz From: Oxford Weight: 97 kilos Weapons: Powerful Axe Strengths: Experience Competitiors Weaknesses: Robot new to Arena
Ming III From: Somerset Weight: 100 Kilos Weapons: Crushing Arm Strengths: Powerful Weaponry Weaknesses: Exposed Tyres
Jan. 25, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E45 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 13
Bigger Brother Vs S3 Bigger Brother simply drove underneath S3 and chucked them around the arena and eventually threw them straight out. This was a quick fight, as Bigger Brother moves on to the next round!
Chaos 2 Vs Wild Thing Chaos 2 flipped WT over and over, shoving them and flipping them all around the arena. At one point, Wild Thing NEARLY pushed Chaos 2 down the pit! OH! It was so close! Chaos continued flipping Wild Thing around the arena. Then Wild Thing pushed Chaos 2 towards the Pit again. This time, they came so close, the smoke vent in the Pit went off! Cease was called after a few more wild flips. Chaos 2 still won on a judges' decision.
Razer Vs Spawn Again Razer kept puncturing Spawn Again with the beak. After more and more punctures, Spawn Again then drove down the pit. How sily!
Feb. 1, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E46 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 14
Wheely Big Cheese Vs Dominator 2 Dominator 2 was shot into the air, but, luckily went through when WBC broke down.
Firestorm Vs Hypno-Disc Hypno-Disc killed Firestorm in one solid hit. Firestorm was flipped and pitted.
Panic Attack VS Pussycat The #2 seeds fought strong and beat Panic Attack on a judges' decision.
Losers' Melee Wheely Big Cheese Vs Firestorm Vs Panic Attack WBC broke down. Firestorm beat Panic Attack on a judges' decision.
Dominantor 2 Vs Hypno-Disc Hypno-Disc got a few hits in on Dominator, and then spent the rest of the fight doing nothing. Blah! Hypno-Disc won and moves on to the Grand Final.
Firestorm Vs. Pussycat Firstorm moves on to the Grand Final after beating Pussycat, but their robot was a mess.
Feb. 8, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E47 - Robot Wars Extreme: Show 15
S5E48 - Second World Championship
S5E49 - Armed Forces Special
Fight 1: Anvil Vs Shockwave Vs Sub-Version
Fight 2: Mega-Hurts Vs Oblark Vs Rhino
Fight 3: Anvil Vs Oblark
Fight 4: Mega-Hurts Vs Sub-Version
May 24, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E1 - Heat A
Robots Competing: Chaos 2, Storm Force, S.M.I.D.S.Y., Obsidian, 8645T, T-Bone, The Steel Avenger, The Tartan Terror
May 31, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E2 - Heat B
Robots Competing: Hypno-Disc, Black Widow, Juggernot 2, Bulldog Breed 3, Wowot, Lambsy, Atomic 2, Kan-Opener
June 7, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E3 - Heat C
Robots Competing: S3, Plunderbird 5, MouseTrap, Shredder, Stinger, Hippobotomus, General Carnage 2, Guzunderbot
June 14, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E4 - Heat D
Robots Competing: Firestorm 3, Bee-Capitator, Sir Chromalot, Rohog, Bot Out Of Hell, Reactor 2, Gemini, Ruf Ruf Dougal
July 12, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E5 - Heat E
Robots Competing: Wild Thing, Trouble 'n' Strife, Velocirippa, The Alien, Napalm 2, Warhog, Thermidor 2, Prizephita Mach 2
Aug. 16, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E6 - Heat F
Robots Competing: Dominator 2, Derek, King B Powerworks, Kronic 2, 13 Black, Corkscrew, X-Terminator, Immortalis
Aug. 23, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E7 - Heat G
Robots Competing: Tornado, Gravedigger, Diotoir, Dome, Evolution, Sabretooth, Hydra, Spawn Again
Aug. 30, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E8 - Heat H
Robots Competing: Wheely Big Cheese, Wolverine, Axe-Awe, Granny's Revenge, Robochicken-Evo, Crushtacean, Behemoth, Supernova
Sept. 6, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E10 - Heat I
Robots Competing: Splinter, VIPER 01, Bigger Brother, Tip-Top, Onslaught, Tetanus, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, Eleven
Sept. 13, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E9 - Heat J
Robots Competing: Mini Morg, Kat 3, Tiberius 2, Monad, Major Tom, Kliptonite, Panic Attack, Barber-Ous
Sept. 27, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E11 - Heat K
Robots Competing: Razer, Big Nipper, Sumpthing, Widow's Revenge, Axe-C-Dent, Destruct-A-Bubble, Suicidal Tendencies, Rick
Oct. 4, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E12 - Heat L
Robots Competing: Pussycat, The Executioner, Ming 3, Terrorhurtz, Clawed Hopper, Twister, 101, Fluffy
Oct. 18, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E13 - Semi Final 1
Winners from Heats A, C, E, G, I, and K compete in Semi-Final 1
Oct. 25, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E14 - Semi Final 2
Winners from Heats B, D, H, J and L compete in Semi-Finals 2
Nov. 1, 2002, midnight 0.0
S5E15 - Grand Final
The Grand Final of The Fifth Wars