Jan. 2, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E1 - The Holiday Hangover Episode
Adam and Morgan return with a brand new season of X-Play with reviews of X-Men: The Official Game (Xbox 360), Yakuza (PS2), Chibi-Robo (Gamecube) and Saint's Row (Xbox 360), more crappy camera angles and a special appearance by Roger, the Stan Lee experience.
Jan. 3, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E2 - The Out Of Five Episode
In this episode, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb give viewers a rundown of the ratings system with five STAR-titles: 50 Cent: Bulletproof (Xbox), Genji: Days of the Blade (PS2), Sid Meier’s Railroads (PC), Dead Rising (X360) and Okami (PS2).
Jan. 8, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E3 - The Genre: RPG Episode
In this episode, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb present a 5-star Role Playing Game extravaganza featuring Final Fantasy XII (PS2), Dragon’s Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2), The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (X360) and come down with a case of RPG Ridiculopathy!
Jan. 9, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E4 - The Genre: Shooters Episode
In this episode, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb recap some of their favorite First Person Shooters, including Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3), Halo 2 (Xbox), Half-Life 2: Episode 1 (PC), the Non-First Person Shooter Gears of War (X360), as well as the non-FPS-related adventures of Special Agent Bob and Secret Agent Steve.
Jan. 10, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E5 - The Genre: Weird Episode
A look at some of the weirdest games ever created, including Giant Beauty, Heavy Metal Thunder, and more.
Jan. 15, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E6 - The Winter Games Episode
What if it snowed in San Francisco? Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb get ready to bring you winter games on this episode of X-Play with reviews of NHL 2K7 (X360), Scarface: The World Is Yours (Xbox), Torino 2006 (PS2), preview Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (X360), and take a look back at the weirdness of Jonny Moseley Mad Trix for the PS2.
Jan. 16, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E7 - The X-Play Origins Episode
Adam 2.0 and Morgan Von Webb bring you a review of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA), get a look at Gaming History with Stumpy Hazelton, and cameo flashback appearances from Johnny Xtreme, Special Agent Bob, Secret Agent Steve, Kratos, Patrick Stewart, Ratty (hand puppet), Johnny, Roger the Stan Lee Experience, The Yu-Gi-Oh! Gang, Evil Paul, Julio Del Montalbán, Shad Grim Gravy, the Screaming Intern, Kristin Holt, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb are abound.
Jan. 17, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E8 - The Of Guilds, Blitzes, and Duties Episode
Jan. 22, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E9 - The Blair Schools Us About Comix Episode
With Kristin Holt covering Ultimate Spider-Man on G4 Prime, we arrive at a very special “What If…?” episode of X-Play, wherein we theorize “What if X-Play’s Adam Sessler was replaced by the smokin’-hot Blair Butler ?!?!” ... Well, your dreams are about to be answered in this 4-color, 32 page comic-to-television adaption when Earth-311’s Morgan Webb and Blair recap Marvel Ultimate Alliance, X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse, The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, Justice League Heroes and Superman Returns: The Video Game.
Jan. 23, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E10 - The 500th Episode
Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb return to celebrate their 500th episode with reviews of Fight Night Round 3, Elite Beat Agents, Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II - The Rise of the Witch King. Also featured are a number of clips, throwbacks and montages from previous episodes.
Jan. 24, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E11 - The SEAL Force Trauma Episode
Reviews of College Hoops 2K7, Trauma Center, RoboBlitz, SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2, and Kirby Squeak Squad, as well as another segment of our world-famous Video Viewermail.
Jan. 29, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E12 - The Welcome, Old Friends Episode
On today's episode Adam and guest host Kristin Holt review Castelvania: Portrait of Ruin (DS), 1701 A.D. (PC), Sonic The Hedgehog (X360) Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (Wii) and go over the Top Four Games for JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theorists.
Jan. 30, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E13 - The History And Warcraft Episode
On today’s episode of X-Play, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb present reviews of Brothers in Arms: D-Day (PSP), History Channel - Civil War: A Nation Divided (X360), Super Swing Golf (Wii) and a preview of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (PC).
Jan. 31, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E14 - The You Got Your Gothic In My Elebits Episode
Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb return for another funfest of games including Elebits (Wii), Star Trek Legacy (X360), Gothic 3 (PC) and Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (X360), and a look at the top four games influenced by Colin Farrell, presented by Schick Quattro TITANIUM... TO THE EXTREME.
Feb. 5, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E15 - The X-Play Musical Episode
In this episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan make a deal with the devil to create their own video game. Naturally, only good things happen for everyone from this point forward. Also in this episode: SINGING.
Feb. 6, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E16 - The Gunpey The Platypus Episode
On this episode of X-Play, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb bring you reviews of two Xbox Live Arcade games: Assault Heroes (X360) and Small Arms (X360); as well as Gunpei Yokoi-inspired Gunpey (DS), Platypus (PSP), SOCOM U.S. Navy Seals: Combined Assault (PS2) and NFL Street 3 (PS2).
Feb. 7, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E17 - The Lethal Slug Episode
On today's episode of X-Play, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb review the amazingly awesome Metal Slug Anthology (Wii), Spongebob Squarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab (Wii), Star Wars: Lethal Alliance (PSP), the amazingly awful FarCry Vengeance (Wii), and preview Earth Defense Force 2017 (X360).
Feb. 12, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E18 - The We're All Invisible Here Episode
In today's episode of X-Play, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb review Arthur and the Invisibles (PS2), Luxor: Wrath of Set (PSP), Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller (DS) and Rogue Galaxy (PS2), as well as preview Oneechonbara Vortex (released here as Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad) for the Xbox 360.
Feb. 13, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E19 - The C'Mon Nippon Episode
Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb return for another exciting X-Play episode featuring a review of Heroes of Annihilated Empires for the PC and a preview of Motorstorm for the Playstation 3. You'll also get a rundown of games for fans of The OC such as GTA: San Andreas, Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer, Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico, Fight Club and FlatOut. Watch within 30 minutes of this offer and you'll also receive X-Play Top Five Ever with the Greatest Hoops Players of All Time! But wait, there's more! You'll also get an inside look at X-Play Japan, including a visit from Shad Grimgravy! And keep a lookout for a random appearance of Po-Ken, the G4 Panda!
Feb. 15, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E20 - The It's Mii Valentine's Day Episode
What sort of madness is this on Valentine's Day!?!? Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb return for a Wii-centric episode of X-Play featuring reviews of WarioWare: Smooth Moves and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. As well, Adam and Morgan give us a breakdown of their favorite Virtual Console games, such as Bonk's Adventure (TG16), Sonic the Hedgehog (GEN), The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES), Mario Kart 64 (N64) and Super Mario 64 (N64). Adam and Morgan also run down their least favorite titles for the Virtual Console, such as Pinball (NES), Urban Champion (NES), Soccer (NES), Xevious (NES) and Donky Kong (NES). Is anyone noticing a pattern here? Additionally, X-Play gives us an expose on the world of the Mii.
Feb. 19, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E21 - The Kill Your American Idols Episode
Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb return with reviews of Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express (PC), Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All (DS), Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol (PS2), Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (DS), and a preview of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Assault Warfighter 2 (X360).
Feb. 20, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E22 - The Sam, Max, Hammers, and Cracks Episode
In this episode of X-Play, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb bring us reviews of Sam & Max: Episodes 1-3 (PC), Warhammer: Battle for Atluma (PSP), Crackdown (X360) and a preview of Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar (PC). We also get to check out some of X-Play's favorite Guilty Pleasures, like Dead or Alive X-Treme 2 (X360), Dynasty Warriors 5 (PS2), Animal Crossings: Wild World (DS) and Super Princess Peach (DS).
Feb. 21, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E23 - The Pimp My Ninja Episode
In this episode of X-Play, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb head on down to Pimp City to bring you reviews of Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja (DS), Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony (PSP) and Pimp My Ride (X360), as well as a preview of Dewy's Adventure (Wii)* , look to find an actual ninja a job and check out the top four characters that need a shave, brought to you by Schick!
Feb. 26, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E24 - The Legend of Burger King Episode
In this episode, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb bring you reviews of The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean (PSP), Konductria (DS), and one whopper of a delicious gaming trilogy with Burger King's Sneak King, Big Bumpin and Pocket Bike Racers (Xbox/360), from BK Games. Adam and Morgan also bring another thrilling retrospective expose into Gay Games and preview of Harker (X360), the later cancelled vampire hunting game from The Collective.
Feb. 27, 2007, midnight 0.0
Feb. 28, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E26 - The Secrets of the Divine Chicken Episode
March 5, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E27 - The Virtua Virtua Episode
March 6, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E28 - The Golden Mullet Episode
March 7, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E29 - The Supremely Heavy Episode
March 12, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E30 - The Hour of Pirates Episode
Featuring: 'Sid Meier's Pirates' (PSP), 'Battlestations Midway' (X360), ' Hour of Victory' (X360), Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters (PSP), Games for Cheap Bastards and Crazy Adam's Import Games.
March 13, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E31 - The Look, Ma! I'm on TV! Episode
March 14, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E32 - The Kratos for President Episode
March 19, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E33 - The Alien Romance Episode
March 20, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E34 - The I'll Take Hominid For $1,000, Alex Episode
March 21, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E35 - The Big, Flaming Skull Episode
March 26, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E36 - The Diddy Knows Best Episode
March 27, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E37 - The Let Me Tell You My Life Story Episode
Reviews of The Sims: Life Stories, War Front Turning Point, Alien Shooter Vengeance, and more.
March 28, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E38 - The Singing in Oblivion Episode
April 2, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E39 - The Robinsons Are Here Episode
Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb return with reviews of Disney's Meet the Robinsons, Gurumin, Europa Universalis III and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 and spoil the ending of Shadow of the Colossus. Also in this episode, Drunk Link picks up a new trade... while Paul Bonanno makes the best of a questionable opportunity.
April 3, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E40 - The Hustle and Flow Episode
April 4, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E41 - The Chili's 300 Episode
Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb return for their steeziest episode yet with reviews of 300 (PSP), Silverfall (PC), Chili Con Carnage (PSP), SSX Blur (Wii) and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (PS3).
April 9, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E42 - The Dance, Dance....Goose! Episode
Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb get their fanny packs on with reviews of The Sims 2: Seasons (PC), Dance Dance Revolution Universe (X360), Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia (PS2), Pro Stroke Golf: World Tour 2007 (PSP) and Def Jam Icon (X360).
April 10, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E43 - The Cops, Cars, Command and Conquer
April 11, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E44 - The Titans, Gods, and Mafia Dons Episode
April 16, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E45 - The Shining Hunter Episode
April 20, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E46 - The Trippiest Games Of All Time Episode
It's a very special 4/20 episode of X-Play, as Adam and Morgan explore the trippiest games of all time.
April 23, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E47 - The Tiger Tiger Shining Bright Episode
April 24, 2007, midnight 0.0
April 30, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E49 - The Through Fahey's Eyes Episode
May 4, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E50 - The X-Play Summer Games Preview
May 7, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E51 - The Patrick Stewart's Star Trek-Tacular Episode
May 8, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E52 - The Shivering Wheelman Episode
May 9, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E53 - The Wing And A Puzzle Combo Episode
May 14, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E54 - The World's SeXXXiest Games Episode
May 15, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E55 - The Cooking With Dragons Episode
May 16, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E56 - The Monsters and Vampyres Episode
May 17, 2007, midnight 0.0
May 22, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E58 - The What We're Playing Now Episode
May 25, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E59 - The X-Play Loves Star Wars Episode
May 29, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E60 - The Dragonballs and Honeycombs Episode
May 30, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E61 - The Who Doesn't Love Cake? Episode
June 4, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E62 - The Blazing Steel Cube Episode
June 5, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E63 - The X-Play Up All Night Episode
June 6, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E64 - The C&C Spoiler Factory Episode
June 11, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E65 - The We'll Tell Your Mom Episode
June 12, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E66 - The Xtreme Overlord Episode
June 13, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E67 - The Friendly Neighborhood You-Know-Who Episode
June 18, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E68 - The Sphere Of The Gods Episode
June 19, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E69 - The Show At The End Of The World Episode
June 20, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E70 - The Hack and Crack Episode
June 25, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E71 - The Capcom Vs. Fairy Godmother Episode
June 26, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E72 - The Big Summer Franchise Episode
June 27, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E73 - The Dawn of Innocent Heroes Episode
July 17, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E74 - The Touch the Dirty Dead Episode
July 18, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E75 - The Top 10 Out of 5 Episode
July 24, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E76 - The Of Patriots, Bastards, and High School Episode
July 25, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E77 - The Sex and Violins Episode
On this special 1-hour episode, Adam and Morgan look at the explosion of sex and violence in video games from Custer's Revenge on the Atari 2600 to modern day cups of Hot Coffee, the rise of Mortal Kombat and the FMV horrors of Night Trap. Pete Wanat, executive producer of The Chronicles of Riddick and Scarface: The World is Yours, and George Jones, editorial director of GamePro, also stop by for one-on-one discussions regarding sex, violence and the industry.
July 31, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E78 - The Grim Tomb Odyssey Episode
Aug. 1, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E79 - The Funniest #@&% Ever Episode
Aug. 7, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E80 - The Lair of Shadows Episode
Aug. 8, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E81 - The G-Phoria 2007 Episode
Aug. 14, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E82 - The Dark Metal Brain Episode
Aug. 15, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E83 - The Fall Sports Preview Episode
Aug. 20, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E84 - The At The Movies Episode
Aug. 21, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E85 - The Persian Marvel Episode
Aug. 23, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E86 - The Vampires Of Juarez Episode
Aug. 27, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E87 - The Time Ninjas Episode
Aug. 28, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E88 - The Luminous, Hot, Heavy Brain Episode
Aug. 29, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E89 - The Gods and Dragons Episode
Sept. 1, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E90 - The Brothers, Strikers, and Assassins Episode
X-Play begins an inquisition of Sword Of The New World: Granado Espada, then looks at Brothers in Arms on the DS. Also reviewed: Mario Strikers Charged and Rainbow 6 Vegas on PSP, Dungeon Runner for the PC, and Monster Hunter Freedom 2. Also, we take an early look with a Quick Hit on Assassin's Creed.
Sept. 25, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E91 - Tokyo Game Show ’07: Day 1
Sept. 26, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E92 - Tokyo Game Show ’07: Day 2
Oct. 1, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E93 - The Heroes and Dragons Episode
Take to the skies on fire-breathing lizards as X-Play dishes out reviews for Lair, Warrior Orochi, Brain Age 2, Fatal Inertia, MegaMan Starforce Dragon, and Heroes of Mana.
Oct. 2, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E94 - The Samus Boogie Episode
Oct. 4, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E95 - The Divine Blade Episode
Oct. 8, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E96 - The Space Jam Episode
Oct. 9, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E97 - The Sequel Episode: Volume 3 Part 2
Oct. 10, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E98 - The skate. or Die Episode
Oct. 15, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E99 - The Thrills and Kills Episode
Oct. 16, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E100 - The Orange Box Special
Oct. 23, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E103 - The Super Sonic Episode
Oct. 22, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E102 - The Ultra-Violence Episode
Oct. 17, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E101 - The Donkey Show Episode
Oct. 24, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E104 - The Adorable Nintendo Episode
Oct. 29, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E105 - The Timeshifting Empires Episode
Oct. 30, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E106 - X-Play's Ratchet and Clank Future Episode
Oct. 31, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E107 - Top 10 Greatest Videogame Monsters
Nov. 6, 2007, midnight 0.0
Nov. 7, 2007, midnight 0.0
Nov. 8, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E110 - The Forced Responsibility Episode
Dec. 26, 2007, midnight 0.0
S5E125 - MMO's Galore!
Today on X-Play, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, Final Fantasy XI, and more...!