IMDb 3842

Network: Syndication
Episode Runtime: 45 min.
Season Runtime: 200952 min.
Status: Ended
Certification: TV-PG

Season 7

Using the power of television, Dr. Phil McGraw presents compelling stories about real people with a variety of emotional and behavioral problems, stripping away the shame and embarrassment that too often keep people from seeking help. Its a show that is suppose to help people with their problems and to find a solution on live TV .


Season 7

Using the power of television, Dr. Phil McGraw presents compelling stories about real people with a variety of emotional and behavioral problems, stripping away the shame and embarrassment that too often keep people from seeking help. Its a show that is suppose to help people with their problems and to find a solution on live TV .

IMDb 3842

Nov. 3, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E41 - Child Abductions

Nov. 4, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E42 - Grandmother vs. Mother Custody Battle

Nov. 11, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E47 - Risky Teen Behaviour

Nov. 12, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E48 - Hitman

Dr. Phil celebrates 40 years of musical genius with legendary music producer David Foster. After four decades, 45 nominations and 15 Grammy wins, David shares his memorable stories in his new book, Hitman: Forty Years Making Music, Topping the Charts and Winning Grammys, and DVD/CD, Hit Man: David Foster and Friends.
Nov. 13, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E49 - Dr. Phil's Get Real Retreat

Nov. 17, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E51 - Love Triangle

A new study shows that in America, as many as one in five men is having an extramarital affair, and that 15 percent of women are cheating too. Is your spouse being unfaithful? Jessica says she caught her husband of two and a half years, Ryan, having an affair with his ex-wife, April, whom she thought was her friend. Ryan admits to having a one-time only rendezvous with April, but April says it occurred closer to 60 times. Who's telling the truth? Jessica fears her husband and April are still keeping secrets from her. Because Ryan and April share custody of a son, Jessica laid down specific rules for when they interact. Are these stipulations keeping Ryan's behavior in check? After Dr. Phil sends Ryan backstage to have a private conversation with his wife, does he admit to more than the one-night fling with April? Will Jessica decide to rebuild the bond with her husband or cut him loose? Then, Daniel admitted to his wife, Karen, that he had an emotional affair with a woman he met online. Only days before coming to the show, he confessed that the affair was sexual. He says he's sorry and wants to put his family back together, but will Karen take him back?
Nov. 19, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E53 - Shoplifting Confessions

As the nation suffers through an economic meltdown, many Americans resort to drastic measures to keep their families afloat. Just how far would you go to stay in the black? Laura and her husband, Allen, say they’ve made nearly $1 million in the last six years. There’s just one problem –- they don’t have jobs! Self-proclaimed professional shoplifters, the couple says they travel across state lines to steal TVs, toys, electronics and more –- and they often take their three young children along on their heists. They videotape themselves to show Dr. Phil how they get away with nabbing big-ticket items. Do Laura and Allen just get a thrill from thievery, or are they kleptomaniacs? Can the couple quit for good before they get arrested and lose their children? Then, Tami and Chris have a beautiful house, three cars and two children. But Tami says her husband is shattering their idyllic home life with his shoplifting addiction. She says he’s been arrested four times and was recently sentenced to 90 days in state prison. Chris joins Dr. Phil via satellite from jail to tell his side of the story. Find out why he says he can’t stop stealing, but when he hears his 4-year-old daughter's emotional plea, will he change his mind? And, Tami’s mom, Marilyn, calls Chris a pathological liar and says her daughter needs to kick him to the curb. Is Chris beyond redemption? Will he be able to clean up his act?
Nov. 20, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E54 - Spouses At War

Thursday - November 20, 2008 Spouses at War From the outside, they appear to be a perfect couple – successful, affluent and respected in the community. But behind closed doors, Jake and Donna’s knock-down, drag-out fights are driving them to the brink of divorce. Donna says that Jake’s abusive temper ranges from terrible verbal insults, to threatening to push her over a second-story railing, to waving a gun around! Though his apologies come with elaborate gifts, Donna says she just wants the abuse to end. Meanwhile, Jake says Donna is controlling, only in the marriage for the money and cold to their adopted 7-year-old twin daughters. What does the rest of the family think? You may be surprised by what Jake’s stepdaughter has to say. See how this couple’s constant power struggle is crippling their 20-year marriage. Will their individual need to win cause them both to lose, or will they rebuild the love they once knew?
Nov. 21, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E55 - Prop. 8 Debate

Friday - November 21, 2008 Same-Sex Marriage: The Prop 8 Debate It’s a hot-button topic in California and around the country: The passage of Proposition 8, which reinstated a ban on same-sex marriage. Supporters of this initiative voted to preserve the sanctity of marriage solely between a man and a woman. Opponents of Prop 8 say it violates the constitutional rights of the gay community and that America’s laws should treat everyone equally. Since Election Day, numerous protests and rallies have been organized to overturn the law, and the debates are getting heated regarding this highly personal and controversial topic. Dr. Phil’s guests debate their opposing points of view: Discrimination attorney Gloria Allred, president of the Human Rights Campaign Joe Solmonese, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, Pastor Jim Garlow, president of National Organization of Marriage Maggie Gallagher and co-campaign manager for the Yes on 8 Campaign Jeff Flint. Whatever your beliefs, you won’t want to miss this show!
Nov. 24, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E56 - Family Cult

Dr. Phil delves into a tragic story that spanned several decades, shattered lives and left one person behind bars. Fourteen children were held captive by a man who called himself The Messiah … a man who was also their father.
Nov. 25, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E57 - Family Drama

Family Drama Family squabbles are hard to avoid –- especially during the holidays –- but what happens when that behavior escalates to cursing, yelling and even physical attacks? Loretta says she’s tired of the constant drama in her household, and she blames her husband, Devin. She says he’s selfish, calls her a “whale” and verbally and physically abuses their 18-year-old twin daughters, Ashley and Amy. Amy recently got married, and she says her relationship with her father is so strained, she didn’t even want him to walk her down the aisle! Devin says he’s the innocent one and says his wife and daughters are disrespectful to him. Who’s telling the truth? And, a few years ago, Devin videotaped Amy when she came home drunk to teach her a lesson. How does she react when she sees the footage in its entirety? Plus, Loretta says if Devin doesn’t get a wake-up call about his behavior, then she’s ready to kick him to the curb. Is there hope for this divided family? Will Loretta and Devin be able to reconcile –- or should they?
Nov. 26, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E58 - A Husband's Double Life

Studies show that as many as 18 to 24 million Americans suffer from sexual addiction; an overwhelming obsession that can destroy lives, ruin marriages and tear families apart. Elaine says she wishes she had never met her husband, Michael, because of the terrible secrets she’s uncovered about him. But did she ignore the warning signs before they got married? Michael says he knew he had a problem, but thought he could keep it a secret from his wife. You won’t believe where Michael’s addiction takes him multiple times a day and how he covered his tracks for seven years. And, Elaine recently made a shocking discovery. Should she be concerned for the safety of her two children? Find out what Dr. Phil thinks. Michael says he’s come clean, but will a polygraph exam reveal more hidden truths? Viewer discretion is advised.
Nov. 28, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E59 - I Survived

`None of us are immune to certain life challenges, changing life moments, days we just can’t avoid. It’s doesn’t matter how smart you are, how well you live, how much money you have, there are certain things in this life that we just can’t avoid, so we have to prepare for them,` Dr. Phil says. Are you prepared to handle a crisis?
Dec. 1, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E60 - Bring Back My Child

Parents try their best to protect their kids and teach them about stranger danger, but what if your child is abducted … and the abductor is the other parent? Zanni and Christine are former sisters-in-law who say their ex-husbands, George and John Silah, vanished and took their children with them. The mothers haven't heard from their sons in months and have no idea where they are. Why do Zanni and Christine wish they trusted their instincts? Don’t miss the warning signs these moms say they recognized too late. The mothers accuse the fathers of shady business practices, and you won't believe what they say they discovered in their ex-husbands' home! The men are wanted for child abduction and there is a $25,000 reward for their capture. Tune in to see if you recognize the fathers or sons and know their whereabouts. Then, David says he was happily married to Bruna and had a 4-year-old son whom he loved dearly. When he dropped them off at the airport in 2004, he never imagined that would be the last time he would see either of them for years. When Bruna arrived in her native Brazil, she called David and told him she wanted a divorce. David, who was devastated by his wife's actions, has fought tirelessly to regain custody of his son. Recently, this story took a tragic turn. Hear from David's attorney and get insight into his case. And, after losing custody of her 14-month-old, Cecilia went on the run and became a fugitive. She says fleeing was her only option, but now that she's been arrested and has served time, would she do it again?
Dec. 1, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E61 - Whatever Happened To?

Do you ever wonder how your favorite Dr. Phil guest is faring since being on the show? Dr. Phil follows up with some of his most talked about guests. Up first is the story of a little girl named Kaylee. Her mother, Krista, and grandmother, Bonii, alleged she was being sexually abused by her father, Jeremy. He vehemently denied the allegations, but a lie detector test found him to be deceptive. Find out the shocking twist that has occurred since their appearance two years ago. Next, Shenek admitted that she hated ugly people and didn't want to associate with them. She also had a diva attitude and gave the show a list of demands before her appearance. Shenek says she got a wake-up call when Dr.Phil conducted an experiment to show her what kind of first impression she was making on others. Has she changed? Was there a diva in the house this time around? You'll be shocked when you find out the answers! Then, when Sylvia first appeared on the show for help coping with the death of her husband, she was seven months pregnant and struggling to raise twin 4-year-olds. Now days away from delivering a baby girl, she joins the show via Web cam to share how she's doing. Don't miss the surprise Dr. Phil has for her -- one which you may have contributed to! And, remember Pierre who couldn't decide what was more important: his mother and the luxuries she provided him or his wife? During his second appearance, Dr. Phil told him that his mom was holding his manhood in a Dixie cup, and he needed to man up. Did he listen to Dr. Phil's advice, or is his mom still clinching the purse strings?
Dec. 3, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E62 - Families under Fire

As the nation faces a collapsing financial market, record job losses and a foreclosure crisis, is your marriage strong enough to survive the storm? Bishop T.D. Jakes, renowned pastor and author of Before You Do, joins Dr. Phil to discuss how families can brave tough times. First up, Karen says she and her husband, Walter, were living the American Dream: a loving marriage, a beautiful home and a 20-acre farm. But when she quit her job for health reasons two years ago, bills began piling up, and Karen fears her spouse is cracking under the pressure. She says Walter gets tense, pounds his head with his fists and blames her for their mounting debt. Walter admits that he can hurl insults when he and Karen fight over their finances, but says Karen’s carelessness with credit cards is driving them further into the red. Find out what Karen says her husband did that pushed her over the edge. Can Dr. Phil and Bishop Jakes get the couple back on track? Then, Sherida and Brandon have been married for three months, but instead of enjoying their honeymoon, they say their relationship is already on the rocks. Sherida says that Brandon has a law degree, but he refuses to get a job, and she’s tired of being the sole provider. Brandon says he’s waiting on a higher power to provide. Can Sherida and Brandon salvage their union, or should she cut her losses? Plus, don’t miss Dr. Phil’s survival plan to get your marriage through the economic meltdown.
Dec. 4, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E63 - Dr. Phil's Get Real Retreat

Fourteen courageous people spend three days facing Dr. Phil and the reality of their problems, which include addiction, anger, grief and abuse. In Part 4 of Dr. Phil’s retreat, the guests examine their feelings about their mom and dad. Will the participants free themselves from the pain of their past and let go of resentment they say they harbor against their parents? When Kelly is asked what she would say to her father if he were alive, her overwhelming emotions get the best of her. And, Carina delves into her feelings about her abusive stepfather. Is she waiting for an apology that will never come? Plus, Jessica R., who battles with weight and self-image, says she doesn’t feel she deserves to be in the retreat. When Dr. Phil plays a video of her at home, will she realize she’s right where she belongs?
Dec. 5, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E64 - School Discipline: Out of Control?

When you send your children to school, you expect them to be taught in a nurturing environment. But what should you do if you learn your child has experienced extreme discipline by those entrusted to teach him or her? Eva and Doug's autistic daughter, Isabel, was 8 years old when her teachers claimed her behavior became too difficult to handle, so they sent her to the Time-Out room. Cameras captured Isabel's time spent in isolation, which her parents say lasted for over three hours. Her parents say they had worked with the teachers regarding disciplining Isabel and were panicked and horrified when they saw the footage. Next, Martha says her 12-year-old daughter was in a classroom when $42 went missing. In an effort to find the money, a group of girls were strip-searched. You won't believe who reportedly ordered the investigation. Martha says her daughter is devastated and will never be the same. Then, when 5-year-old Gabriel constantly complained that his teacher was mean and yelled at him, his mom, Tabitha, sent him to school with a tape recorder in his pocket. Hear the audio recordings and find out the shocking information Tabitha discovered. Psychologist Ken Merrell, special education teacher Kathy Riley and civil litigation attorney Areva Martin weigh in on these cases. And, after years of being relentlessly bullied by fellow students, Jeremiah brought the torment to a tragic end. His father, Jeff, joins Dr. Phil and Jay McGraw to speak for the first time on television.
Dec. 8, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E65 - Drowning in Debt

Dec. 9, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E66 - Fighting Back

Would you return a diamond ring if a jeweler gave you the wrong one by mistake? Is it fair for a company to ask an employee to lose weight? Dr. Phil’s guests are fighting back against what they believe are injustices. Eddie says he had already proposed to his fiancée, Ashley, when the jewelry store called and dropped a bombshell. He had accidentally been given another customer’s ring -- of a much greater value -- and the store wanted it back. Should Eddie be held responsible for the jeweler’s mistake? He finally has his day in court … on Dr. Phil’s stage! Then, Virginia was a bartender for a popular nightspot in Los Angeles, but says her employer asked her to lose five pounds and reassigned her to the kitchen. Virginia says she’s always been a size 6, and the ordeal has damaged her self-confidence. Her attorney Gloria Allred weighs in on gender stereotypes in the workplace. And, Trevor says his neighbor’s dog, Chloe, constantly barks and interrupts his sleep and meditation time. He says the canine has caused him to file several complaints with Animal Control, and he often videotapes Chloe to collect evidence. His neighbors, Ric and Sandy, say Trevor is barking up the wrong tree because he’s the only one in the neighborhood who complains about their pooch. Can these feuding neighbors reach a compromise?
Dec. 10, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E67 - Obsessions

When does a hobby become an obsession? Dr. Phil’s guests say they are definitely obsessed! First, meet a group of women who can’t get enough of a new craze called reborning -- crafting infant dolls that are so lifelike, people mistake them for real babies. Some spend thousands of dollars on their dolls, as if they were real children. Author and comedienne Stefanie Wilder-Taylor spends some time with the doting doll lovers during a party you have to see to believe! Then, Anona says she’s obsessed with her hair, which she hasn’t cut in 17 years. Anona says she’s ready for a change, but how will she react when actress Vivica A. Fox and celebrity stylist Phillip Bloch get their hands on her? Don’t miss this amazing makeover! Plus, a mom is concerned about her 7-year-old’s obsession with all things Elvis. And, Vivica spills the beans about an obsession she shares with Dr. Phil’s wife, Robin … that even Dr. Phil wasn’t aware of!
Dec. 11, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E68 - Relationship Reality Check

Marriage is supposed to be about compromise, but what happens when one partner says, "It's my way or the highway"? Newlyweds Matthew and Lianna have been married for just three months and are already at odds about Lianna’s passion for her very unusual hobby. After a heart-to-heart on their honeymoon, Matthew says he thought they had come to a compromise, but Lianna says Matthew is squashing her dreams. Find out why Matthew says he didn’t sign up to be married to a “gay man in a woman’s body,” and how married life, for this couple, is turning into a real drag. Then, Shawna and John have been together for 13 years and share three children. Shawna says she still wants to be married to John … just not right now! You won’t believe her shocking plan for a marital sabbatical, and neither does John. How will he react when he hears the news for the first time? When Dr. Phil gives these relationships a reality check, will their mismatched expectations cause them to break their vows?
Dec. 12, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E69 - 911 Nightmares!

Imagine that you’ve fallen, had a terrible accident or been abducted, and your only lifeline is 911. What happens if you call and can’t get the help you need or emergency personnel are sent to the wrong address?America's 911 system handles nearly 240 million calls per year, and the growing number of dispatch disasters can be a matter of life or death. Edward and Ada know about this pain firsthand. They lost their loved one, Olidia, to a murder-suicide in the parking lot of a police station after what they say was a botched 911 call. Edward says his mom’s death could have been prevented, and Ada believes the operator was rude to her sister in the final moments before her murder. Joining Dr. Phil to discuss the tragedy are Charlie Cullen from the National Emergency Number Association and Caroline Burau, a 911 dispatcher and author of Answering 911: Life in the Hot Seat. Find out the most important piece of information you need to know when calling for help. Then, Nathan’s wife, Denise Amber Lee, was abducted, and a series of 911 calls -- even one placed by Denise herself -- failed to save the young mom’s life. Jane, a witness to Denise’s abduction, was on the line with 911 for more than nine minutes … but police were never dispatched. Now Nathan says he's angry with the system and has trouble explaining Denise’s death to their two young sons. What can the grieving father do to move past the pain? And, learn what constitutes a genuine emergency, and what to teach your kids about dialing those three important numbers.
Dec. 15, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E70 - Headline Horror Stories

What would push an 8-year-old to allegedly kill his own father? What would make a man brutally murder a talented anchorwoman? Dr. Phil is joined by Nancy Grace of Headline News, children’s rights attorney Paul Mones and criminologist Dr. Denise Boots as they delve into some recent shocking and horrific headlines. Recently, police were called to a fitness club in Tracy, California where an emaciated and half-naked teen boy stumbled in, covered in soot and bruises with a shackle on his ankle. The boy told a terrifying story of escaping from a house where he was kept prisoner, locked in chains, beaten and starved. Nancy Grace has some strong words for the boy’s alleged captors. Then, an Arizona town was recently rocked by the news of an 8-year-old boy arrested for allegedly shooting and killing his father and another man. See the interrogation video where the boy allegedly confessed. Are there any warning signs that a child is going to kill a parent? Should an 8-year-old be tried for murder? A heated debate ensues between Paul and Nancy. Plus, 13-year-old Tyler falsely confessed to the murder of his brother-in-law. He was tried as adult, sentenced to life in prison and served six years before being exonerated from the crime. Now 19, Tyler shares what made him lie to the police. And, Dr. Phil discusses the case of a beautiful young newscaster found brutally attacked and left for dead in her home in Little Rock, Arkansas. Anne Pressly’s case is eerily similar to the murder of another anchorwoman in 2002. Was it more than a random robbery?
Dec. 16, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E71 - Dr. Phil and Robin's Classic Holidays

You've heard the saying that Christmas is "The most wonderful time of the year," but Dr. Phil's audience members say they're feeling stressed and worried about affording the holidays this year. To their surprise, they've been invited to celebrate a classic Christmas with Dr. Phil and Robin on their holiday giveaway show! From necessities like gas cards, cash and home-cooked dinners to cool high-tech gadgets like the latest cell phone, video camera, watch and GPS device -- each audience member is going home with more than $10,000 worth of goods. What would Christmas be without family? Dr. Phil and Robin's sons, Jay and Jordan, and daughter-in-law, Erica, join them to give away their favorite products, including clothes, beauty items and housewares. Special celebrity guests drop by to share their hottest Christmas gifts, and Santa brings a sleigh full of toys for children of all ages. When Kermit the Frog joins the show seeking advice for his relationship with Miss Piggy, he has Dr. Phil in stitches! And, Robin suggests presents for the woman in your life. Plus, don't miss the amazing musical and dance performances. If you're looking for great gift ideas for your loved ones, you won't want to miss these best-of-the-season items for every budget. And, learn how you can get discounts on some of these products
Dec. 17, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E72 - Huge Holiday Headaches

Does someone in your life make the holidays more of a headache than a festive, joyful time? Jennifer says her mother, Judy, otherwise known as Grandma Claus, goes way overboard when it comes to Christmas. She says her mother decorates every square inch of her house with an estimated 1,200 snowmen, 1,000 Santas and angels, and tens of thousands of lights! Judy’s Christmas spirit takes up so much space, she can’t even eat at her dining room table. Jennifer says her mother gives so many gifts to her three daughters that it takes them an overwhelming two hours to open them all -- and at least 75 percent of the gifts end up in the trash or donated to charity. Don’t miss what makes Grandma Claus’ gifts so … special. Then, Dr. Phil’s next guest, also named Judy, is a self-proclaimed Scrooge who hates Christmas and refuses to celebrate it at all. She says the holiday is nothing but greediness and commercialism. Can Dr. Phil break through her “bah humbug”? Plus, don’t miss some exclusive backstage moments from Dr. Phil and Robin’s fifth annual Christmas in Washington concert, which airs December 17 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on TNT.
Dec. 18, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E73 - Caylee Anthony

Since her disappearance in July 2008, Caylee Anthony's image has been splashed across magazine covers and TV screens in an effort to find the missing 3-year-old. America has been riveted by the bizarre twists and turns of this case, including reports of suspicious behavior of the child’s mother, Casey. Despite her continued claims of innocence, Casey was charged with Caylee’s murder. Now, the latest developments in this case may finally solve the mystery, as the skeletal remains of a small child were found within a mile of the child’s grandparent’s house, where she often resided with her mother. While a positive identification has yet to be made, investigators searched the home of Caylee’s grandparents, and according to police, recovered additional evidence that may lead to a resolution. Dr. Phil and his panel of experts probe into a case that has captivated millions.
Dec. 19, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E74 - Beyond the Frontlines

Jan. 6, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E76 - What's Age Got to Do With It?

Jan. 7, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E77 - Omaha Mall Shooting

Jan. 9, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E79 - Not Easily Broken

When you tie the knot, you and your spouse proclaim, “For better or for worse,” but how far are you willing to go to save a troubled marriage? Dr. Phil sits down with Bishop T. D. Jakes, renowned pastor and writer/producer of the new film, Not Easily Broken. The movie, based on Bishop Jakes’ titular novel, shows couples how to stay together during tough times.
Jan. 12, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E80 - An Addict in the Family

While battling cancer, Paula learned her 21-year-old daughter, C.J., had been turning to drugs, and that her husband had an affair. Can this family come together to save C.J.?
Jan. 14, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E82 - Out Of The Cult

Extreme religious groups; two women travel to a compound to try to rescue their relatives; a brother and sister say they were molested by a group's leader.
Jan. 15, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E83 - Rage caught on tape

Everyone has moments of anger, but some have tempers that flare up quickly and often. Dr. Phil explores a wide spectrum of anger and offers advice on how to reign it in and overcome it. Learn how to manage the frustrations in your life.
Jan. 16, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E84 - Ask Dr. Phil

It's Ask Dr. Phil day, and you won't believe the topics! First up, Jimmy, a 43-year-old musician, lives with his 20-year-old daughter, Morgan. He says many young ladies are attracted to him — including Morgan’s friends. He prefers dating the young ladies, but Morgan says he should stick to women his own age. Should he change his relationship rules for his daughter? Next, Jessica says her husband is like the trash man, constantly throwing away the kids' games and shredding mail, including a check he received for his birthday! Jessica says money is tight and wants to know how to curb her spouse’s urge to purge. Then, Anita and her husband, Kenny, appeared on the Dr. Phil episode "'You're Not Hot Enough,'" because Anita was overweight and Kenny made fun of her. Since the show, she has both lost and regained over 50 pounds and now wants gastric bypass surgery to take the weight off for good. Why is Kenny so opposed to the procedure? Does Dr. Phil think it's a good idea? And, Keyana says she wants to be adopted by a new mom. What does Dr. Phil think about her pursuit for new parents?
Jan. 19, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E85 - The Pressures of the President

The slogan "Yes We Can" and the words hope and change are the foundation and spirit of Barack Obama's platform. As the inauguration approaches and the optimism and excitement grows, so too grows the hype. The pressure on the president-elect is so enormous you may be wondering how even a strong man can withstand it. Hear from a range of commentators, from Washington insiders Ari Fleischer and Arianna Huffington to members of the millennium generation, and learn what they have to say about the campaign, the challenges Obama faces and the qualities he possesses that will help him succeed. And, what can this new first family expect as they move into a life that will certainly play out under the microscope? Then, see shocking photos showing how a couple terms in the White House may have aged previous presidents. Is Obama at risk of maturing twice as fast while commander-in-chief? Dr. Travis Stork, host of the hit series The Doctors, illustrates the toll stress can take on a president. Plus, a trend-spotter shares the biggest trends Americans can expect when a new period in history begins!
Jan. 21, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E86 - The Wild, Wild Web

Social networking Web sites like Facebook and MySpace are great for meeting people, but they’re also the source of much controversy. Do the dangers of these sites outweigh their benefits? Dr. Phil takes a look at the latest issues to crop up on the digital frontier. He begins with 17-year-old Ashley, who says her mother, Janet, obsessively controls her Facebook account and also harasses her friends online. Janet says she’s witnessed disturbing things on these Web sites, and she’s not about to let Ashley get into trouble. In trying to keep her daughter safe, has the concerned mom gone too far, or not far enough? Dr. Phil’s opinion might surprise you. Then, Facebook doesn’t allow pictures of bare bosoms to grace its pages – but what if the breast that’s bared belongs to a nursing mom? See the picture that caused a firestorm of controversy, and judge for yourself whether it’s obscene. Plus, meet a woman who spent 11 months in an intimate Facebook relationship with someone she thought was actor Matthew Perry from the show Friends. When she found out the true identity of her digital paramour, you won’t believe what happened next. Before you grant your next online friend request, you’ll want to check out this show!
Jan. 22, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E87 - President Obama: Hope vs. Reality

The inauguration party is over. What’s next for this country? Dr. Phil and his esteemed guests discuss their thoughts about the new presidency and what to expect in the next four years. How will the Obama presidency change our lives? Can he save this country from financial ruin? What does his economic stimulus plan mean to you at home? Can Obama live up to the hype -- or will our hopes be dashed? Inside Edition’s Deborah Norville recaps the highlights from the inauguration, and Ann Coulter, controversial author and conservative commentator, gives her opinions on President Barack Obama. Plus, a personal finance expert tells you what you need to know to get through these tough economic times, and more!
Jan. 23, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E88 - Behind the Headlines

Dr. Phil takes an in-depth look at unbelievable news stories that have captivated millions. Adam Herrman, 21, vanished from his Kansas home 10 years ago, but his adoptive parents, Doug and Valerie, only reported him missing last month! Dr. Phil talks to the young man’s biological parents, Gerri and Irvin, who haven’t seen each other in 22 years. What do they think happened to their child? Who’s to blame for the disappearance of Adam Herrman, and is there any chance that the young man is still alive? Nancy Grace, the host of HLN weighs in. Then, millions were inspired by the safe landing of USAirways Flight 1549, also dubbed the “Miracle on the Hudson.” Three passengers, Brad, Joshua and Denise, say they’re thankful to be alive, but they’re still haunted by memories of that fateful day. How can they deal with the psychological affects of the plane crash and move on with their lives?
Jan. 26, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E89 - Fighting Fair

All couples argue, but Dr. Phil says name-calling, temper tantrums and hitting below the belt can ruin a marriage. He sits down with Mark and Leana who have been married for only five months but say they’re headed for divorce court. Leana says her husband spends more time with his band mates than he does with her and their four children. Mark says Leana constantly emasculates him, and he accuses her of being unfaithful. You won’t believe what home video cameras captured during the newlyweds' 62-minute fight. Find out what Dr. Phil witnesses that disturbs him the most. Can this couple resolve their differences, or should they call it quits? If you and your mate are having knock-down, drag-out battles, don’t miss Dr. Phil’s rules for fighting fair!
Jan. 27, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E90 - Crazy Teen Trends

From sending sexual text messages to taking a punch to the face for fun, today’s teens are engaging in outrageous trends. First up, 13-year-old Reina made headlines when she racked up 14,528 texts in one month! Her father, Greg, wrote an article about her excessive texting but says she's just being a teenager. What does Dr. Phil think? His observations may surprise you. Then, Gwen and Mike say they’re worried about their 12-year-old daughter, who has sent risqué text messages, otherwise known as sexting, since she first owned a cell phone. When Dr. Phil meets with the preteen backstage, what does she say drives her behavior? Could she be headed down a dangerous path? Plus, 16-year-old J.R. says he allows his friends and family to sock him in the head and then posts the videos on YouTube. His mother, Tammy, says his videos are hilarious, and she supports his dream of training for the reality show The Ultimate Fighter. Dr. Travis Stork, host of the hit show The Doctors, warns about the dangers of J.R.’s hobby. Plus, meet a teen who played the punch-out game with tragic consequences.
Jan. 28, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E91 - Honeymoon Hangover

Are you a newlywed suffering from honeymoon hangover? It’s when the vacation in the Bahamas is over, the dress is put away and couples realize there’s an important thing they now have to face: Marriage. Dr. Phil is shocked to find how little couples know about each other before they walk down the aisle. Jeremy and Tamarra have been married for only eight months, and they wonder if their marriage can be saved. Jeremy says Tamarra is so clingy that he’s had to give up everything he enjoys in order to spend time with her. Tamarra says being married means doing everything together, so why wouldn’t Jeremy want to spend every free minute with her? Dr. Phil gives them a newlywed quiz. How well do they really know each other? Then, Mandy says her husband of three years had a 180-degree turn after they got married and changed his mind about an important value they shared: faith in God. Now, Nic says he’s an atheist, and Mandy is worried about what this means for their marriage and their family. Plus, Dr. Phil answers important questions from engaged couples: Should partners open a joint checking account? Do you need to get along with your future spouse’s family? How much do you need to know about your partner’s past? If you’re about to tie the knot, grab a pen and paper and make sure you know these important facts about your mate!
Jan. 29, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E92 - Time to Grow Up!

As the economy struggles, many Americans are suffering financially and find themselves without extra cash in hand. Dr. Phil's guests say their money is maxed out, and they're tired of supporting their adult children too. Ardy and Brian say their household expenses have pushed the limits ever since Ardy's 25-year-old son, Jason, moved in. Ardy says he's lazy, unmotivated and acts like a 10-year-old. So why does she continue doling out dollars? Brian says Jason's selfish ways have gone too far, and he wants to evict the young man. You won't believe Jason's excuses. Will these parents decide to pull the plug on their ATM? Then, Maurice and Sharon say they want the best for their 24-year-old daughter, Samantha, and 21-year-old son, Jonathan, but providing for them has put them in the red to the tune of $100,000. Sharon says she'll be paying off the debt until she's 84! Do the brother and sister have a good reason for needing Mom and Dad's help, or are they living beyond their means? Dr. Phil sends the siblings back to school to learn elementary money lessons. Will they come away with a new outlook for their financial future? And, financial expert Susan Beacham shares her top money lessons to teach your children ... starting when they're kids.
Jan. 30, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E93 - Shocking Headlines

Horrifying, enraging, downright shocking … words that come to mind as you read some of the biggest headline news stories that gripped the nation in the past few weeks. Go inside the lives of ordinary people and see what happens when their lives are thrown in the spotlight during a time of crisis and tragedy. From a husband demanding his estranged wife return the kidney he donated to her, to Drew Peterson taking a new fiancée while his wife, Stacy, remains missing, Dr. Phil and his panel of experts including host Nancy Grace, HLN and attorney Lisa Bloom, tackle these topics and more. Plus, don’t miss the latest twist in the Caylee Anthony case and hear firsthand what Casey Anthony's ex-fiancé has to say about the mom and daughter.
Feb. 2, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E94 - Rage Caught on Tape: The Follow Up

Dr. Phil continues his look at rage. When Isabella first appeared on the show, cameras installed in her home captured outrageous behavior. Has she changed? Find out how she reacts when she hears what message board writers posted about her. Isabella's mom, Mary, joins the show and gives insight into Isabella's childhood. Why does she feel her daughter's anger is like a cancer that could destroy her? Then, find out why Isabella says she feels like she could actually hurt someone. Dr. Frank Lawlis, Chairman of the Dr. Phil Advisory Board and author of The Stress Answer, reveals the results of Isabella's evaluation, which he conducted at his PNP Center. Will the findings shed light on why Isabella loses control? And, Stuart says his rage is like a train on a collision course, and he's fearful for what might happen. He unleashes on everyone from his family members to strangers. How will he react when he sees what it's like to be on the receiving end of his out-of-control anger? What's at the root of Stuart's behavior? Plus, if you feel a fit of rage coming on, don't miss the exciting feature on that will help mellow your mood!
Feb. 3, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E95 - Pursuing the Predator: Internet Investigations

Pedophiles once lurked in parks and around schoolyards, and then they prowled the playground of the World Wide Web. Now these predators have a more sinister method at their fingertips – sending explicit text messages directly to your child's cell phone. Dr. Phil examines the latest technological threats to your kids and shows you how to protect them. Joining him is Colorado detective Mike Harris, who works overtime tracking online predators. He says one piece of equipment gives him a high success rate. Find out what this device is, and how you can use it to monitor your children. Next, go behind the scenes as Mike’s unit prepares to take down a 28-year-old man allegedly texting sexually explicit material to a girl he thinks is 15. Dr. Phil cameras capture the dramatic arrest on tape. Then, 16-year-old Zoe admits that she exchanges risqué photos with men online but says this is normal teen behavior. Her mother, Sharon, says Zoe invited a man into her home whom she met online, and she worries for Zoe's safety. Dr. Phil has a stern message for the teen. And, Kyra was 12 when she was sexually assaulted by a 22-year-old man she met in a chat room. How can she pick up the pieces and move on with her life? Will her story be a wake-up call to Zoe? Plus, don’t miss the top three things you can do to save your child from cell phone perverts.
Feb. 4, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E96 - Child Caught in the Middle

Divorce is well known to be a source of pain, bitterness and often conflict. When parents who have split up carry their fight beyond the courtroom, the child is usually the one caught in the crossfire. Dr. Phil sits down with two parents, Ronald and Cathie, who say they both love their 15-year-old son, Matthew, tremendously, though what they feel for each other is a different story. After a tumultuous divorce, Ronald says Cathie abandoned Matthew and has been out of his life for nearly 10 years. Cathie says Ronald is the one responsible for that separation. She claims he did everything he could to get in the way of her relationship with her son. Now, Cathie is back in the picture, but Matthew is having a hard time adjusting. In fact, the stress is making him literally sick, and he vomits up to 40 times a day. Matthew has a list of pressing questions for his mom, including why she has been gone for so long. With Dr. Phil’s help, will this young man get to the bottom of the mysteries in his life, and can he ever trust his mother again?
Feb. 5, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E97 - For Better or Worse?

When people get married, they recite the vows, "To love, honor and cherish for better or worse." But with a 50 percent divorce rate in America, do newlyweds really take these words to heart? Lancine wrote the show because she and her sisters want Dr. Phil to talk some sense into their mother, also named Lancine. The daughter says her mother is wealthy and owned three homes with her husband, but she's left him for another man and now lives in a tent! The senior Lancine says she enjoys life in the portable home more than living in the house in an unhappy marriage, but her daughters say she's acting like she's been bitten by puppy love. Do the girls have valid concerns, or are they overreacting to their mother's behavior? Then, Matthew had an affair with his employee and lost his job while his wife, Libby, was pregnant. He says he made the biggest mistake of his life, but does he understand the gravity of his behavior? Libby says she was devastated to learn her husband was living a secret life for almost a year. You won't believe what she learned from Matthew’s mistress! Will she forgive her spouse and salvage their relationship? Dr. Phil tells her what she must do for herself and her children.
Feb. 6, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E98 - What's Wrong With Men?

Dr. Phil addresses the question all women want to know the answer to: What’s wrong with men? With the help of TIME magazine writer and comedian Joel Stein, Dr. Phil tries to solve the mystery of what makes men tick. First up, single ladies Shannon, Emily and Caroldean all have a gripe -- or 10 -- about men! They face off with Christopher, Kayo and Marcus, self-proclaimed jerks who want to explain their point of view. Watch sparks fly as the singles debate dating, sex and relationships. Then, Kaydee says her husband of six years, Mike, is broken, and she can’t find the “man”ual. He won’t bring her flowers, he won’t buy her cards, he won’t even take out the trash! You won’t believe the reason Mike gives for being romantically challenged. And, don’t miss the couple’s hilarious home videos about what really annoys them about each other. Plus, Dr. Phil dispels the myths about men. What is fact and what is fiction? You may be surprised!
Feb. 9, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E99 - Wasted Youth

“If you’re somebody who uses drugs, you do drugs recreationally, or you have a child who’s experimenting with drugs because ‘That’s just what kids do,’ or ‘Everybody does it,’ please sit down with me in the next hour, pick up the phone right now, call a friend, call two, tell them to tune in, get your child next to you on the couch,” Dr. Phil tells his viewers. Stephanie was an aspiring songwriter who loved taking care of kids. Diana was a preschool teacher with a bright future. Neither one of these women knew they could end up addicted to drugs, on the brink of death. They face Dr. Phil to ask for help, but do they really want out of their drug-crazy lifestyles? Does Stephanie deserve a second chance? Don’t miss this intense intervention. Plus, former Dr. Phil guest and addict lifeline, Joani, celebrates a milestone and receives a momentous surprise.
Feb. 10, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E100 - Parent vs. Parent

Feb. 11, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E101 - Octuplets Scandal

The discussion continues regarding Nadya Suleman, a single mother of six children, who recently gave birth to a set of octuplets. How will she care for 14 babies? Are the newborns at risk? Will this mother be able to provide stability, or are the 14 children destined for a life of neglect and poverty? Dr. Phil and his panel of experts continue debating this controversial story as even more shocking twists come to light.
Feb. 12, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E102 - Octuplets Scandal II

The discussion continues regarding Nadya Suleman, a single mother of six children, who recently gave birth to a set of octuplets. Dr. Phil and his panel of experts, including co-hosts of The Doctors pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears and plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, continue to debate this controversial story as even more shocking twists come to light. Did the system fail Nadya? Did Nadya’s doctor behave irresponsibly by implanting that many embryos, knowing of her previous six children? A fertility expert and an expert in medical ethics weigh in. And, some have noted the striking similarity between Nadya and mega mom Angelina Jolie. Is this a result of plastic surgery? Could this unwed mother be trying to emulate the looks and family life of the Oscar-winning star? What does Dr. Andrew Ordon think? And, will the children come home to a safe environment? Learn what concerns a civil rights attorney and the president of a family service organization.
Feb. 16, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E104 - Growing Up Too Fast?

If you are a parent of a little girl, “tween,” or teenager, you’re going to relate to this show! Dr. Phil talks with parents who say raising a teen daughter is difficult in an oversexed, celebrity-obsessed, cosmetic surgery-seeking society. Char and Robb are concerned about their 14-year-old daughter, Demi, because they say she dresses too sexy for her age. She likes to wear thong underwear, tight jeans and high heels. They admit they’ve even used the word slut to describe how she looks. Demi says she doesn’t care what names people call her – she’s “Demi-licious!” Are Char and Robb truly putting their foot down? Dr. Phil has some hard questions for these parents. And, what does Demi’s little sister have to do with the role Demi has chosen? Plus, meet the author of The Lolita Effect: The Media Sexualization of Young Girls and What We Can Do About It.
Feb. 17, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E105 - Paralyzed by Fear

No matter how hard we try to protect ourselves, everyone will experience trauma in our lives. Whether it's divorce, an illness or a violent attack, each one of us is a potential victim. When bad things happen, how should you react? Shelita says her life was recently turned upside down when three suspects broke into her home and held her, her mother and her 3-year-old daughter at gunpoint. Since the attack, Shelita says she's lost her sense of security, is terrified to be alone in her home, and will go to extremes to avoid it. Will moving out of her home help Shelita heal? Could she be suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and not even know it? Then, Danielle says that for the last 30 years she's been haunted by a terrifying childhood encounter. She was 7 years old when a perpetrator known as the East Area Rapist invaded her home and victimized her mother. He's never been caught, and the killer may still be on the loose. Now, Danielle is married and has two daughters, and as they near the age she was when the attack happened, she is reliving her nightmare. Why does Danielle's husband, Art, say her fears are interfering with her parenting? Does he have legitimate concerns? And, see what Danielle recently discovered that terrifies her. Next, meet a man who says he's dedicated to helping police solve this crime. Will he alleviate or elevate Danielle's fears? Has an unexpected trauma left you paralyzed by fear? Learn how to take back control, let go of the fear and move on with your life.
Feb. 18, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E106 - The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution, Part 4

Dr. Phil continues his quest to help twelve people drop pounds and inches while traveling across the country. In Dallas, Texas, the participants work on Key 6: Intentional Exercise, with challenges designed to test their strength, endurance and balance. At the home of the Dallas Cowboys football team, Texas Stadium, the participants take on an obstacle course race. See who performs a victory dance in the end zone. Then, it’s weigh-in time, where viewers at home get to see what the scale says, but the challengers don’t. Plus, another exercise challenge takes them to a farm, where moving 50-pound bales of hay is on their agenda. Which duo takes the prize for both challenges, and which pair has some participants thinking they need to go home? Then, don’t miss the shocking surprise from TV personality and famous daughter, Katie Wagner. Join the weight loss movement from home!
Feb. 19, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E107 - Behind the Headlines: Octuplets Saga Continues

Single mother of six, Nadya Suleman, shocked the country by giving birth to the second-only set of octuplets recorded in the U.S. Speculation and wonderment turned to outrage and even death threats as the unemployed mom’s story developed. Now, the discussion continues, with shocking new accusations in the octuplets controversy. A former patient of Nadya’s fertility doctor speaks out! Did he ignore symptoms that could have killed her? And, should he still be practicing? Plus, exclusive video of the octuplets mom from her childhood friend. What does she have to say about the Nadya she knew in high school? And, the octo-mom’s spokesperson reveals the real reason why she had to quit!
Feb. 20, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E108 - Tyler Perry: Anger to Forgiveness

Dysfunctional families are often the punch lines of movies and sitcoms, but for some households, dealing with fighting, anger and turmoil is no laughing matter. Tyler Perry says he knows about this issue firsthand. The renowned writer/actor/director has publicly spoken out about growing up in a family where rage turned into physical abuse. In 1998, as a struggling playwright, he began selling out crowds with his musicals and eventually achieved great commercial success in both theater and film. His most famous persona, Madea, returns to the big screen in Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail, in which Dr. Phil has a cameo. Tyler sits down with Dr. Phil to discuss how his titular character struggles with anger and lack of forgiveness. Plus, get Dr. Phil's advice for dealing with toxic relatives.
Feb. 23, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E109 - Teen Love Trauma

Teen dating can be fun, romantic and totally cool. But what happens when those euphoric feelings turn into an obsession? Giesel and Steve say their 18-year-old daughter, Devynn, has an unhealthy relationship with her boyfriend, and their tumultuous union has caused a rift in their family. They say Devynn’s beau calls her names, makes her disobey them and is destroying their daughter’s once promising future. The teen admits that she and her boyfriend argue a lot, and she recently dropped a bombshell on her parents: she's pregnant and wants to keep the baby. Find out the devastating news that Devynn learned just days ago. What does the future hold for this teen if she follows through with her desire to marry the man of her dreams against her folks' wishes? Will Giesel and Steve be able to broker a peace with their child, or will this family drama continue to spiral out of control?
Feb. 24, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E110 - How Not to Get Scammed

With the country facing economic woes, many Americans are on the lookout for ways to generate extra cash. But are those lucrative offers to work from home and get-rich-quick ads legitimate, or scams designed to swindle consumers? Corbie found out the hard way when she says she registered online to become a mystery shopper. The job came with a check for $4,000, so how did she lose $5,000? Next, Blair says she surfed the Net for a part-time job she could do from home. She was hired for a data entry position paying $35 an hour, so how did this one-time high school valedictorian end up losing thousands? Then, Richard and Cynthia say they were about to retire at 59, but were devastated to learn that they lost everything in an alleged Ponzi scheme. Now Richard fears he and his wife will have to pinch pennies in their golden years. Can the couple get over the guilt of losing their investments and move on? Plus, attorney Steven J. Weisman gives you the tools to protect yourself from con artists, and don’t miss the top 10 most popular scams!
Feb. 25, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E111 - Octuplets' Mom Talks to Dr. Phil

“Outrageous, irresponsible and completely out of touch with reality” are just a few comments being said about Nadya Suleman, the single mother of six who recently gave birth to octuplets in California. Now, in a daytime exclusive interview, Dr. Phil addresses the questions the public wants answered. Hear how she ended up with 14 babies, how she plans to take care of them, and if there will be more children. And, Dr. Phil shares his thoughts on the single mother.
Feb. 26, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E112 - Octuplets' Mom Talks to Dr. Phil, Part 2

Dr. Phil’s daytime exclusive with Nadya Suleman continues. The unemployed single mother of six who gave birth to octuplets answers the public’s number one question. Plus, Nadya’s mother, Angela, joins the discussion. How does she feel about her daughter’s decisions?
Feb. 27, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E113 - Forced to be a Deadbeat Dad?

Are deadbeat dads actually dead broke dads? As the American economy struggles, men comprise 82 percent of the recent layoffs. In child support cases, are men and women treated equally in the courts or are these laws out of touch with today's economy? Bill says he could be forced to be a deadbeat dad. He wants to leave his current high-paying job to become a teacher and spend more time with his children, but worries he won't be able to pay his current child support payments. Would it be fair to consider sending him to jail for trying to be a better father? Next, former NBA star Jason Caffey used to make $5 million a year but says he now has trouble paying the amount of child support he owes for his 10 children. He allegedly owes hundreds of thousands of dollars, and there's an order out for his arrest. Why does Jason say he has been treated unfairly? An attorney for one of the women makes Jason an offer. Will he accept the deal? Then, Bret and Jennifer say they struggle to keep up with the child support payments owed to his ex-wife. Jennifer says her family is suffering. Mel Feit, director of the National Center for Men and Lis Wiehl, legal analyst and author, weigh in on these stories and engage in a heated debate.
March 2, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E114 - Money-Saving Tips and Tricks

If you're suffering through the difficult economic times and looking for ways to save money, get out your pen and paper and start taking notes! Dr. Phil's guests offer real tips to help you save money on clothes, utilities and vacations. Plus, learn how to cut your grocery bill in half and how to entertain your family on the cheap. The Economides family has mastered the art of spending less. They say they have the secret to living on $44,000 a year, even with five children. You might be surprised how easy it is to implement their frugal ways of living. See how far they can stretch $100 at the grocery store and how they expand their family wardrobe on just $75. Then, Daniel and Mandy say they keep blowing their budget and need help reining in their spending. They've separated twice because of money issues and have even filed for bankruptcy. How should they realign their lifestyle? And, Ashley is a stay-at-home mom who says she's been able to slash her grocery bills by more than half. Learn how she does it and how you can too! Plus, find out how you can win a $1,000 Shell gas card. Don't miss these amazing tips and tricks to live on less that will put money in your pocket!
March 3, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E115 - More Sex, Less Fighting

March 4, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E116 - Affairs of the heart

Dec. 15, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E117 - One.Mistake.From.Jail

Dec. 16, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E118 - One.Mistake.From.Jail.Part.2

Dec. 17, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E119 - Gold-Digging.Secrets.Revealed

Dec. 18, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E120 - Octuplets.Breaking.News

Dec. 19, 2008, midnight 0.0

S7E121 - Dr. Phil Meets the Octuplets

Nadya Suleman, mother of octuplets plus six other kids, joins Dr. Phil to continue her first interview in front of a live audience. No one outside of the immediate family and hospital staff, has ever met the octuplets … until now. Go inside the hospital with Dr. Phil and Nadya to meet Jonah, Jeremiah, Josiah, Makai, Isaiah, Noah, Nariyah and Maliyah, and find out how they're really doing. Then follow Nadya during her visit with Jonah, the only octuplet still in the neonatal intensive care unit, and see their precious moments together. Some of the babies will come home any day now, but the specialized care they need is astronomical in scope. Linda and Jackie from Angels In Waiting break down the realities of what it's going to take to care for these newborns. You'll be surprised to learn every detail they must consider to make the transition a success. Also, the women raise concerns about Nadya's new house. And, a few more angels surprise Nadya and her children with their generosity. You don't want to miss a minute of this show!
Jan. 5, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E122 - Love and Lies

Why do some women return to violent relationships, and why can’t some men refrain from striking the woman they say they love? Dr. Phil issues a strong warning to abusers: “If you're going to try to sell to me that it's OK to hit a woman, you need to circle the wagons, because I’m coming!” Vicki and Ernie called their marriage quits after he admitted to an emotional affair. Vicki says her ex-husband was loving and charming when they first met, but he went from “Mr. Perfect to Mr. Psycho” and got physical with her twice. Ernie went to jail for beating his wife, but he says he’s rehabilitated and wants a second chance. Should Vicki take him back or kick him to the curb for good? Then, a high-profile celebrity couple made headlines for alleged domestic violence. The bruised photos of pop diva Rihanna shocked and outraged fans all over the world. Reportedly, she has taken back R&B singer Chris Brown, the man accused of assaulting her. Is Chris Brown getting the celebrity treatment? Hear Dr. Phil's experience of the teen idol. And, find out why a criminal defense lawyer says Brown should not do jail time.
Jan. 6, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E123 - Keeping Up with the Kardashians

Do you have someone in your family who drives you absolutely insane? Maybe you’re at war with a sibling, or maybe you battle with your spouse over one big issue. Every family has a little drama, but imagine having cameras follow you around when chaos ensues! Every week, millions of viewers tune in to see the hit reality show, Keeping Up with the Kardashians on E! Olympic Gold Medalist Bruce Jenner and his wife, Kris, live a chaotic blended-family life in Hollywood under the watchful eyes of the public. Bruce, Kris and three of their daughters, Kourtney, Khloe and Kim, join Dr. Phil to dish about their biggest family issues, including sibling rivalry, media scrutiny and a DUI arrest. Then, they open up about their first reactions to Bruce Jenner coming into their lives, their father’s death, and their feelings about being caught in the middle of the OJ Simpson murder trial. Plus, they weigh in on viewers’ problems that they can relate to.
March 16, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E124 - Octuplets' Mom Answers Viewer Questions

After Nadya Suleman’s two-part special with Dr. Phil, the cameras continue rolling. Dr. Phil leads a question and answer session between the mother everyone is talking about and the studio audience. See Nadya openly answer viewers’ questions: How will she take care of herself while caring for 14 kids? Where will the children be while she pursues her education? How will she find transportation for all her kids? Where will the organization that’s agreed to help her, Angels in Waiting, get the funds to assist with 14 children? How will the donations coming in be handled? Is the sperm donor aware that he has fathered 14 kids? Then, Nadya leaves the stage but the discussion continues without her. The audience doesn’t hold back with their heated comments. Plus, as Nadya prepares to move into her new home and make it suitable for the influx of babies, how will her new neighborhood react to the mom of 14 and the media frenzy that follows?
March 17, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E125 - Young Wives Club

How young is too young to tie the knot? Dr. Phil meets three couples in their early 20s with relationships rocked by betrayals, domestic violence and infidelity. Tara, 22, says her common-law marriage is full of hatred. She says her partner, Matt, calls her terrible names, doesn’t help her with housework or their three children, and has even threatened to kill her. Matt, 26, says Tara likes to fight and goes into attack mode over little things like an empty toilet paper roll. Then, Monica, 20, says she can’t take another day in her marriage and has filed for divorce for the second time. She says her husband, Cadum, is lazy, has cheated on her and acts like a teenager rather than a husband and father. Cadum, 22, says his wife is controlling, and their fights have become physical. And, Jenna, 21, says every day with her fiancé, Ed, is hell. She’s called off the wedding at least eight times because of their constant out-of-control fighting. Ed, 21, says Jenna beats him and has broken his collarbone with a table leg, yet he’s the one who gets arrested. Dr. Phil offers to put these couples up in The Dr. Phil House for an intensive three-day relationship overhaul. Can these young couples get their relationships back on track for the sake of their children?
March 18, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E126 - The Dr. Phil House: Young Wives Club, Part 2

Dr. Phil continues his work with three young couples who struggle to stay together. Because they all have children stuck in the middle of their battles, Dr. Phil wants to give them a complete relationship overhaul, so he sends them to The Dr. Phil House for three days. The women in these unions are all under the age of 23, and they all blame the men for their relationship troubles. The men say every story has two sides. With issues such as lying, addiction, domestic violence and infidelity, can these couples in crisis stop pointing fingers and learn healthy ways to communicate and heal their relationships? Because the pairs are so used to fighting each other, Dr. Phil mixes up the couples and has them sit down with a new partner to gain a new perspective. You won’t believe the outcome of this simple exercise! Will they listen to Dr. Phil’s reality check? If you feel that divorce is your only option, follow along with this series and pick up the tools to fix your own relationship.
March 19, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E127 - The Millionaire Matchmaker

Are you still searching for your dream mate, or do you wonder if the person you’re dating is The One? Along with Patti Stanger, founder of the Millionaire’s Club and star of Bravo TV’s The Millionaire Matchmaker, Dr. Phil serves up advice for finding the love of your life. First up is Heidi, a millionairess from Season 2 of The Millionaire Matchmaker, who says she’s sick of being single. She says it’s hard to meet quality men in Los Angeles and feels like she only chooses men who are commitment-phobes. Could Heidi be sabotaging her chances for romance? Then, Damien, a former pro-football player, says the woman of his dreams must have perfect feet, and Tamarrah says she won’t go out with a man who doesn’t make six figures. Find out what happens when Dr. Phil sends these picky people on a date … with each other! Next, Danielle says she hasn’t gotten to a second date in four years. One suitor even left her high and dry in the middle of dinner. Learn what Patti says Danielle must do to land her man. Plus, another leading matchmaker, April Beyer, says she disagrees with Patti’s dating beliefs. Don’t miss their heated debate!
March 20, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E128 - Abusive Love

With the help of best-selling author Bishop T.D. Jakes, Dr. Phil offers up some straight talk about domestic violence. Learn what to look for and how to stop it.
March 23, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E129 - Weddings Gone Bad

The bridal party may look beautiful, the guests may arrive on time, and the best man may remember the rings, but sometimes the best-planned ceremonies can go horribly wrong. Dr. Phil’s first guest, Gi’Zelle, is well acquainted with wedding disasters. When she woke up on her special day, she had no idea she’d end the evening eating pizza at home with her bridesmaids. Gi’Zelle says the man of her dreams left her at the altar, and she hasn’t seen or spoken to him since. In the four years since the young woman was jilted on her big day, she says she hasn’t been on a single date. Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s surprise for her! And, Brandi says a series of mishaps marred the day she wed Robert. But nothing could prepare her for the biggest calamity of them all, one that caused her to be rushed to the hospital in her wedding gown! Robert says he thinks his wife feels their relationship is doomed because of that incident. How can Brandi let go of the painful memories and move on? And, Carrie got hitched at a chapel in Las Vegas and says everything that could go wrong did. She says her wedding gifts were stolen, the reception food was undercooked and the rabbi who officiated the service later revealed he was not Jewish and was actually a reverend. Her husband, Mitch, says the ceremony was fine, and he wants his wife to get over it. How can Carrie move past the guilt? Plus, was your wedding or honeymoon a catastrophe? Log on to and find out how you could win a seven-night trip to Fiji!
March 24, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E130 - Young Wives at a Turning Point, Part 3

Three young couples struggle to deal with issues such as trust, domestic violence and infidelity. Dr. Phil moves them all into The Dr. Phil House for a three-day relationship overhaul, but their fighting and finger-pointing make him wonder if they’re serious about wanting to fix their relationships. With Dr. Phil’s help, one wife-to-be learns that a traumatic event in her childhood may influence her to this day, one fiancé faces reality and accepts that he’s an alcoholic, and another couple looks inside their relationship and finds a simmering pool of resentments toward each other. What these couples learn about holding themselves to a higher standard is a powerful lesson for any marriage. But can they quash their marital battles for the sake of their children? Then one couple’s argument divides the whole house. See where the battle lines are drawn. Plus, a powerful exercise forces the pairs to communicate in a healthy and productive manner --could the same exercise work for you?
March 25, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E131 - Octuplets: On the Record

You’ve followed the story of Nadya Suleman and her newborn octuplets. Now, Dr. Phil updates the octuplets’ situation, including the homecoming of the first four babies, and the recent developments in the partnership between Nadya and the organization Angels in Waiting USA. Find out what’s really been going on inside the nursery, and why Nadya says she terminated the offer of 24/7 care with qualified nurses paid for by public donations. Solely concerned for the babies’ welfare, Dr. Phil mediates a discussion about what’s going to happen next for the octuplets and where Nadya plans to turn for assistance. And, the founders of Angels in Waiting USA speak candidly about their concerns.
March 26, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E132 - Octuplets: On the Record, Part 2

After bringing all the parties together to announce the dissolution of the agreement between the octuplets’ mother, Nadya Suleman, and the organization Angels in Waiting USA, who offered care for all 14 of Nadya’s children, Dr. Phil continues the discussion. Attorney Gloria Allred and Nadya’s attorney, Jeff Czech, present two differing views about what happened inside Nadya’s house and why Angels in Waiting USA were dismissed. Dr. Phil continues to advocate for the welfare of the Suleman children above all.
March 27, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E133 - How to Talk to Your Kids About Money

The current economic crisis has everyone on edge. It’s more important than ever to talk to your kids about money, and Dr. Phil gives you the tools you need to have that conversation.
March 30, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E134 - The Dark Side of the Internet

Parents, you may not know it, but a threat is looming in your home. It’s a frightening and dangerous trend that affects the good girls -- cheerleaders, honor students and college graduates -- and law enforcement agencies across the country are up in arms. No longer needing to walk the streets to offer sex for money, young women are turning to the reputable Web site in order to sell their bodies. Next to the area on the site where you can buy a jungle gym for your child, you can access erotic ads, where young women post sexy photos and advertise sex for money. When Ashley was in college pursuing a bachelor’s degree, she never predicted that she would one day meet strangers for sex in order to pay off her student loans. She says she wants to quit the dangerous profession before something horrible happens but thinks she’s addicted to the “easy money.” Crystal says she was also addicted to the money until she was nearly killed. Hear her horrific story and how her life is now that she has escaped the industry. Could Crystal’s tale be the wake-up call Ashley needs? Then, meet a mother who fears her daughter may be using craigslist to exchange sex for money. What can she do to protect her daughter? Sheriff of Cook County, Illinois Tom Dart and Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal weigh in. Lawmakers have formed a coalition to rid craigslist of its erotic service section, but find out why they’ve been fighting an uphill battle.
March 31, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E135 - Young Wives at a Turning Point, Part 4

Three young couples who struggle to deal with issues such as domestic violence, infidelity and addiction check into The Dr. Phil House to overhaul their relationships. As the last day in the House approaches, a couple’s conversation becomes an angry confrontation. Dr. Phil intervenes with all of the couples and stresses the importance of starting over. One wife realizes the need for fun in a relationship, and how it can strengthen their union. Can she overcome her fear of leaving their kids with a babysitter? Will the men learn to embrace the role of the man in the family? And, an emergency visit from a police officer gives all the couples a reality check. Could you be at risk of losing your children and not even know it? Don’t miss the poignant moment with Dr. Phil that leaves all three couples tearfully vowing to change. Get inspired to fix your own problem relationship before it’s too late!
April 1, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E136 - Angry Moms

America is teeming with people who are frustrated over rising unemployment, lack of affordable health care and mounting foreclosures. Dr. Phil talks to children who say they are silently shouldering their parents’ rage. He meets with two sets of siblings -- sisters Kelsey, 12, and Courtney, 13; and sister and brother Skyler, 17, and Shane, 15 – who say their mother's anger has them walking on eggshells. What do the kids say are their biggest fears? Next, Dr. Phil sits down with Kelsey and Courtney’s mom, Lisa, alone. Lisa says her Jekyll-and-Hyde personality causes her to verbally attack her daughters. Find out what incident caused her to fly into a rage and kick one of her kids out! What’s behind the mom’s fury? Dr. Jim Sears, renowned pediatrician and co-host of the hit show The Doctors weighs in. Then, Skyler and Shane’s mother, Shawnda, says she’s on edge every day and fears that rage is slowly killing her. She says she cusses like a sailor in the home and calls her children “bitch” and “retard.” Can Shawnda learn to get her temper under control? Plus, don’t miss Dr. Phil’s eight coping steps for verbally abusive parents.
Jan. 28, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E137 - Out of the Cult Follow Up

April 3, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E138 - Reunion Realities

Imagine answering your phone and hearing, "You don't know me, but I am your sibling." How would you react? Troy Dunn, a professional people finder and host of WE tv's The Locator joins Dr. Phil to share heartwarming and heart-wrenching reunion stories. If you're longing to get back in touch with someone, learn the realities of reunions.
April 16, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E139 - Scary Trends

Parents, this show is appointment television! Sexting, a scary new trend where teens send nude or semi-nude photos via cell phone, is popping up throughout the country. But what kids don't realize is that this seemingly innocent act could change their lives forever. Julia recently learned that her 13-year-old daughter texted a provocative photo of herself to a boy, and he forwarded it to his friends. The situation spiraled out of control and nearly ended in tragedy. Find out why Julia says she overreacted, and learn how to approach this situation if it strikes your family. Then, Dr. Phil talks one on one with the teen. Will his words give her a new outlook on the situation? Next, Ben, 14, was threatened with charges after sending a naked photo on his cell phone. Should teens be arrested for sexting? Attorney Lisa Bloom, In Session anchor and special correspondent for, shares her thoughts. You may be surprised to hear what she says. If you're a parent who wants to monitor your kid's cell phone and computer activity, don’t miss the newest ways to stay one step ahead of the trends.
April 17, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E140 - Amazing Weight Loss Reveals

Last September, Dr. Phil kicked off his Ultimate Weight Loss Solution challenge, with six teams of two committing to his program and competing against each other to lose pounds and inches. After conquering Dr. Phil’s 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom, siblings Joe and Lauren, and college roommates Annette and Emilie return to Dr. Phil’s stage to give an update on their remarkable progress. Don’t miss their amazing transformations! See who’s proud to fit back into a sexy black dress, and who is in good enough shape to be on a track and field team. Plus, another brother/sister duo says they sympathize with Joe and Lauren. Scott and Misty say their arguments often escalate to personal attacks about each other’s weight, and they want help to stop the name-calling and start being partners toward a healthier lifestyle. Are they up for Dr. Phil’s challenge? See the surprise he has in store for them! Plus, learn how you can ask Lauren, Joe, Annette and Emilie your questions about their weight loss.
April 20, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E141 - Child with a Child

Every parent can tell you that raising a child is often demanding, thankless, hard work. But when a teenager gets pregnant and has a child of her own, the result can be stress and chaos for both mother and baby -- along with every other member of the family. Little Gabriel is just 13 months old, and he’s caught in the middle of a troubling situation. His mom, Meghann, is only 18, is living at home and is constantly fighting with the rest of the family. Her parents and sister say she doesn’t pay enough attention to her child, she’s irresponsible and that she’s put little Gabriel in danger. But the teenage mom says her relatives just won’t give her a chance, and she needs to get out -- but how? Find out why the police paid a late night visit to the family home, and what Meghann’s mom found in Meghann’s purse that stoked her fears about Gabriel’s safety. Plus, this isn’t the only household with several generations living under one roof. If the economic downturn has driven your family into close quarters, you won’t want to miss this show!
April 21, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E143 - What's Hormones Got to Do with It?

Six thousand women enter menopause every day, and studies have shown that the fairer sex can experience menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms as early as their 20s and 30s. Dr. Phil’s wife, Robin, author of What’s Age Got to Do with It? is on a mission to show the ladies how to embrace life changes with dignity and grace! First up, Robin recounts her own emotional and physical struggles with the change of life. Learn how she was able to get a handle on her mood swings and hot flashes. Then, Becky says she hasn’t gotten a good night's sleep in 12 years, and when she looks in the mirror, she sees a woman who has aged 10 years in 12 months. Find out what happens after Robin takes Becky under her wing! Next, meet a 33-year-old who says she’s chronically exhausted and lacks libido. What’s at the root of her condition? And, can men experience menopause? Learn the surprising facts! Plus, meet a physician who says she learned important hormone tips from Robin’s appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, and hear from a woman who ignored her health symptoms and nearly lost her life in the process.
April 22, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E144 - Why was Little Sandra Murdered?

It's the story everyone is talking about: The horrific murder and alleged rape of 8-year-old Sandra Cantu. Dr. Phil has been flooded with e-mails and questions asking what kind of a person would commit such a heinous crime. Is it possible that a mother could do something like this to someone else's child? People are asking, do I need to worry about my neighbor? How do I spot a person who might be a threat to my child? How do I talk to my children about this? Dr. Phil deconstructs the case and tells you what you need to know to protect your kids. Learn details about suspect Melissa Huckaby you have never heard before, including what Dr. Phil says about something from her past that may help explain this twisted murder. Former New York City homicide prosecutor Star Jones is on hand with important legal analysis. Will the Sunday school teacher face different treatment from the judicial system because she's female? Also weighing in is Candice DeLong, a former FBI profiler, who offers insight into the highly unusual circumstances surrounding little Sandra's murder. And, reporter Jennifer Wadsworth spoke directly with Huckaby before her arrest. Learn her impressions. Plus, hear from the parents of the little girl who sat next to Sandra in class and now is afraid to sleep alone. How safe is your son or daughter? Would you know how to spot a child molester? Find out why Dr. Phil says the most helpful person in your life might be the biggest threat to your child.
April 23, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E145 - How to Escape a Bad Marriage

If you're a woman living in constant fear of an abusive mate, Dr. Phil dedicates this show to you. He documents the tumultuous journey of a mother of four who flees to a shelter to escape what she says is a violent marriage. When Star last appeared on the show, she admitted that she was addicted to prescription drugs and was unfaithful to her husband, Isaac. Now clean and sober for seven months, she says that her problems are just beginning. Star says Isaac is verbally abusive to her and their kids, and he chokes her, slaps her, leaves bruises on her arms and feet and has threatened her life. Dr. Phil cameras follow the fearful mom as she makes the toughest decision of her life. Then, Isaac, who doesn’t know where his wife or children are staying, speaks to Dr. Phil via telephone. Hear his side of the story. Will he reconcile with his wife? Plus, Dr. Phil sits down with Star's 12-year-old daughter. Find out how she says the alleged violence at home affects her. And, if you're in an abusive relationship, Dr. Phil’s steps for escaping could help save your sanity … and your life.
April 24, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E146 - How to Get To I Do

For many girls, a fairytale wedding day is a sweet fantasy — but getting the proposal can be a real nightmare! Amber and Rich are struggling through commitment issues. They live, work and have children together, and say they're happy but can't seem to take the next step. Rich sold Amber on his plan to marry her after five years, so why hasn't he proposed after nearly seven? Does he have valid reasons for resisting marriage? After Dr. Phil challenges him, will Rich decide to walk down the aisle ... on Dr. Phil's stage? Next, Jill has taken the leap and been divorced seven times. Why does she pick the wrong men, and what can she do to make her next union last? Then, Candy describes her first marriage as lasting 18 miserable years, and she regrets how she poisoned her daughters against men during that time. What will it take to change her daughter, who calls herself the Runaway Bride? Plus, a don't-miss moment happens in Dr. Phil's audience!
April 27, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E147 - Craigslist killer

April 28, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E148 - Need for Control

April 29, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E149 - How to Make More Money

April 30, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E150 - Dump Your Dreams?

May 4, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E152 - Reinvent Yourself

In these devastating economic times, companies are closing their doors, and millions of Americans have found themselves out of work. One of the cities hardest hit by the recession is Detroit, Michigan where the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to 24 percent. Dr. Phil goes on location in the Motor City to talk to families in serious financial despair. He sits down with Jennifer and Jake, who were recently laid off. Now the college graduates say they can’t afford a home phone or baby clothes for their 7-month-old son. Jake says he fears that if he doesn’t get a job soon, his family will be out on the street. Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s action plan for this couple in crisis. Next, Shaniece was recently laid off from Chrysler and worries that her husband, Devin, could receive a pink slip any day now. They say the stress takes a toll on their marriage. What can they do to turn their relationship and their financial outlook around? Then, Dr. Phil and best-selling author Mitch Albom tour Detroit’s historic Pilgrim Church and meet with a drug-dealer-turned-pastor who uses the rundown building to help Detroit’s homeless. Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s surprise for the minister. Plus, find out how you can donate to this worthy cause!
May 5, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E153 - How to Be a Better Parent

Have your children gone from little angels to kids gone wild? Are they whiney, tantrum-throwing, feet-stomping, door-slamming, spoiled and entitled? Well, good news, Mom and Dad! Dr. Phil is launching his parenting boot camp and teaching parents how to take back control and live in peace for the very first time. Meet four families who say they live in chaos and can’t take it anymore. Tammie says her 11-year-old daughter is stubborn, uncooperative and annoying, and she finds herself with no desire to even hug her. How can she rediscover that mother/daughter bond? And, Janice says her 11-year-old son is a spoiled little baby whose tantrums are so obnoxious, she’s ready to throw in the towel. Next, Tiffiny and Ron say their two oldest daughters make them regret becoming parents. They say living with their 14-year-old is like living with Hannibal Lecter, and the 10-year-old won’t stop lying. What are they doing wrong? And, Laureen is a single mom who says her 16-year-old daughter is so out of control, she could be headed for jail. How can these families regain control and find peace? Plus, see exciting updates on two mother/son pairs who left their madhouse for The Dr. Phil House last year. Remember the child who slapped his mother in the face? How are they doing one year later?
May 6, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E154 - How to Be a Better Parent, Part 2

Four families tired of the fighting, yelling, chaos and conflict in their home move into The Dr. Phil House. Dr. Phil puts them to work right away with exercises and assignments that encourage the children to open up and the parents to confront their own mistakes. After hearing each other’s frustrations, will the parents wake up to what they’re doing wrong? One mom turns the camera on her daughter to show her bad behavior, but Dr. Phil sees something even more troubling. Are you making this common discipline mistake? If you knew you could be scarring your child for life, would you want to know? Tune in and learn how to parent your tween or teen in a way that will make him or her happy, secure and successful!
May 7, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E155 - How to Stay Sober

Dr. Phil delves into the topic of addiction with two families on the verge of losing it all. Rigo was a police sergeant in charge of keeping crime off the streets, but at home he was taking up to 2,000 pain pills a month. He says his addiction caused him to lose everything he loved including his job and his family. Now he fears he’ll lose his beautiful home and his marriage too. Rigo says he’s been sober for seven weeks, but his wife of seven years, Robin, is doubtful. She says she’s seen him get sober and relapse so many times, if his current sobriety doesn’t stick, she will divorce him. Is Rigo doing everything he can to stay clean? Then, Chuck is an unemployed therapist due to his alcohol addiction. He says he’s had so many DUIs and spent so much time in jail, he can’t keep track anymore. He says he quit the bottle 90 days ago, but his wife of two years, Janet, calls him a habitual relapser. Is divorce in their future? If you think a loved one may be struggling with an addiction, or if you suspect your child is experimenting with drugs or alcohol, don’t miss this show! Learn the no-holds-barred truth about addiction, rehabilitation and sobriety, what to look for, and the cutting-edge medication and treatment that helps addicts get sober and stay sober.
May 8, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E156 - Does Mother Know Best?

They changed your diapers, cooked your meals, did your laundry and put up with your bratty attitude, but does Mom always know what's best for you? Dr. Phil's guests say their mothers go overboard, and it's time to back off. Bobby, 24, lives with his mom, Rhonda. She irons his boxers, tells him when to go to bed and pay his bills and buys him anything he wants. Bobby says he's had enough and wants his mom to let him grow up. So why doesn’t he move out? Bobby's girlfriend, Kristi, says mother and son have an unhealthy, co-dependent relationship. Who will decide to cut the cord first: Bobby or Rhonda? Next, Angie says her 13-year-old daughter, Savanna's, behavior is out of control. She says the teen is failing school, is extremely hateful and has a horrible attitude. Savanna says she'd rather be in jail than live at home. Why does she say her mother is to blame for their feuds? How can this mother and daughter come together and learn to get along? Then, a husband surprises his wife, whom he says is an amazing mother. ok-TO
July 6, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E159 - A Teen's Pregnancy

Imagine your 15-year-old daughter announces that she's pregnant. As a parent, you would have to make tough decisions. This is the reality for Dale and Kelly. Dale says they had the all-American family until their teenaged daughter, Brittney, revealed she was pregnant. How did this honor roll student and star soccer player end up in this predicament? Dr. Phil sits down with the teen and asks her some hard questions. Is she confronting reality or living in her own world? Brittney has not decided if her future involves her being a parent. What do her parents hope she chooses? Dr. Lisa Masterson, OB/GYN and co-host of The Doctors, meets with Brittney and three other young women who found themselves in similar situations as teens. Will their stories help the mom-to-be make one of the biggest decisions of her life? And, Brittney and her mom accompany Jody as she travels across the country to pick up her adopted child. Emotions escalate and Brittney ends up in tears. Follow the drama as this family struggles through this tense time that will dramatically change the course of their lives.
July 7, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E160 - A Teen's Pregnancy : Brittney's Decision

Dr. Phil continues his in-depth look at a family that struggles with a decision that will affect them for the rest of their lives. Dale and Kelly's daughter, Brittney, an honor roll student and star athlete, was 15 when she revealed she was pregnant, and the news dramatically changed this family. Sixteen years old and six-and-a-half months into her pregnancy, Brittney reveals the plan for her unborn baby. How do her parents feel about her decision, and do they think she'll stick by her plan?
July 8, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E161 - Ask the Bishop

As economic times grow increasingly frightening, many Americans are asking, "Will I find a job? Can I support my family? Will my savings survive?" Dr. Phil is joined by Bishop T.D. Jakes, best-selling author and leader of one of the fastest-growing mega-churches in the U.S., to answer your questions and share strategies for staying motivated during this time of uncertainty. First up, Susan says her 19-year-old daughter, Emily, is living in a fantasyland and refuses to grow up and get a job. Emily says she's not lazy, just laid-back. Will Emily hear the wake-up call like her mother hopes? Next, meet Lisa, a wife, mom and self-proclaimed domestic dictator who says it's her way or no way. Find out how she reacts when she receives a surprise visit from the Bishop. Lisa's husband sits down one on one with the pastor. How does Lisa respond when she observes their conversation? And, find out what Lisa's teen daughters have to say about her. Then, Jennifer says she has to wear the pants in the family. Her fiancé, James, says her constant pushing makes him feel like less of a man, and their engagement is on the rocks as a result. Can Dr. Phil and the Bishop help keep their relationship afloat?
July 9, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E162 - A Divorce Solution

Do you and your spouse fight about the same things over and over? Dr. Phil's guests have threatened divorce and want to know if there's a solution for their constant battles. Does Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) play a part in the crumbling of these relationships?
July 10, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E163 - OCD

Imagine cleaning your house for hours on end, washing your hands up to 30 times a day — sometimes until they bleed — and having the urge to repeatedly check that doors are locked and appliances are turned off. This may sound like extreme behavior, but 2.2 million American adults live with a debilitating illness known as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Learn the warning signs and what you can do to overcome anxiety. Lisa says she's so petrified of germs that she scrubs her kitchen floor four to five times a day and constantly washes her hands. She even homeschools her three young children because she's afraid that being around other kids will make them sick! Her husband, Khristian, fears that they're raising a bunch of "shut ins" who will be terrified of going out into the real world. Will Lisa be able to manage her disorder and move forward with her life? Plus, Phyllis, a former guest, says she cleaned 16 hours a day and rarely left her home. Find out how she's doing today, and hear the advice she has for Lisa.
Aug. 31, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E171 - Recession Survival Squad

You’ve lost your job, you’re about to lose your house, your savings account is empty and the bills are piling up. The current economic downturn is dragging more and more people into a state of financial panic. Dr. Phil puts together a recession survival squad of experts to help you conquer this money crisis. Top job recruiter Tony Beshara, financial planner Robert Pagliarini and money guru Mary Hunt help a couple devise a plan to overcome their financial burdens.
Sept. 1, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E172 - Is Life Getting To You?

You've lost your job, you're about to lose your house, your savings account is empty and the bills are piling up. The current economic downturn is dragging more and more people into a state of financial panic. Dr. Phil puts together a recession survival squad of experts to help you conquer this money crisis. Top job recruiter Tony Beshara, financial planner Robert Pagliarini and money guru Mary Hunt help a couple devise a plan to overcome their financial burdens. On the Brink of Disaster John and Rebecca are real estate agents who are in a money and marriage crisis. The housing crash has dried up their income. They haven't made a mortgage payment or a credit card payment in three months, and their bills are piling up. The stress has the couple fighting and thinking about divorce. Build an Emergency Fund Robert Pagliarini is a financial planner and the author of the book, Six Day Financial Makeover: Transform Your Life in Less Than a Week. Robert drops in on John and Rebecca to assess their financial situation. His advice brings Rebecca to tears. Find Money Hidden in Your Home How can John and Rebecca generate cash and savings? Money guru Mary Hunt, author of Debt Proof Living, gives this couple a crash course on how to save money and find money that is hidden in every home. Find a Job — Now John has been struggling to find a job. Number one job recruiter and author of The Job Search Solution Tony Beshara joins the show via phone to give his tips for finding work.
Sept. 2, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E173 - When She's The Breadwinner

More than 80 percent of the jobs lost in this recession belonged to men. As more and more women re-enter the workforce, marriages turn upside down while the men become stay-at-home dads. Dr. Phil speaks with families struggling to deal with the role reversal. Why does it oftentimes hurt a man’s pride to become a househusband? And, how do women feel having to dust off their resumes and bring home the bacon? Plus, don’t miss the top five tips for finding a job.
Sept. 3, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E174 - The Kidnapping of Jaycee Lee

Sept. 4, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E175 - Dr. Phil's Get Real Retreat Update

Dr. Phil's Get Real Retreat was an intense, emotional experience for 14 people who decided it was time to change their lives. Struggling with issues such as addiction, anger, abuse and grief, these guests confronted their personal demons and made tremendous strides toward healing. Dr. Phil follows up with some of his courageous guests. Find the strength and inspiration to make a change in your own life after seeing these remarkable stories of healing and redemption.
Sept. 7, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E176 - On Thin Ice

Times are tough, families are cracking under the pressure, and many spouses are turning on each other when the stress becomes too much. Jennifer and her husband, Ben, fight nonstop and are on the verge of divorce. She says losing her job and Ben's mom moving in are adding to the pressure. Cameras installed in their home capture the daily reality, including the ugly fighting. Once a home is shattered, is there any hope for putting the pieces back together?
Sept. 8, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E177 - How To Be A Better Parent, Part 5

Dr. Phil speaks with two moms struggling to parent their daughters. What is causing one mom's lack of affection for her little girl? And what would cause a teen to physically attack her mother? Dr. Phil digs down to discover what is in the way of healthy and loving mother/daughter relationships. Breaking the Cycle In Dr. Phil's "How to Be a Better Parent" series, one guest struggled more than the others to change her relationship with her child. Tammie was frustrated and annoyed with her 11-year-old daughter, Davia, and didn't know why. She says she often found it difficult to even want to hug her. When she captured a fight with her daughter on home video, Dr. Phil told Tammie her behavior crossed the line. Violent Teen Tami says for the past seven years she's been controlled, manipulated and abused by her 17-year-old daughter, Katie, who has hit, bit, punched, slapped and kicked her during their confrontations. Tami says she no longer feels safe in her own home. Katie says she's been mad for a long time and can't take another day living with her mother. What is at the root of Katie's rage?
Sept. 9, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E178 - Conception Crazed

What do you do when the desire to have a baby takes over your whole life? Dr. Phil’s guests say they are tormented by their inability to get pregnant. Tonya is 39 and says she’s been trying to conceive for two years without success. She says she even purchased baby items and set up a nursery in her home. She and her husband, Joe, don’t see eye to eye when it comes to having children, and he says this impasse could lead to divorce. Then, Kelly has been trying to have another child for two years, and she's considering in vitro fertilization. Her husband, Bret, says he wants her to stop obsessing and fears that in vitro could put them in debt. Can these couples come to a conception compromise?
Sept. 10, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E179 - Trapped Under The Same Roof

Unemployment is up, home values are down and salaries are frozen. Meet one woman who says that she wants to get a divorce, but with the country's economic crisis, she can’t afford to leave her spouse.
Sept. 11, 2009, midnight 0.0

S7E180 - Is This Normal?

If your friend or family member has an unusual behavior, does that mean he or she is not normal? Dr. Phil's guests question the extreme behavior of their loved ones and want to know if it's normal. And, take a quiz to find out how normal you are!
Network: Syndication
Episode Runtime: 45 min.
Season Runtime: 200952 min.
Released: Sept. 16, 2002
Last Air Date: May 25, 2023, midnight
Status: Ended
Certification: TV-PG / 10+

Updated: 3 weeks ago
Next update: Waiting for update