Desafío 2018: Súper Humanos, XV Años (May 20, 2018, midnight)
42 athletes will compete divided into 7 teams: Costeños, Cafeteros, Antioqueños, Vallecaucanos, Cachacos, Santandereanos (who were eliminated in the first episode after losing the Regional Challenge) and Súper Humans (made up of former participants from the last two seasons of the reality show). An eighth group will be formed during the competition by those contestants who are eliminated in the Death Challenge; This is called "Los Desterrados" and is led by Osmin Hernández, the Cuban celebrity trainer also known as the "Psychotrainer." Another important observation is the fact that the Banished will not form a team as such, but rather its members will wait for another participant to be injured or expelled, with the hope of returning to the game.