Desafío 2019: Súper Regiones
In the competitions, the traditional teams of Costeños, Cafeteros, Antioqueños, Vallecaucanos, Cachacos and Santandereanos will face each other; However, for this occasion, four other teams will join with regions that had never participated before: Amazonians, Llaneros, Tolima Grande and Pastusos.10 Initially, it had been thought of including 12 regions, made up of the previous ten, plus the department of Boyacá (Boyacos), and a dispute that would be played between the Chocó region (Chocoanos) and the Colombian insular region, that is, coming from the Islands of San Andrés and Providencia (Isleños); Finally, only ten regions were chosen due to a limit established on the number of participants in the reality show and, later, the non-participation of these groups was officially confirmed before the casting took place. Additionally, for this version each region will be made up of 4 members (2 men and 2 women), instead of 6.