Nov. 2, 1981, midnight 0.0
S1E1 - Episode 1
Mr. CHONG CHI MAN, a Hong Kong film magnate who, after a
long absence, returns to Hong Kong with plans to produce
a new film. His old friends all gather around him, each
hoping to benefit from Mr. CHONG's new project. Mr. CHONG arranges for a group of these friends to visit him
and to spend a few days in his grand old house situated
on one of the isolated island in Hong Kong. This group
of friends each carries different objectives on this trip.
Nov. 3, 1981, midnight 0.0
S1E2 - Episode 2
The visitors' voyage to the island is marked by the rescue
of a young man nicknamed 'Little Sprin' who claims to be
an illegal immigrant from China. He accompanies the
others to the island. Upon their arrival, the visitors
are treated to a banquet presided over by their host, Mr.
CHONG, After dinner, MR SOO gives a demonstration of
his Kung Fu prowess hoping to impress Mr. CHONG, only to
be met with mockery. Angered and shamed he gets into a
fight with MON LI TAN. MON, in the ensuing chaos, makes
the first of many attempts to kill Mr. CHONG. Strange
and sad music is often heard in the house. The source
of which is soon discovered to be Mr. CHONG's daughter,
CHONG HUE TUNG, playing the piano.
Nov. 4, 1981, midnight 0.0
S1E3 - Episode 3
Not suspecting that 'Little Sprin' is actually a thief. Mr.
CHONG allows him to stay behind to serve as caretaker of the
old house. Meanwhile, detective PAO suspects that MON LI
TAN has tried to kill Mr. CHONG and warns him of the situation.
On the other hand, PAK FU YUNG, HA LUM UM and TAI MA S00 tries
every way to fulfill their objective. However, this leads to
confusion and a series of hilarious situations. The old
house continues to have a lot of mysterious happenings
culminating in the disappearance of Mr. CHONG.
Nov. 5, 1981, midnight 0.0
S1E4 - Episode 4
The disappearance of Mr. CHONG leads 'Little Sprin' to
suspect several of the visitors of having done away with Mr.
CHONG after failing to obtain favors from him. However,
detective PAO suspects there may be more behind the story.
CHONG's daughter, HUE TUNG, recounts that she had been
knocked unconscious while talking to her father the night
before he disappears. 'Little Sprin' who was eavesdropping
under the bed is also rendered unconscious. Regaining
consciousness, they discover Mr. CHONG's disappearance. A
tape recording of Mr. CHONG's voice is accidentally found
by PAK FU YUNG under her pillow. He asks her to endeavor
to find him. KIU KAM FA learns of the tape recording and
insists in participating in the search. The visitors all
discover that one door in each of their room leads to the
basement which they proceed to search. However, no trace of
Mr. CHONG is found……
Nov. 6, 1981, midnight 0.0
S1E5 - Episode 5
The strange sound and the mysterious happenings continues
to occur in the house. The group finally decides to
investigate into this matter and Mr. CHONG's son, TING
SIN, is elected to lead and direct the operation. Mean-
while, MON LI TAN discovers that TING SIN is actually a
schizophrenics. He informs everybody but nobody believes.
The group even assist TING SIN in locking MON in the basement.
Nov. 9, 1981, midnight 0.0
S1E6 - Episode 6
KIU KAM FA, hypnotized by CHONG's lawyer - YEUNG, leads
the group to believe that she is possessed by CHONG's
spirit. Everybody is fooled with the exception of
Detective PAO who plans to investigate. In the mean-
time, CHONG's son, TING SIN, has turned schizophrenic and
altered personalities. He traps a member of the group
in the basement and proceeds to torture them. However,
MON arrives, in the nick of time, to save the victims but
is not quick enough to defuse a bomb planted by TING SIN.
The explosion causes much damage to the room but luckily
nobody is hurt. In the meantime, PAK FU YUNG disappears
and MON, fearing that TING SIN might harm her, locks TING
SIN in the basement. The film siren, LAM LAM, discovers a
boat anchored near the island, everybody packs to leave
only to discover that the boat malfunctions……
Nov. 10, 1981, midnight 0.0
S1E7 - Episode 7
TING SIN, under guard in the basement, manages to overcome
his guard and escape. Mr. CHONG , who is alive, is actually
living in a cottage where he has brought SIU SIU under the
mistaken impression that she is his love, PAK FU YUNG, At
this stage, SIU SIU has no choice but to Mr. CHONG, she is
only disguising as her mother, PAK FU YUNG. In the meantime,
several of the man attempt to repair the boat, leaving KAM FA
and PAK FU YUNG ashore. The two are soon captured by TING
SIN but manage to escape. PAK FU YUNG and KAM FA then go
to Mr. CHONG's room to search for SIU SIU, However, PAK FU
YUNG suddenly disappears and SIU SIU reappears.
Nov. 11, 1981, midnight 0.0
S1E8 - Episode 8
Together at last, Mr. CHONG and PAK FU YUNG prepare to leave
the island but are caught by 'Little Sprin' and his two
uncles. The three held him for $10,000,000 ransom. Mr.
CHONG informs them that the key to the safe is in the possession of his lawyer, YEUNG. 'Little Sprin' attempts
to trick lawyer YEUNG into giving him the key but arouses
the lawyer's suspicious and calls for help. Detective PAO
and MON answer YEUNG's call of distress, overpower 'Little
Sprin' and lock him in the basement. The safe is opened
by lawyer YEUNG in everybody's presence. The sight of the
contents overwhelm KAM FA and TAI MA S00 with greed.
Nov. 12, 1981, midnight 0.0
S1E9 - Episode 9
Lawyer YEUNG hears notices coming from Mr. CHONG's room at
night and proceeds to investigate, opening the safe to
check its contents. However, TING SIN suddenly appears
and overcomes her. Meanwhile, KAM FA sneaks into Mr.
CHONG's room to find the safe wide opened, she then proceeds
to take the money out. HA LAM LAM and SIU SIU discover KAM
FA's absence and fearing her safety, they begin to search
for her and find her in front of the safe. UM FA asks that
they allow her to take some of the money from the safe, and
in pity, they let her. The remaining money in the safe was
shared amongst the other members of the group. In the
meantime, 'Little Sprin's' two uncles are looking for him
but are discover by Mr. CHONG's housekeeper, LUCY and locks
them in the basement.
Nov. 13, 1981, midnight 0.0
S1E10 - Episode 10
The next day, lawyer YEUNG reopens the safe in front of
everybody and discovers the safe empty. YEUNG suspects
'Little Sprin'. LUCY suggests that everybody's luggage
b e searched. She is opposed by all members of the group
since they all have a certain portion of the money from the
safe. LUCY later agrees to compromise and informs all that
if within one day's time the money is back in the safe, she
will not pursue the matter further. Meanwhile, Mr. CHONG
and PAK FU YUNG attempt to leave the island. However, Mr.
CHONG is suddenly unwell on the boat and are forced to return
to the island. He is made welcomed by the group and the
next day they all return to Hong Kong. At the end, Mr.
CHONG enchants everybody by making their dreams come true.