Jan. 1, 2002, midnight 0.0
S4E1 - Puzzle
Puzzle solving is great fun, but a common problem is a lost piece. There's always an interesting alternative.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E2 - Roasted Sausages
Grilling sausages in the kitchen is boring. How about building your own big grill?
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E3 - Roof Repair
The roof is having problems again. But where is the rain leaking through?
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E4 - Black Box
Old cameras are hard to handle. Especially if you don't want upside down photos.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E5 - Furniture on Wheels
The wheel was mankind's most important invention. But it was just the beginning.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E6 - Dog House
Before you get a dog you have to make sure you have a dog house that fits the dog.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E7 - Lacquering the Floor
There's a drop of paint on the parquet. Since the paint won't go away there's only one way: paint the whole floor.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E8 - The Greenhouse
To cultivate your own fruits and vegetables you may need a greenhouse. But how do you build one?
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E9 - The Swing
Remembering old times. Wasn't it always fun to swing? Clotheslines can be helpful.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E10 - Unwanted Guest
There's a mouse. But today's mice are too clever. More is needed than just some cheese.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E11 - Bodyguards
To protect against thieves, you have to go to the limit.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E12 - Painting the Windows
The windows need to be painted. But basic painting is boring. Make it better!
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E13 - Easter Egg
Pat and Mat celebrate Easter, but it's not complete without Easter eggs.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E14 - Slim Figure
Why spend money on a gym when you can create it in your basement? But also remember the right diet.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E15 - Vending Machine
Pat and Mat get a soft drink machine. Opening the box it came in turns out to be harder than expected, let alone actually getting the machine to properly work.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E16 - Autodrome
Racing with toy cars is great fun. But it gets boring over time. Maybe a better idea would be to expand the tracks all over the house.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E17 - Aquarium
Everyone would like to have a fish. But you can't have it, if you don't have an aquarium. How about making it yourself?
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E18 - Canning
It's always good to grow your own veggies. But it takes a while for them to grow up. I don't think anything will happen if you speed things up a bit...
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E19 - Hang Glider
To fly you must have a hang glider. If you don't have it, at least make life easier for those who fly without hang gliders.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E20 - Christmas Cake
Christmas Eve is a wonderful holiday. But you have to prepare for it properly. It's worth buying some cake. Unless you sat on it.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E21 - Flu
Sick people need care. You need to regularly measure their temperature, but remember not to confuse the thermometer with a coffee spoon.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E22 - Fax Machine
Soon after they've both installed one, Pat and Mat discover the almost endless possibilities of a fax machine.
Jan. 1, 2003, midnight 0.0
S4E23 - Strawberries
The strawberries are delicious. But you don't need that many. What will you do with all the rest of it now?
Jan. 1, 2004, midnight 0.0
S4E24 - Playing Golf
A perfect day to play golf. But maybe golf isn't a game you should play in your backyard, unless you make your own golf course.
Jan. 1, 2004, midnight 0.0
S4E25 - Bottle Cap
Orange juice is tasty. Though, remember to close the bottle, because the cap may get lost somewhere. And catching it won't be that easy.
Jan. 1, 2004, midnight 0.0
S4E26 - Swimming Pool
Having your own pool is very expensive. You can always make it yourself. All you need is a shovel. Or maybe dynamite?
Jan. 1, 2004, midnight 0.0
S4E27 - Hanging a Painting
What a beautiful picture. It needs to be hung somewhere. When hanging a picture, you have to watch your fingers, so using a big hammer is out of the question.
Jan. 1, 2004, midnight 0.0
S4E28 - Christmas Tree
A Christmas tree may be big, and bringing it home is a common problem. But that's not a reason to cut the branches.