Oct. 4, 2024, midnight 0.0
S7E1 - The Golden Age of Pirates
During The Golden Age of Piracy, thousands of buccaneers terrorized the high seas and became legends. Their exploits spawned fantastic stories of larger-than-life characters, billion dollar heists and buried treasure that to this day, has never been found. Are these stories simply tall tales, or is the truth stranger than fiction?
Oct. 11, 2024, midnight 0.0
S7E2 - Impossible Ancient Inventions
There are stories of advanced technology, from the ancient past, that seem too impossible to be true. Some are spoken of in legends and myths, while others can be seen today with the naked eye. These technologies challenge everything we think we know about the innovation of our ancestors. Is our most cutting-edge modern technology, merely reinventions of those that existed thousands of years ago? And if it is, where did these incredible lost inventions go?
Oct. 18, 2024, midnight 0.0
S7E3 - The Lost
People go missing every day, but throughout history, there have been strange and eerie disappearances that continue to capture the world's attention. Whether it's the missing case of a world famous icon, like Amelia Earhart, or even entire groups of people that seem to vanish without a trace, these mysterious disappearances have spawned countless theories, but no definitive answers.
Oct. 25, 2024, midnight 0.0
S7E4 - Alien Contagion
Since the dawn of human history, mankind has faced the ever present threat of organisms so small, that they are invisible to the naked eye. While modern science has stopped many dangerous viruses and bacteria in their tracks, there is a growing concern, that contagious germs could be traveling through the deadly vacuum of space. Will Earth's next pandemic come from another world?
Nov. 1, 2024, midnight 0.0
S7E5 - Ancient Bible Relics
With over 5 billion copies sold, the Bible is the best-selling book of all time. Could there be physical proof for some of the Bible's most iconic, miraculous stories? Today, many believe that there are physical objects in museums and churches around the world that are not only the genuine holy relics from the Bible, but also, that these incredible artifacts are still imbued with divine power. Could tantalizing clues suggest that some of these famous Bible relics are, in fact, authentic?
Nov. 8, 2024, midnight 0.0
S7E6 - Islands of the Damned
There are islands throughout the world that despite their scenic and tranquil beauty, evoke nothing but fear and dread. These islands are riddled with dark histories, unspeakable tragedy, and the belief by locals that they are cursed. Are the misfortunes experienced by the inhabitants of these islands simply a series of tragic coincidences, or is it possible that scattered across the planet there are... Islands of the Damned?