Nov. 28, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E1 - Gold Wheels
Wilson is asked to take Mayor around town but he forgets the passenger car. Hoot & Toot are given a Gold Wheel for delivering a passenger car to Wilson without being asked. Gold Wheels are awards for doing something extra special without being asked. Hoot & Toot try to teach themselves how to use the different wagons to earn another gold wheel but they make a huge mess!
Nov. 29, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E2 - Special Helper Wilson
Wilson picks pumpkins for Frostini's harvest festival pumpkin ice cream. Hoot & Toot are Frostini's special helpers too, Wilson doesn't want to share the job. He speeds off with the ice cream and goes so fast the ice cream falls in the stream. There are no pumpkins left! Hoot & Toot get lost in the forest while trying to find cream.
Nov. 30, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E3 - Hodge Can't Wait
It's a scorching day in Chuggington and there's a Rollo show to parade the latest wagons in front of all the chuggers. Chatsworth directs the chuggers and makes them practice their moves. Hodge can't wait to see latest wagon, he doesn't want to be late for the show but Eddie thinks he's overheating.
Dec. 1, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E4 - Chug-o-flage
Mtambo is teaching the trainees about camouflage, so they can get close to the animals in the safari park to complete their advanced Safari training. Brewster and Koko help each other cover themselves in leaves so they are almost invisible. Wilson can't find any leaves so he think of a new camouflage idea. He has a trainwave and heads to the spray booth.
Dec. 2, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E5 - Koko's Game
The trainees are playing "Hidey chugger" in the Roundhouse Park when Koko comes across Hodge playing a chugnav game. Koko wants to beat Hodge's top score, she forgets about Wilson and Brewster and goes off to try and complete all the levels of the chugnav game. Old Puffer Pete has broken down, Vee asks Koko him back to the depot but the game distracts her and she forgets all about him.
Dec. 5, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E6 - Magnetic Wilson
The trainees are preparing for a game of tandem chug-tag. Koko and Wilson need to complete their Advanced Storm Training so they don't have time to practice for the game. In a hurry to finish, Wilson turns the storm maker up so high Koko is floating in the wind above the tracks! She shouts STOP and lands on the track with a thump. One of her wheels is damaged! Morgan has run out of spares so Wilson takes the magnetic crane out to try and find enough metal to make a new wheel. He turns the magnetic crane up to it's highest setting and gets stuck to it. Wilson manages to wriggle free and heads back to the depot. Along the way all the metal objects near him start to stick to his body, he's covered!
Dec. 6, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E7 - Zephie's Star Club
Zephie delivers the new spray head to Lori and gets stars painted on her face as a reward. When Emery sees her, he wants one too but Zephie says he must do something special to be in her Star Club. Wilson tries to something special too much Zephie isn't impressed. Hoot doesn't make it in the club but Toot does. Lori paints two suns on Wilson and so now he's in Wilson's Sunshine Club.
Dec. 7, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E8 - Undercover Action Chugger
Action Chugger's staring in a new movie, he's going undercover as a ordinary chugger. He needs to practice for the role so disguises himself so the other chuggers can't recognise him. The disguise isn't working very well as everyone knows who he is. Action Chugger tries to help the ordinary chuggers as they don't have super hero powers but he ends up making a mess and annoying them.
Dec. 8, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E9 - Movie Maker Brewster
Brewster overhears the Mayor is interviewing Action Chugger about "Sky High Flyer", a film about making the most of what you have. Brewster wants to be a film maker too so offers to help the Mayor by making a film for her presentations about who puts the chug in Chuggington. Things don't quite to plan as he can't find anything exciting enough to film.
Dec. 9, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E10 - Top Secret Koko
While delivering some special equipment to the safari park, Mtambo asks Koko if she can keep a secret. Tonight, they are hoping to catch a very rare site on camera, a luna dance performed by the bats to a special bird song. Dr Gosling wants Koko to record the sound but she's can't tell anyone about it, they need the safari park to be completely silent or they might scare the bird.
Dec. 11, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E11 - Toot's New Friend
Hoot and Toot are starting to do things on their own, Hoot has a delivery to make. All the other chuggers are so busy they can't play with Toot. There's a buzz of excitement on the tracks, there is a new trainee moving to Chuggington! Everyone hurries to get back to the depot to greet Piper when she arrived.
Dec. 12, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E12 - Skylar's Squad
Skylar is doing some rescue training with the trainees, if they pass they get some high visibility stripes and a place in Skylar's Squad! Olwin helps Sylar by taking Hoot and Toot off for some extra training. They play a game of hidey chuggers, Hoot and Toot try to find Olwin. They think they hear her down a tunnel in the mountain but they have been following their echo.
Dec. 13, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E13 - Wobbly Wheels
It's a busy morning in Chuggington, Piper is called to the main depot. Pete helps her as she is still very wobbly on her wheels. Piper is given her trainee badge and Pete takes her to the park for some training. Wilson, Brewster and Koko are doing some safety training with Skylar in the mountains. They are learning how to use the chug catcher.
Dec. 14, 2011, midnight 0.0
S3E14 - Brewster's Crane Training
Dunbar has some news, he's leaving Chuggington to do some traveling. Brewster is very sad to see Dunbar go so makes him promise to say goodbye before he leaves. Skylar is going to be the trainees new trainer, he's fresh from the training academy. He starts with some crane training and explains it's all about focus and flow.