IMDb 4050

Sept. 6, 2013, midnight 8.0

S2E1 - Doc McStuffins Goes McMobile

After discovering that she couldn't fix Maddie's toy mouse, Norton, in the park, Doc's dad builds a mobile clinic for her to fix toys when she's away from her clinic.
Sept. 6, 2013, midnight 8.0

S2E2 - Chip Off the Ol' Box

While practicing their Juggling Jacks Act for Buddy's birthday party, Big Jack hurts his crank after Donny crashes into him while practicing some defensive soccer save moves, leaving him unable to perform.
Sept. 13, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E3 - Awesome Guy's Awesome Arm

Awesome Guy injures his arm while showing off his awesome strength and Doc orders him to rest up.
Sept. 13, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E4 - Lamb in a Jam

Lambie got covered with jam while being placed into Doc's backpack due to a faulty sandwich bag. Before going with her to school on "Take Your Toy To School Day", Lambie felt sad and bitter about not going to school with Doc. So, she covered Stuffy who was to take her place for "Take Your Toy To School Day" in jam as well preventing him from going to school with Doc.
Sept. 20, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E5 - Diagnosis Not Even Close-Is

Doc takes the afternoon off from the clinic to help train Emmie's dog Rudi with a new agility training center that Emmie's family bought. So, Stuffy and Hallie fill in as doctors while trying to find out why Robot Ray is going out of control. The toys call Doc for help and she succeeds to find the real problem.
Sept. 20, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E6 - Bronty's Twisted Tail

Doc creates a musical group but Bronty injures his tail after Stuffy crashes into him.
Sept. 27, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E7 - Frida Fairy Flies Again

Frida Fairy, a fairy-shaped kite who thinks she's a real fairy, rips her wing after crashing into a tree branch and Doc tries to repair her.
Sept. 27, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E8 - A Tale of Two Dragons

Dragon-Bot, a new state of the art robotic toy dragon, has a problem with his wings popping out and Doc checks what is causing the problem but Stuffy becomes jealous over Dragon-Bot being more hi-tech than him.
Oct. 3, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E9 - Think Pink

Chilly turns pink from Doc's red scarf after being accidentally washed in the washing machine by Doc's dad.
Oct. 3, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E10 - You Foose, You Lose

The other players in the Foosball court are ready to play but Johnny Foosball isn't ready because he is suffering from a sticking problem and is reluctant to tell his teammates about it.
Oct. 17, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E11 - Leilani's Luau

Doc receives a solar powered hula girl named Leilani from her grandmother, but she feels a little homesick for her home in Hawaii so Doc throws a Luau for her.
Oct. 17, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E12 - Karate Kangaroos

Doc helps Angus, a Karate Kangaroo who doesn't want to fight Sidney, his partner, because of his fear of fighting.
Oct. 24, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E13 - Doc to the Rescue

Doc discovers a fashion doll named Dress-Up Daisy stuck in a tree and tries to calm her down from panicking while rescuing her.
Oct. 24, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E14 - Don't Knock the Noggin

Doc helps an action figure named Super Stuntman Steve after he starts malfunctioning for losing his helmet.
Nov. 8, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E15 - Disco Dress Up Daisy

Disco Dress Up Daisy injures her arm while showboating on roller skates and gets a fashionable pink cast for her arm and Lambie becomes envious and tries to fake an injury to get a cast for herself. Doc diagnoses her with "I want a boo-boo syndrome" and relates to having had it in the past when her friend Emmie had a cast.
Nov. 8, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E16 - The Glider Brothers

The Glider Brothers, two planes named Orville and Wilbur (after the Wright brothers), fly recklessly around the McStuffins household resulting in Wilbur breaking the rubber band that powers his propeller.
Nov. 15, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E17 - Kirby and the King

Sir Kirby and The Wicked King get stuck together with paste after battling with Donny's cardboard monster, so they try to get unstuck.
Nov. 15, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E18 - Bubble Monkey, Blow Your Nose!

Doc brings Bubble Monkey to visit Donny to cheer him up after he catches a cold, but Bubble Monkey has a sneezing fit that spreads soap bubble liquid all over the place.
Nov. 22, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E19 - Professor Pancake

Doc rescues Professor Hootsburgh after being accidentally trapped behind Doc's toy box and was accidentally flattened.
Nov. 22, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E20 - You Crack Me Up

Gloria the Giggling Gorilla, Donny's new toy, keeps scratching her belly, so Doc investigates the cause of her itch.
Dec. 1, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E21 - A Very McStuffins Christmas

An elf named Tobias needs help after accidentally breaking Donny's new toy, Commander Crush, so Doc and her friends go to the North Pole to get a new part. However, Stuffy gets separated from the group, so it’s up to Lambie and Chilly to rescue him.
Dec. 12, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E22 - The Doctor Will See You Now

Dolly, Morton, Carl Chug a Chug, and Fabio, the toys in the waiting room at the doctor's office, receive a check up by Doc after wondering why the children in the clinic don't want to play them. This is the first instance of Doc being called Dottie in the show.
Dec. 12, 2013, midnight 0.0

S2E23 - L'il Egghead Feels the Heat

Professor Hootsburgh challenges Eggie, an electronic learning device, to a face-off to see who's the smartest toy in the McStuffins Household, but Eggie overheats and starts malfunctioning.
Jan. 10, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E24 - The Big Sleepover

Doc becomes homesick during a sleepover at Emmie and Alma's house, so Stuffy, Lambie and Pickles try to cheer her up.
Jan. 10, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E25 - No Sweetah Cheetah

Chilly and the other toys think that Rita, Donny's toy cheetah, is sick because of her spots, but Doc later discovers that she doesn't have an illness. Rita's spots are a part of her physical features.
Jan. 31, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E26 - Big Head Hallie

Hallie discovers that she was based on a popular cartoon character and lets it go into her head.
Jan. 31, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E27 - Peaches Pie, Take a Bath!

Peaches Pie, a cute peach scented doll, refuses to take a bath but doesn't realize that her peachy smell is gone thanks to Rudy playing with her in the rain.
Feb. 14, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E28 - Celestial Celeste

Celeste, Doc's space projector toy from school is having trouble working by making a strange whirring noise after nearly getting knock off the shelf by Stuffy. So it's up to Doc and the gang to fix it.
Feb. 14, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E29 - Run Doc Run!

Doc sprains her ankle during a practice run for a Fun Run while trying to avoid a toy unicorn that was laying on the sidewalk. Doc has to rest, so the toys have to cure Doc and Doc has to cure Dart the Unicorn's broken leg before she does. This is the second instance of Doc being called Dottie.
April 4, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E30 - A Fairy Big Knot

Frida the Fairy Flier's strings gets knotted up during a very windy day and crashes and it's up to Doc to detangle her strings.
April 4, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E31 - Rosie the Rescuer

Rosie the Rescuer, Emmie and Alma's toy EMT ambulance, panics while trying to save Sir Kirby. Later, Doc helps Rosie to calm down and not to panic by telling of her past experience helping Robot Ray.
April 8, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E32 - Crikey! It's Wildlife Will

Wildlife Will, a toy explorer, loses his legs after a run in with a Chihuahua and it's up to Doc and company to build a special wheelchair for him.
April 8, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E33 - Rootin' Tootin' Southwest Sal

Southwest Sal, a toy cowgirl that is literally a cow, has a broken spring which controls her lasso throwing arm, and it's up to Doc to fix her.
April 24, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E34 - Take Your Doc To Work Day

On "Take Your Child To Work Day" Doc helps out at her mom's clinic by giving physicals to The Waiting Room Toys and helps a doll named Curly-Q fix her hair by giving her a new hair style.
April 24, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E35 - Blazer's Bike

Star Blazer Zero has a problem riding his bike by crashing into everything and discovered that he had a helmet for a football player instead of his space helmet.
May 16, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E36 - The Big Storm

A hurricane hits the neighborhood and Doc helps create an evacuation plan for the toys in the clinic including a "buddy system" but Chilly and Hallie accidentally get left behind when Chilly falls off the wagon during the evacuation and Hallie tries to help keep him calm.
May 16, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E37 - Spritzy Mitzi

Spritzy Mitzi, an octopus shaped sprinkler toy, ruptures a sprinkler tentacle after getting a pebble stuck in one of her sprinkling holes after ignoring Stuffy's advice on having Doc checking it out first.
June 13, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E38 - Dad's Favorite Toy

While cleaning out the attic Doc's Dad finds a beloved toy from his childhood called Saltwater Serge and Wellington Whale. Serge and Wellington don't work because their button is worn out after being used a lot by Doc's Dad when he was young.
June 13, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E39 - Chilly and the Dude

Chilly meets up with a stuffed snowman known as "The Dude" when Doc goes to the clinic to make winter gift baskets for a school charity drive. Chilly is jealous when he feels that The Dude is more charming and athletic than him but learns that it's ok to be yourself.
June 21, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E40 - Serpent Sam Makes a Splash

Doc diagnoses Serpent Sam, a cool new snake shaped super soaker water gun toy, who is suffering from "Sticky-it is" after he fills up with green apple soda instead of his usual water and gets clogged up from the sticky sugar residue.
June 21, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E41 - Sir Kirby and the Plucky Princess

To prove that princesses can do anything knights can do, Princess Persephone, or "Peri," as she likes to be called, challenges Sir Kirby to a playoff competition. Problems arise when Sir Kirby falls apart during the wall scaling competition after losing his balance and slamming himself against the castle wall.
July 25, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E42 - The Wicked King and the Mean Queen

A snobbish new doll named Queen Amina arrives to the McStuffins household and start to lock horns with The Wicked King over who should throw the first Royal Ball. So Doc and the crew decided to have a treasure hunt for the two to see who gets the most coins wins the rights to host the Royal Ball. But when Queen Amina injures herself during the competition, the Wicked King decided that friendship and sportsmanship was more important than winning.
July 25, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E43 - Take a Stroll!

After losing a relay race, Alma's baby doll Tiny Tessie discovers that she needs to get out of her Sleepy Slumber 2000 Stroller to be active and have more fun.
Aug. 22, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E44 - Ooey Gablooey Springs a Leak

Oooey Gablooey, a toy sticky starfish which Donny won at the school fair, accidentally punctures himself after landing in a rose bush and started leaking blue ooze all over and panics after seeing his goo leaking out as Doc tries to repair him.
Aug. 22, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E45 - There's a King in Your Tummy!

While at the park, Serpent Sam accidentally swallows the Wicked King while filling up with water and Doc and the crew try to figure out a way to get the Wicked King out of Serpent Sam's tummy safely.
Sept. 26, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E46 - Doc's Busy Day

Doc learns how to triage her patients after becoming overwhelmed with a busy day at the clinic when her and Donny's talking toddler cousin Sabrina comes for a visit to the McStuffins household and causes chaos and a whole lot of boo-boos for the toys.
Sept. 26, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E47 - Wrong Side of the Law

Princess Doc and Princess Lamby are having a tea party when a police car interrupts them. Doc helps Officer Pete recognize that his eyesight is being hindered by a dirty and cracked windshield after wrecking while pursuing Kent during a high speed pursuit and needed a replacement windshield.
Oct. 3, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E48 - Mirror, Mirror on My Penguin

Baby Suki's toy penguin Waddly is upset because she doesn't want to play with her and Doc discovers that the mirror in Waddly's tummy was dirty with baby guck.
Oct. 3, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E49 - Hide and Eek!

While playing Mad Scientist, Professor Donny and Professor Alma "create" a toy monster named Creepy Cuddly Charlie that scares all the other toys (except for Doc and Hallie). When they finally get to know Charlie, they realized that he's not that scary.
Oct. 13, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E50 - McStuffins School of Medicine

Dr Tundra, Emmie's new teddy bear learns about the medical profession from Doc as a intern in her clinic and helps Stuffy after he crushed his snout in a book avalanche.
Oct. 13, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E51 - The Super Amazing Ultra Hoppers

Delloroto one of the Super Amazing Ultra Hoppers couldn't jump high like his brothers DiNardo and DiAmbrosio. So Doc (or "Dottoressa" as she was called) discovers that Delloroto was missing a few bricks making him shorter than his brothers.
Nov. 2, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E52 - Let the Nightingale Sing

Doc and the toys time travel back to 19th century England and they meet a young Florence Nightingale (Hallie's favorite idol) and help Florence accomplish her dream to be a nurse and assist her in repairing her toys.
Nov. 7, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E53 - Hazel Has a Sleepover

Before Doc and Emmie have a pre-sleepover water fight at the McStuffins residence Hazel, Emmie's new water toy, has a slight sleepwetting problem (leaky trunk) and Doc tries to solve her problem. She is diagnosed with too-full-itis.
Nov. 7, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E54 - My Breakfast with Bronty

During breakfast, Bronty accidentally knocks over and stomps on a bottle of syrup which splashed onto his rear legs and caused his rear legs to be stuck onto his tail, but Bronty was reluctant to tell Doc about his situation.
Nov. 11, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E55 - Training Army Al

Doc tells her friends including a worrisome Bronty to feel their emotions when Army Al, an action figure, is separated from them after being called for duty, even if it's a trip to the forest with Donny and his Turtle Scouts troop. Doc and the toys support each other and help prepare Al to be his best because they are afraid that something bad might happen to him.
Nov. 11, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E56 - Sproingo Boingo Takes the Leap

A fox shaped Slinky toy named Sproingo Boingo accidentally twists his spring after doing a dangerous leap from a tall block tower for the Wicked King during a rainy day competition. So it was up to Doc to fix Sproingo Boingo but the Wicked King felt bad for causing his injury and daring him to do a dangerous leap but Sproingo Boingo said that it was okay and accepted his apology.
Nov. 21, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E57 - Shell Shy

A wind up toy Sea Turtle named Theodore is extremely shy after that discovering that Hermie who was a old friend from the aquarium (and the most popular toy at the aquarium) was living at Doc's and is the grand Splash Dance champion. So Doc and Company helps Theodore overcome his shyness.
Nov. 21, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E58 - Commander No

During a game of Tickle Tag with Gloria the Giggling Gorilla, Commander Crush starts to malfunction and couldn't stop transforming. Doc discovers that Commander Crush had a stuck button that caused him to malfunction but now Commander Crush refuses to play the Tickle Game fearing that he'll malfunction again.
Dec. 5, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E59 - The Flimsy Grumpy Bat

The toys teach Count Clarence the Magnificent, a cardboard bat who thinks he could fly like a kite about good positive attitudes after he becomes grumpy from getting caught in a gust of wind and crashing into the wading pool at the park.
Dec. 5, 2014, midnight 0.0

S2E60 - Rockstar Ruby and the Toys

Doc purchase a used Rock Star doll named Rockstar Ruby at a Yard Sale but as dirt and gunk builds up over time while being played at and eventually causes Rockstar Ruby's microphone button to get stuck forcing her to quit singing. But Doc and the crew has a plan to bring back Rockstar Ruby back on stage.
Feb. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E61 - A Day Without Cuddles!

It's International Cuddle Day at the clinic but Lambie suffered from a mysterious sneezing fit. Doc discovered that Lambie was covered with flour and ordered Lambie to be quarantined and not to give out any cuddles.
Feb. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E62 - Collide-O-Scope

Kiara, Doc's new Kaleidoscope suffered from a severe dizzy spell after Chilly accidentally fell causing her to crash on the floor.
March 13, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E63 - Crash Course

Doc helps a toy taxi cab driver named Tony learn the importance of paying attention to where you are going after he crashes while carrying Sir Kirby and The Wicked King to Lambie's dance recital and loses his wheels in the process.
March 13, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E64 - Luna on the Moon-a

When Doc's new space doll, Luna 2200 (which she won as first prize at the school's science fair) keeps slipping as she tries to climb her lunar mountain set, Doc discovers that the sticky grip on Luna's space boot is missing and replaces it for her after discovering the missing pad on Stuffy's back.
March 13, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E65 - Fully in Focus

Doc gives her viewmaster toy Viewy Stewie an eye exam and discovers that two of his discs are accidentally jammed together causing him to see images incorrectly.
March 13, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E66 - Picky Nikki

Doc and the toys help Nikki Nickel, a piggybank who only likes shiny coins, see that trying something new can be fun after Doc tries to put a dollar bill into the bank and Nikki refuses to accept it.
March 13, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E67 - Getting to the Heart of Things

After Doc discovers that Coach Kay, a small plastic doll in a football/soccer kit has a crack in her whistle valve, she takes her to the clinic to perform "surgery" to replace the valve but needed to confirm Kay that everything is going to be alright after she became afraid of the Surgery procedures and prepping up.
March 13, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E68 - Toy in the Sun

Doc and the toys learn an important lesson about sun exposure after Donny accidentally leaves Bronty outside buried in the garden while playing "Dig the Dino" and his back was exposed to the sun and his plastic becomes discolored.
Aug. 14, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E69 - Three Goats A' Cuddlin'

Aug. 14, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E70 - Swimmer's Belly

Sept. 12, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E71 - Fetchin' Findo

Sept. 12, 2015, midnight 0.0

S2E72 - Twin Tweaks

Amazon Prime Video Hulu fuboTV Disney Plus
Network: Disney Junior
Episode Runtime: 25 min.
Season Runtime: 3503 min.
Released: March 23, 2012
Last Air Date: April 18, 2020, midnight
Status: Returning Series
Certification: TV-Y
Common sense age: 4+ cc

Updated: 1 day, 18 hours ago
Next update: 5 days, 7 hours from now