Aug. 10, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E1 - Craggy Peak
The friends set off in the train for Craggy Peak, so that Zuzu can learn mountain climbing. En route they meet Maudie, an elderly mountain goat who helps them trick Musical Mike, the obstructive Singing Train Controller (Egbert), and who proves surprisingly nimble and not at all frail and deaf as they had supposed.
Aug. 11, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E2 - Coral Reef
Alma wants to make an exciting movie with her new underwater camera, so Poppy and the gang take the plane to the Great Coral Reef near Seahorse Island, where they meet a sea turtle named Belinda.
Aug. 12, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E3 - Parrot Talk
After Zuzu finds a baby parrot in a bush, the gang head to Parrot Tropics to return him home. Everyone but Zuzu thinks it hilarious that little 'Zuza' imitates his every word, as if Zuzu were his elder brother. But when Zuzu gets stuck in mud in the jungle, he is very glad that Zuza is there to add his cries for help to his own.
Aug. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E4 - Flute Lesson
Everyone is surprised when Poppy reveals that she is an expert flautist. Accompanied by Alma, Mo and Zuzu, she takes a trip in the balloon to Musical Marsh, where the reeds grow into flutes. Unfortunately, they are distracted on the way, and by the time they arrive everyone is too tired to take any lessons.
Aug. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E5 - Bright Comet
After Owl and Alma simultaneously spot a new comet in the night sky, the friends set off in the rocket for Library Planet. Byron the Librarian, an officious ostrich, is in charge of recording all new comets, which are named after the discoverer – but Owl doesn't want to share the credit with Alma.
Aug. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E6 - Giggle Pond
After Alma scrapes her arm, Poppy puts a plaster on it and everyone sets off to Giggle Pond to visit Owl's friend, Dr. Billy and put a bandage on her arm. Alma thinks that it will hurt when the plaster is removed, but Dr. Billy persuades her to go for a swim in the Giggle Pond with the others. Soon she is giggling so much that she doesn't even notice when Dr. Billy removes the plaster and puts a bandage on her.
Aug. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E7 - Iceberg Hotel
When Mo finds a room key to the Iceberg Hotel, the friends fly to the Great Northern Iceberg to return it. They arrive, to find the place deserted except for Charlie Chapped-Beak, Penguin Waiter (Egbert) and Mikey, a polar bear cub who has become separated from his dad.
Aug. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E8 - Laundry Lagoon
After Owl loses a sock, the gang set off for Laundry Lagoon, where all missing laundry turns up. Zuzu is not very enthusiastic, but when he is put in charge of bringing organisation to the chaos that they encounter, he realises that a bit of hard work can be fun after all.
Aug. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E9 - Noodle Land
While the friends are enjoying Poppy's homemade noodles, Zuzu tells them that his wooden racing car didn't win in the Scout's racing derby. Poppy suggests that he should test it first, like she did with the noodles, and takes them all off to Noodle Land, where there's a miniature track made out of noodles.
Aug. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E10 - Purple Sands
Ravi the Tiger invites the friends to enter a sand sculpture contest on the beach at Purple Sands. Zuzu and Alma both want to win, but there is strong competition from Parsa, a small sea turtle. When Ravi asks Poppy and Mo to help with the judging, Mo is reluctant to choose between his friends.
Aug. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E11 - Squid Ink
Zuzu needs waterproof ink to make a sign for Alma's flowerbed, so the friends take the submarine to look for the legendary Great Squid of Mystery, who lives in the Secret Sea.
Aug. 14, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E12 - Brown Bear
Brown Bear gives Poppy a present of a toy teddy bear. When she sees that it has a frown on his face, Poppy realises that her friend must be sad and takes the gang out in the campervan to find Brown Bear and cheer him up. Poppy has time to tell a tall story before her friend lies down to sleep for the winter.
Aug. 15, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E13 - Tiny Giant
Mo discovers what it is like to be taller when he gets a new pair of stilts. Poppy takes the gang to the Land of Unusual Sizes, where they meet a tiny gorilla called Davy and a giant squirrel called Bob, but run into a spot of bother in the shape of Egbert, disguised as the Stomping Giant.
Aug. 16, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E14 - Fairy House
Alma surprises her friends when she reveals that she believes in fairies and has made a small house for them. The friends head into the Enchanted Woods, where Alma hopes to meet a real fairy - but what they will find there?
Aug. 21, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E15 - Gloopy Ponds
Poppy Cat and his friends fly to Gloopy Ponds for some soothing mud to cure Zuzu's itch. But Rock Twinkletoes, the disco geologist (Egbert in disguise), has his eye on Zuzu's great-great-great-grandfather's prize 'gold' medallion...
Sept. 4, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E16 - Chocolate Falls
When Owl runs out of cocoa for his morning hot drink, the friends take a train to 'Chocolate Falls', where they meet Roland, a lonely turtle who has some bad news for them.
Sept. 4, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E17 - Fantastic Gardens
Alma is discouraged by her meager carrot patch, so Owl suggests that they visit Fantastic Gardens, where vegetables grow as big as trees.
Sept. 4, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E18 - Giant Toothbrush
Discouraged by his small size, Mo finds a giant toothbrush on the ground and decides it must have come from a whale. Poppy suggests they head for the sea to find the owner.
Sept. 4, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E19 - Olive Branch
After arguing over the rules to a game, Alma and Zuzu refuse to speak. Poppy suggests that they search for special olives which, when squeezed over people, make them friends again.
Sept. 4, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E20 - Acorn Time
When Owl is grumpy because his tree is so small, Mo reveals an acorn which he and Alma hope to plant for a new tree for Owl; but Poppy suggests they head off in the horse and carriage to the Fast-Growing Forest.
Sept. 4, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E21 - Wooly Woods
When Zuzu shows up wearing a hand-knitted sweater that Alma made, everyone admires it so much that Alma offers to make them all sweaters.
Sept. 26, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E22 - Halloween Woods
Poppy and friends are carving pumpkin lanterns when Owl reveals that Halloween is his favorite holiday and invites them to Halloween Woods in costume by train (with Poppy dressed as a cowgirl, Alma dressed as a fairy, Zuzu dressed as a pirate, Owl dressed as a wizard and Mo dressed as a skeleton) where they meet a bat named Basil.
Sept. 26, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E23 - Jigsaw Puzzled
Alma brings a jigsaw puzzle for the group to assemble, but when they discover a piece is missing, the friends head out in the horse and carriage for Jigsaw Castle, where lost puzzle pieces are said to show up.
Sept. 26, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E24 - Polka Plains
Alma finds one pretty shoe, but when Owl identifies it as a dancing shoe from Polka Plains, it's decided the shoe should be returned to its owner, and the gang set off in the airplane.
Oct. 2, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E25 - Pillow Valley
Hilary the hedgehog has not been able to hibernate and her snoring is keeping Mo awake and making the little mouse grumpy. Can the gang find a soft place for Hilary to sleep?
Oct. 30, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E26 - Sunnyside Island
Owl is sad when his prized sunflower looks droopy, until Poppy suggests they take a journey in her sailing ship to Sunnyside Island to perk up the flower.
Oct. 30, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E27 - Jungle Paint
When Zuzu accidentally spills some paint on Owl's favourite painting, the only way to fix it is to visit the artist who lives in the jungle.
Oct. 30, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E28 - Misty Hollow
Alma's brother Chester invites her to sing with him at a concert, but her voice mysteriously disappears due to nerves. A trip in an air balloon, however, helps her to regain her confidence.
Oct. 30, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E29 - Planet Kite
The friends go on a trip to look for Egbert's kite, which has been stolen by the King of Kites - but how can they persuade him to give it back?
Nov. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E30 - Cloud Chicks
The gang pile into the hot air balloon to return a lost Bumblebird chick to his mother up in the clouds, together with some mysterious flags that have fallen to earth.
Nov. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E31 - Laughing Squirrels
When Zuzu tells a few jokes, the friends are overcome with laughter until Owl tells them of the squirrels of The Silent Forest, who have never laughed.
Nov. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E32 - Petal Parade
When Poppy is chosen to be a Bright Blossom in the Petal Parade, her friends ask her to come along in the camper van to Blooming Brook to cheer on their friend.
Nov. 27, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E33 - Puppet Mountain
Alma is upset when she loses one of her hand puppets for a show that she has carefully planned, so Poppy takes her to Puppet Mountain by horse and carriage to ask the Puppet Master to make her a new one.
Dec. 11, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E34 - Fireworks Volcano
The gang set sail to see the Fireworks Volcano in the Sparkling Seaweed Sea, with no one in charge of the ship...
Dec. 25, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E35 - Choppy Hedges
When Alma tells Owl about a job at Choppy Hedges to become Head Topiarist, Owl demonstrates his flair for topiary by using his beak.
Dec. 25, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E36 - Lonely Sloth
It's Owl's birthday and he is just about to read out a poem he has written for the occasion, when Zuzu finds a message in a bottle from a lonely sloth. Malcolm lives in the Slow-Moving Jungle and it turns out that it is his birthday too!
Dec. 25, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E37 - Orange Moon
The gang set off to rescue Rocket-Cat, who is trapped in a cave on a planet made of oranges that tumble at the slightest sound. In the tunnels beneath Orange Moon, the boisterous Egbert causes a rockfall and the soft-spoken Mo becomes the hero of the hour.
Dec. 25, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E38 - Snowy Slopes
Mo wants to break a world record in building with blocks, and Zuzu wants to break one in sliding, so the friends set off for Snowy Slopes. En route, they meet Barnabas P Penguin, who likes sliding too, and 'Sub-Zero Stanley, Ice Cube Salesman' (Egbert), who has lost his sleigh dogs.
Dec. 25, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E39 - Star Trail
When Rocket-Cat's fan club sends the friends a package containing a 'star ticket' and some strange spectacles, they go on an adventure into outer space to meet their hero. However, they are diverted by lost traveller who needs to get home, and Egbert disguised as Rocket-Badger steers them into a meteor shower and gets them lost.
Dec. 25, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E40 - Stick Palace
The gang are building Mo a stick palace, but when the wind blows it over Poppy suggests that they rebuild it in outer space, where it's calm. However, two Space Mice want the palace too, and while the gang are saving Egbert - disguised as Starburst, the Irregular Comet - from a meteor shower, the palace goes missing...
Dec. 25, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E41 - Wolf Scout
Zuzu's wolf friend Timothy needs to learn to howl for his Scout badge, so the gang rocket off to the moon, where they end up on trial for being there without permission.
Jan. 8, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E42 - Shell Search
When Zuzu breaks his conch shell, the friends set off on a submarine adventure to find him a new one in the Deep Blue Ocean.
Jan. 8, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E43 - Singing Dog
After Owl teaches him to sing, Zuzu wants to track down a distant, beautiful song that only he can hear. So the gang set off in a hot-air balloon to find out where it is coming from.
Jan. 8, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E44 - Snowflake Lake
When Alma finds a snow globe containing a dancing skater, Owl tells her the skater is dancing the Snowflake Suite on the frozen Snowflake Lake in Eternal Winterland.
Jan. 24, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E45 - Underwater Picnic
Zuzu and Alma want to do different things, so Poppy proposes a compromise. Zuzu and the friends set off in search of Speedy Sam the turtle, while Alma finds an unusual location to try out her new picnic set.
Jan. 24, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E46 - Tiger Bike
Zuzu is showing off his new bicycle when Alma delivers a letter from their friend Ravi the Tiger, who writes that his bicycle has floated out to sea.
Jan. 24, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E47 - Slippery Planet
A capsule drops into the garden containing a letter from a mysterious 'adventurer' named Ernie. He wants a pen-pal, so the gang set off on an expedition in a rocket to other worlds to other worlds, where Mo learns a valuable lesson.
Jan. 24, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E48 - Frog Clock
When Mo accidentally breaks Zuzu's prized new frog clock, Owl suggests a visit to Magical Forest to find the Clock Pixie, said to be able to fix any clock.
Jan. 30, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E49 - Dressing Up
The gang are rehearsing for a play written by Poppy. Zuzu is not happy with his role, but there is a more pressing problem - the costumes have been eaten by moths!
Jan. 30, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E50 - Spring Wings
Gilda's nest has gone missing in Spinner's Grove. Owl broke his wing and can't fly, but he finds a clever way to lift Zuzu into the tree tops to help look for it.
Feb. 5, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E51 - Sky Monkey
When Alma's ball vanishes in mid-air, Zuzu thinks that a girl monkey thief who lives in the sky is responsible. The friends jump in the plane and follow a trail of banana skins left on clouds to a treehouse on a mountain top, where they find Zizzle, aka Sky Monkey, and learn why she takes things.
Feb. 5, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E52 - Happy Station
The friends learn that a prize is to be awarded to the Most Helpful Group of Friends by a new station on the Cherry Tree Line! On the train to Happy Station, everyone brings along something that might be helpful to others - but after meeting Gilda, Velma the rabbit princess and Rex the elderly turtle, by the time they arrive they've given them all away!