Sept. 5, 1967, midnight 0.0
S1E1 - One of Our States Is Missing
Black-sheep socialite Appian Way tows Rhode Island out to sea and demands 83 jillion dollars ransom.
Sept. 12, 1967, midnight 0.0
S1E2 - The Zipper
The worlds fastest criminal, the Zipper, is loose and he's threatening to blow up the world. There's nothing more dangerous than a loose Zipper!
Sept. 19, 1967, midnight 0.0
S1E3 - Rotten Hood
When Rotten Hood, the Bandit of Sherwood Park, switches from mugging squirrels to stealing from Pittsburgh's wealthiest citizens (including Henry Cabot Henhouse III), he unwittingly raises the ire of Super Chicken.
Sept. 26, 1967, midnight 0.0
S1E4 - The Oyster
The worlds largest pearl is purloined by the worlds most notorious pearl thief... The Oyster.
Oct. 3, 1967, midnight 0.0
S1E5 - The Elephant Spreader
When elephants start turning up in homes across America, the earth is tipped sideways. Super Chicken packs his trunk and heads to India to solve the mystery.
Oct. 10, 1967, midnight 0.0
S1E6 - Merlin Brando
When the worlds vainest wizard, Merlin Brando, discovers that Super Chicken is smarter, stronger and better looking than he is, he lures the famous fowl to his private island, the Isle of Lucy.
S1E7 - Wild Ralph Hiccup
Outlaw plane robber (and John Wayne impersonator) Wild Ralph Hiccup's airborne crime spree attracts the attention of that fearless frequent flier, Super Chicken.
S1E8 - The Geezer
When cranky old thief, the Geezer, steals Yellowbone National Park's most famous attraction, the Old Face-full geyser, vacationing Henry Cabot Henhouse III gets steamed!
S1E9 - Salvador Rag Dolly
Super Chicken and Fred follow one of power mad toy maker Salvador Rag Dolly's robotic robbers back to his mountain lair/toy factory. Watch and see if Super Chicken has finally met his match!
S1E10 - The Easter Bunny
When beloved character, the Easter Bunny, starts robbing all the banks in town (in numerical order), Super Chicken goes on the hunt and finds all the clues to crack the case.
S1E11 - The Noodle
One of the worlds richest and brainiest criminals, the Noodle, devises a fiendishly clever bank heist utilizing a green cat and a blue vacuum cleaner. With Super Chicken knocked senseless by a watermelon, Fred drinks the super sauce and gives super-crime fighting a whirl, with less than spectacular results.
S1E12 - The Fat Man
When the Maltese Duck goes missing with nothing but 56 candy bar wrappers as clues ("We know it wasn't the Thin Man, Fred"), Super Chicken suspects Sydney Greenstreet-esque villain, the Fat Man.
S1E13 - Briggs Bad Wolf
When famous bad guy actor, the 'man you love to hate', Briggs Badwolfe, flips his fright wig and starts believing he is his character, he kidnaps the leading lady and Super Chicken must come to her rescue.
S1E14 - The Laundry Man
Shrimp Chop Fooey (aka: The Laundry Man) irons out a plan to fold his 'Chinese Hand Wash Money Laundering Service' and abscond with all the cities criminals loot. Super Chicken, having accidentally discovered Fooey's filthy plot, spoils his clean get-away and returns the dirty money to it's rightful owners... the crooks.
S1E15 - The Muscle
After a 7,000 lb.,diamond studded dumbbell is stolen, Super Chicken knows it had to be the worlds strongest criminal, the Muscle. When Super Chicken tries to arrest him, the Muscle gives Super Chicken a work-out that nearly kills him. Super Chicken attempts to recover his strength by drinking double-strength Super Super Sauce, but the potent potable proves too powerful. Fred finally subdues the Muscle after drinking triple-strength Super Super Super Sauce.
S1E16 - Dr. Gizmo
The worlds trickiest crook, Dr. Gizmo, ( a sort of Victorian Inspector Gadget) is being taken to prison on a train. He escapes his police escort by means of a look-alike robot and returns to his life of crime. Super chicken utilizes some gizmos of his own to recapture the Doctor and bring him to prison.
S1E17 - The Wild Hair
In the desolate countryside just outside Pittsburgh, PA., in the sinister castle Happydell, distinguished mad scientist Dr. Couldbe perfects his crowning achievement ... the worlds first living toupee. The ominous mass of angry hair soon grows out of control and goes on a cross country rampage. Super Chicken follows it to Houston and devises a cunning plan to destroy the hirsute monster.