Aug. 18, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E1 - The Tiger Family Grows
Tiger Family is expanding and Daniel finds out that he is going to be a big brother! At first, he isn’t sure what to expect, but as his family prepares for the arrival of the new baby, Daniel learns about what it means to be a big brother…and a big helper, too.
Aug. 18, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E2 - Daniel Learns about Being a Big Brother
The new baby is almost here and the Tiger Family is getting ready for the new arrival. Daniel is eager to pitch in as Mom and Dad prepare the baby’s room, but struggles with the idea of giving up his old baby things for his new sibling. He soon realizes that being a big brother means letting go of things you no longer need, and that’s a big help for the whole family.
Aug. 18, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E3 - The Baby Is Here
The baby is about to arrive and everyone is so excited! Mom and Dad head to the hospital while Daniel and Grandpere spend time at home going through some of Daniel’s old things. In this half-hour musical episode everyone welcomes the new addition to the Neighborhood as Margaret comes home!
Aug. 19, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E4 - Time for Daniel
Daniel is playing “adventure tiger” at home with Dad, but things are not quite the same, now that Margaret is around. Daniel is upset that Dad keeps having to take care of his little sister, but Daniel learns that there’s time for the baby and time for Daniel, too.
Aug. 19, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E5 - There's Time for Daniel and Baby Too
Daniel is still getting used to having the new baby around. When Prince Wednesday comes over to play, Daniel gets frustrated because his friend wants to play with the baby instead of him, until he finds that there’s time for the baby and time for Daniel as well. And what’s even better is when they all play together!
Aug. 20, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E6 - Playtime Is Different
Daniel is having fun playing “restaurant” with O and Katerina, but they keep getting interrupted by a very curious Margaret who wants to be part of the action. She also can’t seem to keep her hands off of Daniel’s beloved Tigey! Daniel eventually learns that although having a new baby sister around is very different…it can also be really fun.
Aug. 20, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E7 - The Playground Is Different with Baby
Daniel is playing “circus” at the playground with his friends, but Margaret keeps making things different. Mom and Dad encourage Daniel to find a way to include Margaret, and Daniel discovers that playing with her can actually be even more fun! Let the circus parade go on!
Nov. 3, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E8 - Daniel Fixes Trolley
Daniel accidentally breaks a wheel off Trolley while playing. When Mom is too busy to help Daniel put the wheel back on, she urges him to try to figure it out on his own and explains that fixing it on his own will make him feel good about himself.
Nov. 3, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E9 - Problem Solver Daniel
Daniel is playing with Miss Elaina and they accidentally break one of the toys. They call Teacher Harriet over to help fix the problem but she tells them to work out a solution without her. They do, and feel proud that they can figure things out all by themselves.
Nov. 17, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E10 - Daniel's Friends Say No
Daniel approaches Miss Elaina to play but is frustrated when she would rather read alone. Daniel learns that's OK because he can do fun things on his own.
Nov. 17, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E11 - Prince Wednesday Doesn't Want to Play
At the park, Prince Tuesday and Prince Wednesday are playing together. Daniel wants to join in but is upset when Prince Wednesday only wants to play with his brother.
Dec. 17, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E12 - Daniel's Winter Adventure
Daniel and Prince Wednesday go sledding with Dad Tiger and Prince Tuesday. When they see how tall the hill is, Daniel and Prince Wednesday get scared. Dad Tiger comforts them by suggesting they try it a little bit at a time. Later on, Daniel tries to ice skate, also a little bit at a time. He feels so happy that he didn't let his fear stop him from doing something that turned out to be so much fun.
Dec. 17, 2014, midnight 0.0
S2E13 - Neighborhood Nutcracker
Daniel is excited to see the Nutcracker Ballet! But when he gets to the show, he finds out that Prince Wednesday is sick and can't perform. The prince asks Daniel to take his place. Daniel is scared at first but soon realizes that if he learns the steps a little at a time, they will be easy to master. The show can go on!
Feb. 9, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E14 - It's Love Day!
Daniel celebrates Love Day at school with Teacher Harriet and his friends. Everyone gives each other special gifts to say "I love you". Daniel receives a mysterious card, and tries to figure out who gave it to him. The sender shows up to school, and it is Daniel's Grandpere.
Feb. 9, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E15 - Daniel's Love Day Surprise
Daniel and his family celebrate Love Day with Grandpere at their house. Daniel helps him mom make special Love Day pizza, and sets up a treasure hunt for Grandpere to say "I love you!" But when Margaret finds some of the hidden hearts first, Daniel gets upset with her. Grandpere helps him see that Margaret didn't know and was finding her own way to show Daniel she loves him.
April 20, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E16 - Daniel Explores Nature
Daniel and his family are spending the day outside exploring, when Daniel spots a beautiful red bird. As they watch the busy bird, they learn about how a bird's nest is built.
April 20, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E17 - Daniel's Nature Walk
Daniel joins the Owls as they take a nature walk. They see different plants and animals, and even spot a rainbow.
June 1, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E18 - Miss Elaina Gets Hurt
Daniel and Miss Elaina are having fun playing at Miss Elaina's house. During their playing, they both get hurt, but Daniel doesn't want to admit he's hurt. Lady Elaine comes in and fixes their boo-boos, telling them when they are hurt, they should find a grown up to help make them feel better.
June 1, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E19 - Daniel Feels Better
Daniel and Margaret are playing "Chase" when Daniel trips over his toy car and hurts his ankle. He is nervous to go see Doctor Anna, but starts feeling better once he learns she is the best person to go to when injured. He learns about X-rays, and learns he sprained his ankle.
June 22, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E20 - Daniel Can't Ride Trolley
Daniel is going to Prince Wednesday's castle to play, but when Mom tells him that they will be walking and NOT riding Trolley, Daniel gets mad.
June 22, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E21 - Daniel Can't Get What He Wants
Daniel is shopping with Dad at the Market and gets very upset when Dad says he can't have the cookies he really, really wants.
Sept. 7, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E22 - Nighttime in the Neighborhood
In this half hour episode, Daniel and his friends are going to a pajama party at the library! As Daniel and his family walk through the moonlit neighborhood, Daniel learns about all of the things that look and sound different at night.
Sept. 8, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E23 - A Storm in the Neighborhood
There's a big storm coming to the Neighborhood. Daniel and his friends are a little frightened at first, but the grown up's have a plan to keep everyone safe.
Sept. 8, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E24 - After the Neighborhood Storm
The big storm that came through the Neighborhood has passed. But now everything looks different, with leaves all over, trees knocked down and window shutters fallen.
Sept. 9, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E25 - Margaret's First Chime Time
The Tiger family takes Margaret to the clock factory for chime time.
Sept. 9, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E26 - Tiger Family Fun
Daniel and his family head to the Enchanted Garden, only to find Miss Elaina and her family doing one of their special family traditions: pick-your-own-dinner! The Tiger family joins in, and even add a few traditions of their own!
Sept. 10, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E27 - Looking for Snowball
Snowball, the class pet, has gone missing! As all the neighbors band together to search for Snowball. But will they find Snowball?
Sept. 10, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E28 - Daniel's Neighbors Help
Achoo! The Tiger Family is under the weather! Lucky for them, their neighbors are at the ready to bring them soup, books and encouragement to help them feel better.
Feb. 15, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E29 - Daniel Makes a Mistake
While Daniel is looking at different items under the magnifier at school, he accidentally knocks a basket of objects off the table, sending things tumbling all over the floor. Whoops!
Feb. 15, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E30 - Baking Mistakes
Daniel and Prince Wednesday are at the bakery helping Baker Aker make cookies for the Neighborhood. But Prince Wednesday accidentally spills the milk!
Feb. 16, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E31 - Daniel Thinks of Others
Daniel is making all kinds of art at school today. While making a picture for his family, he ends up using ALL of the glitter. Oh no!
Feb. 16, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E32 - Daniel Thinks of What Margaret Needs
Daniel and Miss Elaina want to play their musical instruments and march all around the house, but Margaret needs to sleep and it would be way too noisy!
Feb. 17, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E33 - Daniel Takes Care of Snowball
It’s Daniels turn to take care of Snowball, the class pet, at home today. When Prince Wednesday invites Daniel to play, he has to decide the best thing to do: take care of Snowball or go and have fun with his friend. Daniel learns that it’s fun to take care of others and it makes him feel happy.
Feb. 17, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E34 - Margaret's Bathtime
Daniel is at home playing with his toy horse when Mom asks him to help her give Margaret a bath. Reluctant at first, Daniel eventually realizes how proud and good it makes him feel to help take care of his little sister until Dad Tiger gets home.
Feb. 18, 2016, midnight 10.0
S2E35 - Friends and Feelings
Daniel is playing at school with Katerina and Prince Wednesday, but Prince Wednesday won't stop pretending to be a scary bear.
Feb. 18, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E36 - Daniel's Day of Many Feelings
Daniel is helping Dad with errands around the Neighborhood and Daniel identifies his many feelings as the day unfolds. It's amazing how many different things you can feel in one day!
July 4, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E37 - Daniel and Margaret Visit the Farm
Daniel heads to the Neighborhood Farm and gets nervous about riding a horse for the first time.
July 4, 2016, midnight 0.0
S2E38 - Fireflies and Fireworks
Margaret gets scared when fireflies show up at the Tiger family picnic.