Aug. 11, 2023, midnight 0.0
S0E3 - Creating Characters for Candela Obscura: Vassal & Veil
For the first time ever, get a behind the scenes look at the character creation session for Chapter 1 of Candela Obscura. Guided by Matthew Mercer, players Robbie Daymond, Laura Bailey, Anjali Bhimani, and Ashley Johnson select their roles, choose their specialties, and forge their Chapter 1 relationships using the Illuminated Worlds System.
Aug. 11, 2023, midnight 0.0
S0E4 - Crafting a Mystery with Matthew Mercer
Join Matthew Mercer for an in-depth interview on being the inaugural Gamemaster for Candela Obscura: Chapter 1. Learn about his unique process and discover important factors for how to run a mystery, how to collaborate with players, and how to incorporate the world of Candela Obscura using the Illuminated Worlds System.
Nov. 14, 2023, midnight 0.0
S0E5 - Creating Characters for Candela Obscura: Needle & Thread
Get a behind the scenes look at the character creation session for Candela Obscura: Needle & Thread!
Guided by Spenser Starke, players Travis Willingham, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Zehra Fazal, Luis Carazo, and Marisha Ray select their roles, choose their specialties, and forge their chapter relationships using the Illuminated Worlds System.
Nov. 21, 2023, midnight 0.0
S0E6 - Crafting a Mystery with Spenser Starke
Game Designer Spenser Starke elaborates on his experience both designing the Candela Obscura game and being able to serve as gamemaster for Candela Obscura: Needle & Thread! Learn about his unique process for how to run a mystery, how to collaborate with players, and how to incorporate the world of Candela Obscura using the Illuminated Worlds System.
Jan. 30, 2024, midnight 0.0
S0E7 - Creating Characters for Candela Obscura: Tide & Bone
Get a behind the scenes look at the character creation session for Candela Obscura: Tide & Bone!
Guided by game master Aabria Iyengar, players Sam Riegel, Noshir Dalal, Gina Darling, Ashly Burch, and Liam O’Brien select their roles, choose their specialties, and forge their chapter relationships using the Illuminated Worlds System.
Feb. 6, 2024, midnight 0.0
S0E8 - Crafting a Mystery with Aabria Iyengar
The incredibly talented Aabria Iyengar discusses her unique process for how to run a mystery, how to collaborate with players, and how to incorporate the world of Candela Obscura using the Illuminated Worlds System.
April 30, 2024, midnight 0.0
S0E9 - Creating Characters for Candela Obscura: The Crimson Mirror
Get a behind the scenes look at the character creation session for Candela Obscura: The Circle of The Crimson Mirror!
Guided by game master Liam O’Brien, players Aimee Carrero, Imari Williams, Alexander Ward, Taliesin Jaffe, and Katy O’Brian select their roles, choose their specialties, and forge their chapter relationships using the Illuminated Worlds System.
(Due to a scheduling conflict, the phenomenal Katy O’Brian was not able to join us for the actual investigation.)
May 7, 2024, midnight 0.0
S0E10 - Crafting a Mystery with Liam O'Brien
The one and only Liam O'Brien elaborates on his experience as game master for Candela Obscura: The Circle of The Crimson Mirror and describes how he was able to incorporate his personal roots into the story! Learn about his unique process for how to run a mystery, how to collaborate with players, and how to incorporate the world of Candela Obscura using the Illuminated Worlds System.
May 25, 2023, midnight 0.0
S0E1 - How To Play: Candela Obscura (Critical Role's New RPG)
Our lead Game Designer, the amazing Spenser Starke, walks you through everything you need to know about the Illuminated Worlds game system and how to play our brand new game, Candela Obscura.
July 28, 2023, midnight 0.0
S0E2 - San Diego Comic-Con 2023 | Critical Role: Making Candela Obscura!
The cast and friends of Candela Obscura including Taliesin Jaffe, Marisha Ray, Robbie Daymond, Laura Bailey, Anjali Bhimani, Matthew Mercer, Ivan Van Norman and Ashley Johnson discuss the making of the show, the game, and the whole new intriguing world.
May 25, 2024, midnight 0.0
S0E11 - Creating Characters for The Circle of the Silver Screen at our LIVE Candela Obscura Show
Check out our session zero with our VIP ticketholders as our game master and players worked with the live audience to complete character creation, develop relationships, and forge their circle.
June 25, 2024, midnight 0.0
S0E12 - Game Master Roundtable
Aabria Iyengar, Liam O’Brien, Spenser Starke, and Matthew Mercer gather together to discuss the otherworldly experience of being Game Masters in the world of Candela Obscura! Learn about the unique techniques these Game Masters used to create their settings, develop meaningful arcs for their players, and craft a thrilling mystery using the Illuminated Worlds System. We hope this helps you with your own investigations!