Jan. 26, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E1 - Why Final Fantasy Is Anti-Religion
MatPat explains why the Final Fantasy series might be anti-religion.
March 2, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E2 - Why You're a Completionist
MatPat discusses why one is a completionist for games.
April 6, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E3 - The Metroid Morph Ball Is LAME!
This week on Game Theory: Metroid is known for great power-ups, but its most famous has to be the morph ball. So how does Samus fit into such a tiny space? We're looking at Metroid, Super Metroid, and Metroid Prime to get the definitive answer, and let me tell you, it has nothing to do with Samus being in her sexy Zero Suit.
April 27, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E4 - How Assassin's Creed Predicted the Future of Science
Assassin's Creed? Great games. Awesome storyline. Uncannily accurate about the future of techno-genetics. Little did Ubisoft know when they released the first Assassin's Creed in 2007 that the Animus project adventures of Desmond and Altair would successfully predict the future of scientific research in 2013. So, is it possible to pass memories down between generations as depicted in Assassin's Creed? Watch, dear Theorists, and learn!
May 11, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E5 - The TF2 Pyro... Male or Female?
MatPat discusses whether Pyro might be male or female.
May 25, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E6 - Portal's Companion Cube Has a Dark Secret
Portal's Companion Cube is perhaps one of gaming's most memorable and lovable characters (items?). But is the Companion Cube another cruel test set up by GLaDOS? What sinister secret is hidden behind the Companion Cube's cute pink hearts? Like most other things in Portal, the cube may be more than meets the eye...
June 8, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E7 - Fart Rocket Physics with the Wario Waft
Can a fart propel you upward? Wario's deadliest weapon is his passed gas and in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the Wario Waft deals out huge damage while giving our heavyset antihero a HUGE vertical recovery. So just how intense would this rocket fuel fart actually be? Game Theory takes on rocket science to find out whether a fart can actually send a person flying through the air!
June 22, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E8 - Why Living on BioShock Infinite's Floating City World Would Suck!
MatPat discusses the inherent flaws with the city under the sea in Bioshock.
July 6, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E9 - Mario Is COMMUNIST?!?
MatPat explains why Mario is really a communist.
July 20, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E10 - How PewDiePie Conquered Youtube
MatPat explains how the youtuber Pewdiepie conquered YouTube.
Aug. 8, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E11 - Chrono Trigger Retells the Bible
Chrono Trigger, perhaps the greatest RPG of all time, is a story about time travel, alien creatures, dinosaurs, and saving the world. But behind it all, it's REALLY about THE BIBLE. Seriously. Chrono Trigger fans, prepare to be amazed.
Aug. 26, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E12 - Surviving the Assassin's Creed Leap of Faith
Assassin's Creed is known for some crazy stunts, none more so than the Leap of Faith. But can you REALLY jump off a building, land in hay, and walk away like Ezio and the rest of the Assassins? More importantly, what does the WAY Ezio falls REALLY say about the Assassin's Creed universe?
Sept. 9, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E13 - Video Games Predict YOUR FUTURE
MatPat explains how video games can predict one's future.
Oct. 6, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E14 - How Pidgey "Proves" Darwinian Evolution
"Evolution" in the Pokemon games may not correspond to evolution as we know it in the real world, but that doesn't mean Pokemon games don't demonstrate Darwin's theory of descent with modification. In fact, evolution is VERY present throughout the Pokemon series...you just have to look for it.
Oct. 20, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E15 - Why Mario Is Mental, Part 1
Mario is gaming's biggest mascot, but what is he hiding? Is he really the hero everyone thinks he is? Have we overlooked one too many of Mario's heinous crimes. In this two part series, we put Mario on trial to see just what is going on inside the head of this "paragon" of the video game industry.
Oct. 26, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E16 - Why Mario Is Mental, Part 2
Mario is gaming's biggest mascot, but what is he hiding? Is he really the hero everyone thinks he is? Have we overlooked one too many of Mario's heinous crimes. In this two part series, we put Mario on trial to see just what is going on inside the head of this "paragon" of the video game industry.
Nov. 9, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E17 - Is Link Dead in Majora's Mask?
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is a DARK game! Clearly, one of the game's major themes is death, but just how dark does it REALLY get? Is it possible that this game is all about Link, Nintendo's signature mascot, dealing with his own death? Today on Game Theory, we review the evidence!
Nov. 23, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E18 - Is Link's Quest in Majora's Mask Pointless?
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is a fascinating game, presenting a death scenario unique in the video game world: Death by moonfall. But just how deadly is this, really? What damage would a falling moon actually cause? Is there ANY chance of survival? Does Link stand a chance of saving the citizens of Termina? The answers may surprise you!
Dec. 7, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E19 - Who Is Mega Man's TRUE Villain?
Mega Man, clearly a cut-and-dry story of good vs. evil...or is it? This story of super fighting robots actually serves as a dire warning for us and our futures. I fact, the Mega Man series may not be as black and white as you think.
Dec. 14, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E20 - What's Wrong with the AVGN?
The Angry Video Game Nerd was and still is a pioneer in the field on online game comedy/review. And yet, for as much as we laugh at the AVGN, there's a disturbing trend across his content, a string of symptoms pointing to severe mental and physical illnesses. Nerd, I hope you're watching, because us Theorists are worried about you!
Dec. 31, 2013, midnight 0.0
S3E21 - Why You Play Video Games (1 Million Subscriber Special!)
It's the most fundamental question we can ask: Why do you play video games? Because they're fun? That's just the beginning. Video games satisfy a variety of needs depending on who you are, what you value, and even where you are in the world! So today, in honor of reaching 1 million subscribers, we're revealing a little about every person who has ever had fun playing a game.