Jan. 15, 2013, midnight 0.0
S1E1 - Obey Your Parents
Why is it important to obey your parents? Watch this video and learn the answer along with Caleb.
S1E2 - Obey Jehovah
Does it matter which toys you play with? Watch this video and see how Caleb becomes Jehovah’s friend.
S1E3 - Pray Anytime
Sing along with Sophia about praying to Jehovah anytime.
S1E4 - Stealing Is Bad
Caleb wants something that doesn’t belong to him. What helps him make the right decision?
S1E5 - Let’s Go in Service
Is Sophia ready to go in field service? Watch the video, and you can get prepared along with her.
S1E6 - Please and Thank You
Caleb finds out that saying these words makes all the difference.
S1E7 - Giving Makes You Happy
There are many ways you can give to others. Can you think of some?
S1E8 - Be Neat and Clean
Jehovah has a place for everything. Learn how you can be neat and tidy too!
S1E9 - “Jehovah . . . Created All Things”
Do you know what was the first thing that God made? Learn with Caleb in what order things were created.
S1E10 - Be Kind and Share
Watch how Caleb and Sophia have a lot more fun when they share their things with each other.
S1E11 - Forgive Freely
How should you treat someone who has done something wrong to you?
S1E12 - Caleb and Sophia Visit Bethel
Join Caleb and Sophia as they look at pictures of their trip to Bethel. See what kind of work is done there.
S1E13 - Jehovah Will Help You Be Bold
What can help you to have courage to tell others about Jehovah?
S1E14 - Prepare Your Comment
What are the four steps to preparing a comment for the meetings?
S1E15 - Pay Attention at the Meetings
Caleb and Sophia's parents teach them the importance of paying attention at church meetings.
S1E16 - Preach in a Foreign Language
How can you share the good news with someone who does not speak your language?
S1E17 - Protect Your Children
Caleb and Sophia get helpful tips so they can be safe.
S1E18 - Respect Jehovah’s House
How can you show proper respect for Jehovah’s house of worship?
S1E19 - Be Generous
What good things happen because Jehovah’s people are generous?
S1E20 - Be Truthful
Why should you always tell the truth?
S1E21 - You Can Be Patient!
Watch the video to see what helps Caleb to be patient.
S1E22 - One Man, One Woman
What is God’s standard for marriage, and why is it important?
S1E23 - Jehovah’s Name
Do you know the meaning of God’s name?
S1E24 - Jehovah Designed All Things
God made so many amazing things! What’s your favorite?
S1E25 - Making Friends
Who can be your friend in the congregation?
S1E26 - The Ransom
How does Jesus’ ransom sacrifice help us now?
S1E27 - See Yourself in Paradise
Do you see yourself in the new world?
S1E28 - Endure Despite Unjust Treatment
How can the Bible example of Joseph help us to endure unfair treatment?
S1E29 - Be Humble
Caleb learns what it means to be humble.
S1E30 - Enduring Loss
When we lose a loved one in death, what can help us to endure?
S1E31 - Love Jehovah’s House
How can we care for the Kingdom Hall?
S1E32 - Be Good in the Ministry
Here are a few reminders before you go in the ministry.
S1E33 - Make Jehovah Happy
How can you imitate Jesus and make Jehovah happy?
S1E34 - Help Others
When a disaster strikes, what can you do to help?
S1E35 - The Best Use of Time
Spend your time wisely, and please Jehovah.
S1E36 - Discipline Is Love
Why do we need discipline?
S1E37 - Making Sacrifices
Show love by putting others first.
S1E38 - Love Your Neighbor
Show love to others, no matter who they are.
S1E39 - Jehovah Forgives
If we do something wrong, how can we keep Jehovah as our Friend?
S1E40 - Should We Celebrate Birthdays?
Can you explain why you don’t celebrate birthdays?
S1E41 - Does Jehovah Answer Prayers?
What happens when Sophia faces a bully at school?
S1E42 - Don’t Give Up
How do you feel when people don’t want to hear the good news? Find out what Caleb and Sophia do.
S1E43 - Why Obey God if We Can’t See Him?
Even though we can’t see God, why do we obey him? Let’s see how Sophia answers this question.
S1E44 - Who Should Be My Friend?
Jehovah wants you to have friends, but how can you make good ones?
S1E45 - Become an Unbaptized Publisher
Caleb learns about becoming an unbaptized publisher.
S1E46 - The Steps to Baptism
Sophia learns about the steps to qualify for baptism.
S1E47 - You Are Precious to Jehovah
Zoe learns that like Jesus, she can be precious in Jehovah’s eyes.
S1E48 - Jehovah Is Our Father
See what convinced Zoe that Jehovah is like a father.
S1E49 - God Makes It Grow
See how the truth can grow in a person’s heart.
S1E50 - The Greatest Act of Love
Zoe comes to realize how Jesus’ sacrifice is a real gift to her.