Oct. 25, 2017, midnight 0.0
S2E1 - JFK and the Secret Space Program
Was JFK killed to keep the secret space program hidden from the public eye? Perhaps Lee Harvey Oswald was the patsy he claimed to be. Many theories have surfaced as to who was behind the plot to kill the president and what their motivations were. Follow along as our team of researchers carefully trace document trails, such as the Torbitt Document. New details become apparent as to the involvement of the aerospace industry and subtle clues surface connecting JFKs death to the coverup of a strange sighting at Maurey Island in 1947. This presentation was originally webcast October 25, 2017.
Nov. 1, 2017, midnight 0.0
S2E2 - The True History of the Space Race
Our team of scholars reveal the history of overt and covert space programs by showing us how antigravity technology was discovered in Nazi Germany, perfected by American programs such as Project Paperclip, and kept secret by the military industrial complex. With the Mercury and Apollo programs, America gallantly launches into space before the adoring eyes of the masses. Meanwhile, scientific advancements gained from the fall of the Nazi regime blaze a separate clandestine trail to the stars with antigravity and zero-point technology. This presentation was originally webcast November 1, 2017.
Nov. 8, 2017, midnight 0.0
S2E3 - NASA: Never A Straight Answer
Our team of researchers recount the mysterious early days of JPL and Jack Parson’s death, the coverup surrounding the Apollo 1 disaster and examine the effect of current clandestine technological programs. Plus, we ponder upon how NASA policy has been guided by the Brookings report, which speculates the societal impact of the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Some theorize that NASA has become a front for the secret space programs, serving to sideline public attention away from antigravity and zero-point energy studies. It seems that they are willing to talk about the things that they are hiding but will never give a straight answer.
Nov. 15, 2017, midnight 0.0
S2E4 - Hyperdimensional Physics and the Solar System
What if the greatest mysteries of our solar system are of artificial origin, built with the intention of influencing conscious development on earth? Our team of investigators look at the most puzzling planet in our solar system, Saturn. From its majestic rings to the strange hexagonal storm at its north Pole, the mysteries surrounding the ringed planet seem to be endless. To decode these enigmas, we must examine them through the lens of sacred geometry, cymatics and hyperdimensional physics. What we find is that we may be trapped in a perceptual prison, lulled into a false sense of possibility, which is maintained by royal bloodlines. The secrets to freeing ourselves are right before us, displayed throughout our solar system.
Nov. 25, 2017, midnight 0.0
S2E5 - Rise of the Artificial Moon
Could the moon be a hollow-bodied construct that contains a hidden message encoding the deeper mysteries of our universe and life on Earth? Our team of researchers examine evidence that suggests that our moon is of artificial origin, intentionally placed in exact orbit by advanced civilizations in ancient times. With recent discoveries from NASA and the European Space Agency, the lunar enigmas have only compounded.
Nov. 29, 2017, midnight 0.0
S2E6 - Our Moon: Lunacy by Design
Is our moon an interstellar ark, with a powerful computer which has fallen to reptilian control and now used to subtly influence humanity? Insiders tell us that our moon has been built as an ark to preserve life from dying planets by transporting them to our world. For this life to survive, the ideal climatic conditions on Earth would have been created by the deliberate placement and size of the moon. Each full moon, we see signs of reptilian control, as human psyche comes into alignment with the negative entities inhabiting the core of the lunar computer.
Dec. 6, 2017, midnight 0.0
S2E7 - Martian Refugees
Was Mars once home to a thriving civilization which met an untimely end by an ancient nuclear war? Since early days of astronomy, telescopes have spied strange anomalies on the Martian surface, thought to be remnants of civilization. Recently compiled data from NASA probes bolster such notions that the red planet once bore intelligent life. Whistleblowers tell us that a war once raged across our solar system, bringing nuclear destruction to Mars, decimating all life. In an effort to preserve their civilization, these Martian refugees fled their home planet to find refuge in the most unlikely of places. Evidence of this is just now being discovered and slowly revealed.
Dec. 13, 2017, midnight 0.0
S2E8 - A Secret Base at Dulce?
Located just south of the 37th parallel we find the small town of Dulce NM. It is an isolated area, haunted by a myriad of strange events which may be connected to a secret military base deep below the desert. Our researchers examine eyewitness accounts from prominent whistleblowers including: Paul Bennewitz who became an unwitting disinfo agent after reporting his strange sightings to the authorities, Paul Schneider who tried to warn us of genetic human tests by aliens who took control of the base and Gabe Valdez, chief of police on the Jicarilla Apache reservation, who investigated cattle mutilations and came across the results of strange genetic experiments.
Dec. 20, 2017, midnight 0.0
S2E9 - The Gods of Eden
Custodians of ancient knowledge have long known that the mystery of humanity’s origins is far more complicated than widely accepted notions of natural evolution. They tell us that the gods of Eden, the Annunaki, planned a destiny for us which is still being played out through our ongoing obsession with gold. Evidence of this can be discerned from ancient temples, which once stood as places for the human elite to commune with these extraterrestrial gods and bring them the gold that their servants mined for them. Once we come to terms with this and realize that we are not alone, then we can rise up and take our place among the many groups that occupy the celestial realms.
Dec. 27, 2017, midnight 0.0
S2E10 - Alien Orgins of Gnosticism
A world-wide revolution, rooted in Gnostic thought, is already underway as these ancient forbidden teachings are slowly seeping into the mass mindset. In 1945, a discovery was made in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, that is rewriting the history and destiny of humanity. These ancient scrolls offer a different telling of our origins and highlight a path for spiritual evolution that threatens the very foundations of the power elite. Our panel of experts explore the alien origins of Gnosticism, revealing the demonic-like forces that have exerted subtle influence over human civilizations since our inception. They also tell us how to reach a state of self-realization by navigating the celestial realms and transform into beings of light.
Jan. 3, 2018, midnight 0.0
S2E11 - The Singularity
As we prepare to cross the event-horizon of the coming technological singularity, will our humanity get lost in the march of progress or will these advances offer us new avenues of spiritual blossoming? The choice is ours to make. Following Moore’s Law, advances in computer power are soon to exceed our capacity to predict what is to come. At that moment, artificial intelligence could exceed human intellectual capacity and the world we know it will change in unimaginable ways. Technocrats argue that this could be a technological utopia or it could plunge humanity into slavery at the behest of silicon overlords. What we do now, will determine the course of human evolution in a post-singularity world.
Jan. 10, 2018, midnight 0.0
S2E12 - A.I. and the Future of Humanity
With the technological singularity looming upon the horizon, the future of humanity is called into question. Advances in quantum computing paired with artificial intelligence promise a future where the computational mind far exceeds the capabilities of the natural human mind. Is the solution to surviving the singularity, and keeping pace, to integrate the human form with machines? When this happens, our sense of humanity, as we know it, will change forever. The debate has already begun as to positive and negative effects we face concerning our place in the post-singularity world.
Jan. 17, 2018, midnight 0.0
S2E13 - Cygnus and Quantum Entanglement
Could a signal emanating from within the constellation of Cygnus have ignited the spark of life on our planet and inspired the construction of ancient monuments through quantum entanglement? Andrew Collins reveals the connections between Tabby’s star in Cygnus, ancient megalithic structures and the origin of humanity. As the ancients looked up into the night sky, they beheld the stars of Cygnus and tapped into the spiritual order of life on our planet. Centuries later, as the Kepler probe ventured into space to detect extrasolar planets, Cygnus would once again hold prominence for revealing humanity’s place among the celestial realms.
Jan. 24, 2018, midnight 0.0
S2E14 - Valley of Portals
50 miles away from Dulce, New Mexico we find the San Luis Valley; a mysterious region described as the playground of the paranormal. Geophysical formations within this valley provide ideal conditions for portals to form, connecting our world with parallel realities. Sometimes, something crosses over giving rise to reports of unexplainable phenomena such as UFOs, Bigfoot, and aliens. Thus, counterintelligence operatives actively work to destroy the legitimacy of eyewitness accounts, through decoy operations. It is the pervasiveness of Native American traditions, which tell of an ancient extraterrestrial presence living deep underground known as the Ant people, which may provide the best explanation for the unexplainable activity in this valley of portals.
Jan. 31, 2018, midnight 0.0
S2E15 - Breaking Free of the Matrix
In the early 1950s, the CIA became intensely interested in German psy-op programs used during WWII. In the following decades, the techniques and technology used in various mind-control organizations, such as Operation Mockingbird and MK Ultra, would become increasingly sophisticated and permeated throughout every aspect of American society. Our team of researchers uncover the history of mind control in the U.S. and the establishment of a baseline reality confining our expression of what it means to be human. Becoming aware of these agendas and tactics enables us to break free of the matrix and begin changing the collective perceptual state of humanity.