June 2, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E1 - Episode 1
Woo Seung and Ji Hoon both have separate dreams. Woo Seung is working hard to become a civil servant, and Ji Hoon hopes to become a celebrity. Woo Seung struggles financially, and works while she studies. Ji Hoon is hiding the fact that he’s a trainee, and works hard to achieve his goal.
June 2, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E2 - Episode 2
Hyun Jae ends up in the year 2017 due to a hurricane that occurred in 1993. Best friends Woo Seung and Ji Hoon meet each other by chance in the police station due to two separate incidents. As they are leaving the police station, they accidentally hit Hyun Jae who came out of nowhere.
June 3, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E3 - Episode 3
Hyun Jae almost gets hit by Woo Seung, Ji Hoon, and MC Drill’s car and faints. He finds himself in a hospital in the year 2017 and has a hard time accepting the reality. Woo Seung moves out of Eun Ah’s home and into Ji Hoon’s place. Meanwhile, a twist of fate brings Woo Seung and Hyun Jae together.
June 3, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E4 - Episode 4
Hyun Jae and Woo Seung end up in an unknown place outside of Seoul. On their way back, they stop at a rest stop where Hyun Jae sees Gwang Jae. In the heat of the moment, he leaves Woo Seung and chases after Gwang Jae. Woo Seung vows to get revenge on Hyun Jae for stealing her things and leaving her.
June 9, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E5 - Episode 5
Hyun Jae tells Ji Hoon, Woo Seung, and MC Drill that he lost his memory due to the car accident. Therefore, he ends up staying with them. While everyone is out of the house, he stays home, and almost bumps into Bo Hee.
June 9, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E6 - Episode 6
The day of Woo Seung’s test and Ji Hoon and MC Drill’s assessment has finally come. Everyone is nervous and hopes for the best results. Ji Hoon’s family all think that he’s going to take the civil service exam, and wishes him luck. Meanwhile, Ji Hoon and Hyun Jae wish Woo Seung luck on her exam.
June 10, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E7 - Episode 7
Ji Hoon, Woo Seung, and MC Drill are all disappointed with their results, but they refuse to give up on their dreams. Bo Hee finally gets an opportunity to go on a TV show and decides to show off her talents to please the audience. Hyun Jae asks Woo Seung to take him to the place where his car was found.
June 10, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E8 - Episode 8
On their way home from the lake, Hyun Jae hears his unreleased song and finds out it’s MJ’s song. Woo Seung is late for her part-time job and brings Hyun Jae with her. While at the convenience store, Hyun Jae bumps into MJ and asks him about the song.
June 16, 2017, midnight 10.0
S1E9 - Episode 9
Gwang Jae and Hyun Jae meet, and Gwang Jae tries to figure out what the truth is. In her drunken state, Bo Hee thinks she had a dream of Hyun Jae, and tells Gwang Jae. Gwang Jae is nervous that the family will find out the truth and tries to help Hyun Jae return to the past.
June 16, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E10 - Episode 10
Woo Seung gets fired from another job and decides to have a party with Hyun Jae, Ji Hoon, and MC Drill. Woo Seung gets drunk and surprises the gang. While shopping, Hyun Jae finds out they’re having a singing contest and enters into. Meanwhile, Ji Hoon accuses Hyun Jae of stealing his watch.
June 17, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E11 - Episode 11
Hyun Jae is shocked to find out that Ji Hoon is his son. Hyun Jae attempts to show up in front of Bo Hee, but Gwang Jae stops him. Gwang Jae is worried that Bo Hee might get hurt again, so he gives Hyun Jae a cellphone and tells him to call him if he needs something.
June 17, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E12 - Episode 12
Gwang Jae’s birthday is also the day that Hyun Jae disappeared. Soon Tae tells Bo Hee to cook dinner to celebrate Gwang Jae’s birthday and not Hyun Jae’s death. Bo Hee spends the day preparing food, and Soon Tae and Mal Sook wonder who the meal is for. Meanwhile, Hyun Jae is stuck inside the house because Ji Hoon gave Gwang Jae the wrong gift.
June 23, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E13 - Episode 13
Gwang Jae finds out that Ji Hoon is a trainee. He is angry and storms up to the loft to confront Ji Hoon. When he gets there, he finds out that aside from Hyun Jae, Woo Seung and MC Drill have all been living there. Gwang Jae tells Hyun Jae that everything is his fault and that he should leave. Hyun Jae tells Gwang Jae that he won’t leave until he finds the missing 2 million dollars.
June 23, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E14 - Episode 14
Bo Hee gets casted for a commercial, and she and Gwang Jae go for a meeting. Woo Seung goes to Star Punch Entertainment for an interview, and meets MJ again. Gwang Jae swallows his pride and goes to Young Jae to borrow money to pay off his bank loan. Meanwhile, Hyun Jae tries to figure out the truth behind his disappearance and the whereabouts of the 2 million dollars.
June 24, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E15 - Episode 15
Woo Seung and Hyun Jae bump into Ji Hoon and Hye Ri at the restaurant. Woo Seung thinks that Ji Hoon and Hye Ri are dating. Ji Hoon tells her they’re not and that he likes another person. Meanwhile, Hyun Jae and Gwang Jae uses the notes written in his composition notebook to find clues as to where the missing money is.
June 24, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E16 - Episode 16
Hyun Jae tries to figure out the passcode to Woo Seung’s room. He also begins working at the bakery and as a manager for World Entertainment. Bo Hee goes to shoot her commercial and sees an unwelcomed friend from the past. Gwang Jae encourages Ji Hoon to take action for the things that he wants and Ji Hoon decides to tell Woo Seung his feelings.
June 30, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E17 - Episode 17
Hyun Jae, a self-proclaimed dating master, decides to give Ji Hoon some tips on how to win Woo Seung’s favor. Ji Hoon pretends to be uninterested, but he takes mental notes and tries them out on Woo Seung. Meanwhile, Ji Hoon quits being a trainee and works at the bakery. His photograph is taken, and it goes viral on social media. As a result, Star Punch Entertainment calls him.
June 30, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E18 - Episode 18
Soon Tae keeps telling Gwang Jae to apologize to Young Jae, but he refuses. Bo Hee overhears their conversation and meets with Young Jae. Meanwhile, Woo Seung goes hiking with her co-workers and hurts her leg. She calls Hyun Jae for help, but Hyun Jae decides that this is Ji Hoon’s perfect chance. However, Ji Hoon has his phone off and doesn’t get the text message.
July 1, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E19 - Episode 19
Hyun Jae is surprised by the feelings he has developed for Woo Seung. Ji Hoon catches Hyun Jae looking at Woo Seung and asks him if he is interested in her. Hyun Jae finds out that Gwang Jae is about to lose World Villa because he can’t repay the bank loan. As a result, Hyun Jae decides that he must meet Young Jae.
July 1, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E20 - Episode 20
Hyun Jae decides to pay Young Jae a visit to help Gwang Jae. When they meet, Hyun Jae makes a deal with Young Jae. In return for Hyun Jae keeping the composition notebook a secret, Young Jae must pay Gwang Jae’s debt and give Hyun Jae a job. Meanwhile, we learn the truth about why Mal Sook lives with Soon Tae, and what had happened to her mother.
July 7, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E21 - Episode 21
Hye Ri introduces Ji Hoon to a different agency, and he auditions for them. Meanwhile, Hyun Jae keeps an eye on Woo Seung and MJ. He doesn't like the way MJ treats her, and decides to use his newfound position to help her out. He manages to take her out of the office, and the two of them spend the day together.
July 7, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E22 - Episode 22
Ji Hoon hears back from the agency he auditioned for and finds out that he has been accepted. Ji Hoon and Gwang Jae go fishing together and have a heart to heart. That same day, MC Drill must go to reserved forces training. Hyun Jae goes to pick Woo Seung up when it starts raining, and with Ji Hoon and MC Drill out of the house for the night, Woo Seung and Hyun Jae are left alone in the loft.
July 8, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E23 - Episode 23
After Woo Seung and Hyun Jae's night alone in the loft, the two people begin to have feelings for one another. Ji Hoon find's Hyun Jae's watch and realizes that it is exactly the same as the watch his father had left him. Hyun Jae decides to tell Ji Hoon that he likes Woo Seung. Meanwhile, Gwang Jae decides that he wants to try to rebuild World Entertainment.
July 8, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E24 - Episode 24
Hyun Jae is troubled with Ji Hoon’s request that he stop his feelings for Woo Seung. As a result, Hyun Jae tries to keep his distance from Woo Seung. Meanwhile, Gwang Jae continues to make a business plan for the renewal of World Entertainment, and Hyun Jae finds out the meaning behind the number 22198.
July 14, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E25 - Episode 25
Gwang Jae tells Ji Hoon that Da Bong is Hyun Jae, who is his biological father. Upon hearing this, Ji Hoon says that he only has one father, and that father is Gwang Jae. Meanwhile, Young Jae finds out that Gwang Jae is trying to rebuild World Entertainment.
July 14, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E26 - Episode 26
Gwang Jae continues in his preparations for the relaunch of World Entertainment, and Hyun Jae finishes the song he has written for Ji Hoon. Ji Hoon finds out about all the secrets Drill has been keeping from him. Woo Seung decides moves out of the loft and rents a place nearby. Meanwhile, Young Jae steals Gwang Jae's investors and even the song Hyun Jae wrote for Ji Hoon.
July 15, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E27 - Episode 27
Woo Seung finds out that Da Bong is the same Yoo Hyun Jae that disappeared 20 years ago. She is conflicted by the news and tries her best to avoid him. Ji Hoon and Hyun Jae go camping, and Hyun Jae apologizes for letting him grow up without a father.
July 15, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E28 - Episode 28
Gwang Jae finds out that his investors backed out and goes to them to convince them otherwise. Ji Hoon and Hyun Jae have a heart-to-heart while camping, and get to know each other a bit better. Hyun Jae finds a safety deposit box key, and goes to the bank it’s from. Meanwhile, MJ continues to ask Hyun Jae to teach him how to write songs.
July 21, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E29 - Episode 29
After leaving the loft, Hyun Jae is stuck without a place to go. Woo Seung opens up her home, and the two of them enjoy each other’s company. One day, Soon Tae says he has an appointment and leaves the house. On his way back, he loses his memory and gets lost.
July 21, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E30 - Episode 30
Young Jae tells Hyun Jae that in 1994 he saw him with an unidentified man by the lake where he disappeared. Hyun Jae tries to piece the puzzle together in order to figure out how and why he disappeared when he hears news of a coming storm. He struggles with the notion of returning and comes to a conclusion.
July 22, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E31 - Episode 31
Hyun Jae returns to the past. However, he doesn’t return to 1993. Rather, he returns to the period right before he disappears in 1994. Ji Hoon and Drill finally debut. While they are waiting for their turn, they bump into Hye Ri. Meanwhile, Woo Seung begins working at World Entertainment.
July 22, 2017, midnight 0.0
S1E32 - Episode 32
While working at World Entertainment, Woo Seung decides that she wants to study composing music. Gwang Jae and Bo Hee get married. Before their wedding, Gwang Jae decides to propose to her by putting a ring in her ice cream. Hyun Jae returns to 2017 and goes to Woo Seung.