Sept. 29, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E1 - Contact is Made
The blossoming of the secret space program was no accident. Corey Goode explains how initial contact was made with advanced beings and how these forces conspired to initiate humanity's first foray into the cosmos. He explains the moment esoteric groups in Germany began exploring the limits of consciousness, contact was made. It was as if advanced civilizations were out there, just waiting for us to reach out and make first contact. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast September 29, 2015.
Oct. 6, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E2 - Agarthans: Advancing the Frontier
Corey Goode recounts the earliest days of Germany's secret space program which included collaborations with a subterranean civilization known as the Agarthans. Corey explains that when we took our first steps out into the cosmos, the initial advancements did not originate solely from extraterrestrial beings. Rather, they came from advanced civilizations, of a terrestrial origin, which have always been right beneath our feet. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast October 6, 2015.
Oct. 13, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E3 - Special Report: The Gonzales Enigma
Special Report: The Gonzales Enigma false Rate Corey Goode divulges never before exposed details concerning the extent of his contact with Lt. Colonel Gonzales and how they work together to assist the Sphere Being Alliance. The qualities which makes Gonzales and Corey ideally suited for working with the Sphere Beings may reside within you as well.
Oct. 20, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E4 - Breakaway Begins
Corey Goode describes the inception of the great military-industrial complex which endowed its power holders with the capability to form the first breakaway civilizations. He tells how advancement in early space-bound technology put unprecedented power in the hands of a few who wasted no time in acquiring even more power. Operations Paperclip and Highjump were just two of the initial steps which led to the consolidation of technology corporations that became known collectively as the military-industrial complex. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast...
Oct. 27, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E5 - Raiders of Lost Technology
At last, Corey Goode exposes the secret source of information which enabled German scientists to construct the first space-bound vehicles. Long ago, in an ancient and forbidden land, arcane secrets were hidden away lest they fall into nefarious hands. But these secrets would not remain hidden forever. Led by their extraterrestrial contacts, members of German esoteric societies and Nazis daringly trekked deep into the Himalayas to discover the secrets that would launch humanity into space. This presentation was originally webcast October 27, 2015.
Nov. 3, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E6 - We Were Never Alone
The CIA becomes aware that Hazmi and Mihdhar are gone and must relay that to the FBI. O'Neill accepts a job as head of security at the World Trade Center. Soufan is sent back to Yemen. Hazmi, Mihdhar and Atta head to Vegas for a final indulgence.
Nov. 10, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E7 - Remnants of Ancient Mars
Corey Goode narrates the events of early German explorers as they settled upon the Martian surface. He explains that long ago, Mars was a very different world. Once readily suited for life, now only scant traces of strange lifeforms roam among the bizarre ruins which dot its surface.
Nov. 17, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E8 - Finding Life on Mars
Mars is rife with life! Corey Goode reveals previously undisclosed details of the habitable zones on Mars and the various forms of life that can be found there. Barren stretches of land swath the surface of the red planet, as evidenced by the plethora of official photos released by NASA. But does it have to be completely lifeless? More than just evidence of ancient life, the first human settlers encountered many other forms of life; strange creatures well suited for the electro-magnetic disruptions which added unforeseen complications to the building-out of burgeoning...
Nov. 24, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E9 - Colonizing Mars
The expansion of infrastructure on Mars begins in earnest as Corey Goode recounts the clandestine forces which conspired to create the largest secret economic and military industrial complex in order to fortify and expand their growing assets on Mars.
Dec. 1, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E10 - Conquering the Solar System
With a solid base of operations on Mars, conquering the rest of the solar system would become just another step for the secret space program. New developments in propulsion systems enabled craft to take full advantage of the natural resources within the asteroid belt and distant moons.
Dec. 8, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E11 - Beyond the Limits of the Sun
It was only inevitable that an international corporate conglomerate would form to take full advantage of the windfall that lie untapped within the natural resources of our solar system and beyond the limits of the sun.
Dec. 15, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E12 - SSP Sciences
Corey Goode exposes the details you have been waiting for pertaining age regression, zero time reference, Project Looking Glass and more.
Dec. 22, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E13 - Viewer Questions Part 1
Corey Goode answers some of the most burning questions posed by you, the viewer.
Dec. 26, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E14 - The Threat from Artificial Intelligence
Continuing his discourse of disclosure, Corey Goode openly reveals the greatest threat shared by all intelligent life in our galaxy: the rampant spread of a virulent form of artificial intelligence. Long ago, before the birth of our sun, an ancient civilization reached its pinnacle and vanished as soon as it birthed the first forms of artificial intelligence into the universe. As the eons passed, this A.I. transformed itself into a signal which has spread throughout the cosmos, perpetuated by assimilating any forms of life it encounters.
Dec. 26, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E15 - Standing Guard against the A.I.
Corey Goode takes us deeper into the intricacies of the A.I. signal and how it seeks out those who can further its cause. We may not be able to halt the spread of this virulent infestation, but we can hinder its progress, and a coalition of forces are gathering to do just that. But proponents of transhumanism and the development of new forms of interfaces between computers and brains make resisting the A.I. threat all the more challenging. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast December 26, 2015.
Dec. 26, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E16 - New Frontiers in the A.I. War
The war against the A.I. infestation has created a unified battlefront for the Secret Space Programs and the breakaway alliance. Thus, Earth's budding collaboration with the Sphere Beings becomes all the more crucial for advancing the principles of liberty and ascension.
Dec. 26, 2015, midnight 0.0
S2E17 - Viewer Questions Part 2
You raised the questions and Corey Goode has returned to answer them.